import Flicking, { clamp, EVENTS } from "@egjs/flicking"; import type { MoveEndEvent, MoveEvent, MoveStartEvent, Plugin, WillChangeEvent, SelectEvent } from "@egjs/flicking"; import { SYNC } from "./const"; import { addClass, removeClass } from "./utils"; /** * @property {string} [type="camera"] Types of methods to synchronize between Flickings. "camera" will sync by camera position, and "index" will sync by panel index * @property {SychronizableFlickingOptions} [synchronizedFlickingOptions=[]] Detailed options for syncing Flickings. */ export interface SyncOptions { type: typeof SYNC.TYPE.CAMERA | typeof SYNC.TYPE.INDEX; synchronizedFlickingOptions: SychronizableFlickingOptions[]; } /** * @property {Flicking} flicking An instance of Flicking to sync * @property {boolean} [isClickable=false] By enabling this option, clicking the given Flicking's panel will change the given & other Flicking's index * @property {boolean} [isSlidable=false] By enabling this option, the given Flicking's scroll with mouse/touch input will change other Flicking's index. Only available for the index type * @property {string | undefined} [activeClass=undefined] An extra class for the panels when selected */ export interface SychronizableFlickingOptions { flicking: Flicking; isClickable?: boolean; isSlidable?: boolean; activeClass?: string; } /** * Plugin for synchronizing multiple flickings * @ko 다양한 형태로 Flicking들이 같이 움직이게 할 수 있습니다. * @memberof Flicking.Plugins */ class Sync implements Plugin { /* Internal Values */ private _flicking: Flicking | null = null; /* Options */ private _type: SyncOptions["type"]; private _synchronizedFlickingOptions: SyncOptions["synchronizedFlickingOptions"]; public get type() { return this._type; } public get synchronizedFlickingOptions() { return this._synchronizedFlickingOptions; } public set type(val: SyncOptions["type"]) { this._type = val; } public set synchronizedFlickingOptions(val: SyncOptions["synchronizedFlickingOptions"]) { this._synchronizedFlickingOptions = val; } /** */ public constructor({ type = SYNC.TYPE.CAMERA, synchronizedFlickingOptions = [] }: Partial = {}) { this._type = type; this._synchronizedFlickingOptions = synchronizedFlickingOptions; } public init(flicking: Flicking): void { const synced = this._synchronizedFlickingOptions; if (this._flicking) { this.destroy(); } this._flicking = flicking; this._addEvents(); synced.forEach(options => { const { flicking: syncedFlicking } = options; this._updateClass(options, syncedFlicking.defaultIndex); }); } public destroy(): void { const flicking = this._flicking; if (!flicking) { return; } this._removeEvents(); this._flicking = null; } public update(): void { this._synchronizedFlickingOptions.forEach(options => { this._updateClass(options, options.flicking.index); }); } private _preventEvent(fn: () => void) { this._removeEvents(); fn(); this._addEvents(); } private _addEvents = (): void => { const type = this._type; const synced = this._synchronizedFlickingOptions; synced.forEach(({ flicking, isSlidable, isClickable }) => { if (type === SYNC.TYPE.CAMERA) { flicking.on(EVENTS.MOVE, this._onMove); flicking.on(EVENTS.MOVE_START, this._onMoveStart); flicking.on(EVENTS.MOVE_END, this._onMoveEnd); } if (type === SYNC.TYPE.INDEX && isSlidable) { flicking.on(EVENTS.WILL_CHANGE, this._onIndexChange); flicking.on(EVENTS.WILL_RESTORE, this._onIndexChange); } if (isClickable) { flicking.on(EVENTS.SELECT, this._onSelect); } }); }; private _removeEvents = (): void => { const type = this._type; const synced = this._synchronizedFlickingOptions; synced.forEach(({ flicking, isSlidable, isClickable }) => { if (type === SYNC.TYPE.CAMERA) {, this._onMove);, this._onMoveStart);, this._onMoveEnd); } if (type === SYNC.TYPE.INDEX && isSlidable) {, this._onIndexChange);, this._onIndexChange); } if (isClickable) {, this._onSelect); } }); }; private _onIndexChange = (e: WillChangeEvent): void => { const flicking = e.currentTarget; if (!flicking.initialized) { return; } this._synchronizeByIndex(flicking, e.index); }; private _onMove = (e: MoveEvent): void => { const camera =; const progress = (camera.position - camera.range.min) / camera.rangeDiff; this._synchronizedFlickingOptions.forEach(({ flicking }) => { if (flicking === e.currentTarget) return; let targetPosition = 0; if (camera.position < camera.range.min) { targetPosition = camera.position; } else if (camera.position > camera.range.max) { targetPosition = + camera.position - camera.range.max; } else { targetPosition = + * progress; } void; }); }; private _onMoveStart = (e: MoveStartEvent): void => { this._synchronizedFlickingOptions.forEach(({ flicking }) => { if (flicking !== e.currentTarget) { flicking.disableInput(); } }); }; private _onMoveEnd = (e: MoveEndEvent): void => { this._synchronizedFlickingOptions.forEach(({ flicking }) => { if (flicking !== e.currentTarget) { flicking.enableInput(); flicking.control.updateInput(); } }); }; private _onSelect = (e: SelectEvent): void => { void e.currentTarget.moveTo(e.index).catch(() => void 0); this._synchronizeByIndex(e.currentTarget, e.index); }; private _synchronizeByIndex = (activeFlicking: Flicking, index: number): void => { const synchronizedFlickingOptions = this._synchronizedFlickingOptions; this._preventEvent(() => { synchronizedFlickingOptions.forEach(options => { // Active class should be applied same to the Flicking which triggered event this._updateClass(options, index); const { flicking } = options; if (flicking === activeFlicking) return; const targetIndex = clamp(index, 0, flicking.panels.length); if (flicking.animating) { // Reserve moveTo once previous animation is finished flicking.once(EVENTS.MOVE_END, () => { void flicking.moveTo(targetIndex).catch(() => void 0); }); } else { void flicking.moveTo(targetIndex); } }); }); }; private _updateClass = ({ flicking, activeClass }: SychronizableFlickingOptions, index: number): void => { if (!activeClass) return; flicking.panels.forEach(panel => { if (panel.index === index) { addClass(panel.element, activeClass); } else { removeClass(panel.element, activeClass); } }); }; } export default Sync;