import '@emanon/ema-icon'; import { BaseElement } from '@emanon/shared/components/base'; import { customElement } from '@emanon/shared/decorators/custom-element'; import { when } from '@emanon/shared/directives/when'; import { html, property } from 'lit-element'; import { style } from './index.gen.css'; /** * ## Overall * Used to notify users of information with menu style. * * @cssprop [--ema-c-menu-bgColor-primary=linear-gradient(90deg, #80a6ea, #5289ea)] Background color of 'primary'. * @cssprop [--ema-c-menu-bgColor-dark=lineaar-gradient(90deg, #80888f, #80888f)] Background color of 'dark'. * @cssprop [--ema-c-menu-bgColor-danger=lineaar-gradient(90deg, #ff8080, #f33)] Background color of 'danger'. * @cssprop [--ema-c-menu-borderColor-primary=#5289ea] Border color of 'primary'. * @cssprop [--ema-c-menu-borderColor-dark=#80888f] Border color of 'dark'. * @cssprop [--ema-c-menu-borderColor-danger=#f33] Border color of 'danger'. */ @customElement('ema-menu') export class Menu extends BaseElement { @property({ type: String }) name = ''; @property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) opened = false; @property({ type: String, reflect: true }) color: 'primary' | 'dark' | 'danger' = 'primary'; @property({ type: String, reflect: true }) type: 'normal' | 'ghost' = 'normal'; @property({ type: String, reflect: true }) size: 'small' | 'large' = 'large'; @property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) disabled = false; static get styles() { return [super.styles, style]; } constructor() { super(); } render() { const { name, opened } = this; return html`
${when( opened, () => html` `, () => html` ` )}
`; } private handleButtonTap = (e: Event) => { if (this.disabled) { e.stopPropagation(); return; } /** Fires when menu has tapped. Accept to toggle. */ this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('request-toggle', { detail: { accept: () => (this.opened = !this.opened) }, bubbles: true, composed: true }) ); }; }