import { Placement } from 'popper.js'; import AbstractComponent from '../../globals/ts/abstract-component'; export default class Tooltip extends AbstractComponent { static readonly NAME: string; protected static readonly DATA_KEY: string; protected static readonly EVENT_KEY: string; private static readonly CLASS_NAME; private static readonly NJCLS_PREFIX_REGEX; private static readonly DEFAULT_TYPE; private static readonly ATTACHMENT_MAP; static readonly DEFAULT_OPTIONS: { animation: boolean; template: string; trigger: string; title: string; delay: number; html: boolean; selector: boolean; placement: string; offset: number; container: boolean; fallbackPlacement: string; boundary: string; arrow: boolean; }; private static readonly HOVER_STATE; private static readonly EVENT; static readonly SELECTOR: { default: string; inner: string; arrow: string; tooltip: string; }; private static readonly TRIGGER; private isEnabled; timeout: number; hoverState: string; activeTrigger: any; private popper; private tip; constructor(element: HTMLElement, options?: {}); enable(): void; disable(): void; toggleEnabled(): void; toggle(event: any): void; dispose(): void; show(): void; hide(callback?: () => never): void; update(): void; isWithContent(): boolean; addAttachmentClass(attachment: any): void; /** * Set attribute on element or its first children if it has * a `data-tooltip-wrapper` which is the case in the React library. */ toggleAriaDescribedby(value: boolean, id?: string): void; getTipElement(): HTMLElement | null; setContent(): void; setElementContent(element: any, content: any): void; getTitle(): string; getContainer(): Element; private setListeners; private fixTitle; enter(event: any, context?: any): void; leave(event: any, context?: any): void; isWithActiveTrigger(): boolean; private static getOptions; private getDelegateConfig; private cleanTipClass; private handlePopperPlacementChange; private fixTransition; static getAttachment(placement: any): Placement; static getInstance(element: HTMLElement): Tooltip; static init(): []; }