import Flicking, { EVENTS, Plugin, DIRECTION } from "@egjs/flicking"; interface AutoPlayOptions { duration: number; animationDuration: number | undefined; direction: typeof DIRECTION["NEXT"] | typeof DIRECTION["PREV"]; stopOnHover: boolean; delayAfterHover: number; } /** * Plugin that allow you to automatically move to the next/previous panel, on a specific time basis * @ko 일정 시간마다, 자동으로 다음/이전 패널로 넘어가도록 할 수 있는 플러그인 * @memberof Flicking.Plugins */ class AutoPlay implements Plugin { /* Options */ private _duration: AutoPlayOptions["duration"]; private _animationDuration: AutoPlayOptions["animationDuration"]; private _direction: AutoPlayOptions["direction"]; private _stopOnHover: AutoPlayOptions["stopOnHover"]; private _delayAfterHover: AutoPlayOptions["delayAfterHover"]; /* Internal Values */ private _flicking: Flicking | null = null; private _timerId = 0; private _mouseEntered = false; private _playing = false; public get duration() { return this._duration; } public get animationDuration() { return this._animationDuration; } public get direction() { return this._direction; } public get stopOnHover() { return this._stopOnHover; } public get delayAfterHover() { return this._delayAfterHover; } public get playing() { return this._playing; } public set duration(val: number) { this._duration = val; } public set animationDuration(val: number | undefined) { this._animationDuration = val; } public set direction(val: AutoPlayOptions["direction"]) { this._direction = val; } public set stopOnHover(val: boolean) { this._stopOnHover = val; } public set delayAfterHover(val: number) { this._delayAfterHover = val; } /** * @param {AutoPlayOptions} options Options for the AutoPlay instance.AutoPlay 옵션 * @param {number} options.duration Time to wait before moving on to the next panel.다음 패널로 움직이기까지 대기 시간 * @param {number | undefined} options.animationDuration Duration of animation of moving to the next panel. If undefined, duration option of the Flicking instance is used instead.패널이 움직이는 애니메이션의 지속 시간, undefined라면 Flicking 인스턴스의 duration 값을 사용한다 * @param {"PREV" | "NEXT"} options.direction The direction in which the panel moves.패널이 움직이는 방향 * @param {boolean} options.stopOnHover Whether to stop when mouse hover upon the element.엘리먼트에 마우스를 올렸을 때 AutoPlay를 정지할지 여부 * @param {number} options.delayAfterHover If stopOnHover is true, the amount of time to wait before moving on to the next panel when mouse leaves the element.stopOnHover를 사용한다면 마우스가 엘리먼트로부터 나간 뒤 다음 패널로 움직이기까지 대기 시간 * @example * ```ts * flicking.addPlugins(new AutoPlay({ duration: 2000, direction: "NEXT" })); * ``` */ public constructor({ duration = 2000, animationDuration = undefined, direction = DIRECTION.NEXT, stopOnHover = false, delayAfterHover }: Partial = {}) { this._duration = duration; this._animationDuration = animationDuration; this._direction = direction; this._stopOnHover = stopOnHover; this._delayAfterHover = delayAfterHover ?? duration; } public init(flicking: Flicking): void { if (this._flicking) { this.destroy(); } flicking.on({ [EVENTS.MOVE_START]: this.stop, [EVENTS.HOLD_START]: this.stop, [EVENTS.MOVE_END]:, [EVENTS.SELECT]: }); this._flicking = flicking; if (this._stopOnHover) { const targetEl = this._flicking.element; targetEl.addEventListener("mouseenter", this._onMouseEnter, false); targetEl.addEventListener("mouseleave", this._onMouseLeave, false); }; } public destroy(): void { const flicking = this._flicking; this._mouseEntered = false; this.stop(); if (!flicking) { return; }, this.stop);, this.stop);,;,; const targetEl = flicking.element; targetEl.removeEventListener("mouseenter", this._onMouseEnter, false); targetEl.removeEventListener("mouseleave", this._onMouseLeave, false); this._flicking = null; } public update(): void { // DO-NOTHING } public play = () => { this._movePanel(this._duration); }; public stop = () => { this._playing = false; clearTimeout(this._timerId); }; private _movePanel(duration: number): void { const flicking = this._flicking; const direction = this._direction; if (!flicking) { return; } this.stop(); if (this._mouseEntered || flicking.animating) { return; } this._playing = true; this._timerId = window.setTimeout(() => { if (direction === DIRECTION.NEXT) { => void 0); } else { flicking.prev(this._animationDuration).catch(() => void 0); }; }, duration); } private _onMouseEnter = () => { this._mouseEntered = true; this.stop(); }; private _onMouseLeave = () => { this._mouseEntered = false; this._movePanel(this._delayAfterHover); }; } export default AutoPlay;