import './auto-init'; import Alert from './components/alert'; import AutocompleteInput from './components/autocomplete-input'; import Checkbox from './components/checkbox'; import Collapse from './components/collapse'; import Dropdown from './components/dropdown'; import Fab from './components/fab'; import Form from './components/form'; import Header from './components/header'; import InlineMessage from './components/inline-message'; import Modal from './components/modal'; import Navbar from './components/navbar'; import Password from './components/password'; import Radio from './components/radio'; import SegmentedControl from './components/segmented-control'; import Select from './components/select'; import SelectInput from './components/select-input'; import Sidebar from './components/sidebar'; import Slider from './components/slider'; import Tab from './components/tab'; import Tag from './components/tag'; import Tooltip from './components/tooltip'; /** * Main class of Fluid Design System library */ export default class NJ { private static readonly AUTOINIT_COMPONENTS; static readonly Alert: typeof Alert; static readonly Checkbox: typeof Checkbox; static readonly Collapse: typeof Collapse; static readonly Dropdown: typeof Dropdown; static readonly Fab: typeof Fab; static readonly Form: typeof Form; static readonly Header: typeof Header; static readonly InlineMessage: typeof InlineMessage; static readonly Modal: typeof Modal; static readonly Navbar: typeof Navbar; static readonly Radio: typeof Radio; static readonly Select: typeof Select; static readonly Sidebar: typeof Sidebar; static readonly Slider: typeof Slider; static readonly Tab: typeof Tab; static readonly Tag: typeof Tag; static readonly Tooltip: typeof Tooltip; static readonly Password: typeof Password; static readonly SelectInput: typeof SelectInput; static readonly AutocompleteInput: typeof AutocompleteInput; /** * Initialize the components listed in the AUTOINIT_COMPONENTS variable */ static AutoInit(): void; } export { Alert, Checkbox, Collapse, Dropdown, Fab, Form, Header, InlineMessage, Modal, Navbar, Password, Radio, Select, Sidebar, Slider, Tab, Tag, Tooltip, AutocompleteInput, SelectInput, SegmentedControl }; declare global { interface Window { NJ: any; Tooltip: Tooltip; } }