// Type definitions for ui/ImageItem import * as React from "react"; import { ForwardRefProps as ui_ForwardRef_ForwardRefProps } from "@enact/ui/ForwardRef"; type Omit = Pick>; type Merge = Omit> & N; export interface ImageItemBaseProps { /** * The caption displayed with the image. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Called with a reference to the root component. * * When using , the `ref` prop is forwarded to this component as `componentRef` . */ componentRef?: object | Function; /** * Customizes the component by mapping the supplied collection of CSS class names to the corresponding internal elements and states of this component. * * The following classes are supported: * * `imageItem` - The root component class * * `caption` - The caption component class * * `horizontal` - Applied when `orientation="horizontal" * * `image` - The image component class * * `selected` - Applied when `selected` prop is `true` * * `vertical` - Applied when `orientation="vertical" */ css?: object; /** * The component used to render the image component. */ imageComponent?: React.ComponentType | JSX.Element; /** * The layout orientation of the component. */ orientation?: "horizontal" | "vertical"; /** * A placeholder image to be displayed before the image is loaded. */ placeholder?: string; /** * Applies a selected visual effect to the image. */ selected?: boolean; /** * String value or Object of values used to determine which image will appear on a specific screenSize. */ src?: string | object; } /** * A basic image item without any behavior. */ export class ImageItemBase extends React.Component< Merge, ImageItemBaseProps> > {} export interface ImageItemDecoratorProps extends ui_ForwardRef_ForwardRefProps {} export function ImageItemDecorator

( Component: React.ComponentType

| string ): React.ComponentType

; export interface ImageItemProps extends Omit< Merge, "componentRef" > {} /** * A minimally styled ImageItem ready for customization by a theme. */ export class ImageItem extends React.Component< Merge, ImageItemProps> > {} export default ImageItem;