declare type CustomMethodDecorator = (target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor) => TypedPropertyDescriptor | void; export interface ComponentDecorator { (opts?: ComponentOptions): ClassDecorator; } export interface ComponentOptions { /** * Tag name of the web component. Ideally, the tag name must be globally unique, * so it's recommended to choose an unique prefix for all your components within the same collection. * * In addition, tag name must contain a '-' */ tag: string; /** * If `true`, the component will use scoped stylesheets. Similar to shadow-dom, * but without native isolation. Defaults to `false`. */ scoped?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the component will use native shadow-dom encapsulation, it will fallback to * `scoped` if the browser does not support shadow-dom natively. Defaults to `false`. * Additionally, `shadow` can also be given options when attaching the shadow root. */ shadow?: boolean | ShadowRootOptions; /** * Relative URL to some external stylesheet file. It should be a `.css` file unless some * external plugin is installed like `@stencil/sass`. */ styleUrl?: string; /** * Similar as `styleUrl` but allows to specify different stylesheets for different modes. */ styleUrls?: string[] | ModeStyles; /** * String that contains inlined CSS instead of using an external stylesheet. * The performance characteristics of this feature are the same as using an external stylesheet. * * Notice, you can't use sass, or less, only `css` is allowed using `styles`, use `styleUrl` is you need more advanced features. */ styles?: string | { [modeName: string]: any; }; /** * Array of relative links to folders of assets required by the component. */ assetsDirs?: string[]; } export interface ShadowRootOptions { /** * When set to `true`, specifies behavior that mitigates custom element issues * around focusability. When a non-focusable part of the shadow DOM is clicked, the first * focusable part is given focus, and the shadow host is given any available `:focus` styling. */ delegatesFocus?: boolean; } export interface ModeStyles { [modeName: string]: string | string[]; } export interface PropDecorator { (opts?: PropOptions): PropertyDecorator; } export interface PropOptions { /** * The name of the associated DOM attribute. * Stencil uses different heuristics to determine the default name of the attribute, * but using this property, you can override the default behaviour. */ attribute?: string | null; /** * A Prop is _by default_ immutable from inside the component logic. * Once a value is set by a user, the component cannot update it internally. * However, it's possible to explicitly allow a Prop to be mutated from inside the component, * by setting this `mutable` option to `true`. */ mutable?: boolean; /** * In some cases it may be useful to keep a Prop in sync with an attribute. * In this case you can set the `reflect` option to `true`, since it defaults to `false`: */ reflect?: boolean; } export interface MethodDecorator { (opts?: MethodOptions): CustomMethodDecorator; } export interface MethodOptions { } export interface ElementDecorator { (): PropertyDecorator; } export interface EventDecorator { (opts?: EventOptions): PropertyDecorator; } export interface EventOptions { /** * A string custom event name to override the default. */ eventName?: string; /** * A Boolean indicating whether the event bubbles up through the DOM or not. */ bubbles?: boolean; /** * A Boolean indicating whether the event is cancelable. */ cancelable?: boolean; /** * A Boolean value indicating whether or not the event can bubble across the boundary between the shadow DOM and the regular DOM. */ composed?: boolean; } export interface ListenDecorator { (eventName: string, opts?: ListenOptions): CustomMethodDecorator; } export interface ListenOptions { /** * Handlers can also be registered for an event other than the host itself. * The `target` option can be used to change where the event listener is attached, * this is useful for listening to application-wide events. */ target?: ListenTargetOptions; /** * Event listener attached with `@Listen` does not "capture" by default, * When a event listener is set to "capture", means the event will be dispatched * during the "capture phase". Please see * for further information. */ capture?: boolean; /** * By default, Stencil uses several heuristics to determine if * it must attach a `passive` event listener or not. * * Using the `passive` option can be used to change the default behaviour. * Please see for further information. */ passive?: boolean; } export declare type ListenTargetOptions = 'body' | 'document' | 'window'; export interface StateDecorator { (): PropertyDecorator; } export interface WatchDecorator { (propName: string): CustomMethodDecorator; } export interface UserBuildConditionals { isDev: boolean; isBrowser: boolean; isServer: boolean; isTesting: boolean; } /** * The `Build` object provides many build conditionals that can be used to * include or exclude code depending on the build. */ export declare const Build: UserBuildConditionals; /** * The `Env` object provides access to the "env" object declared in the project's `stencil.config.ts`. */ export declare const Env: { [prop: string]: string | undefined; }; /** * The `@Component()` decorator is used to provide metadata about the component class. * */ export declare const Component: ComponentDecorator; /** * The `@Element()` decorator is a reference to the actual host element * once it has rendered. */ export declare const Element: ElementDecorator; /** * Components can emit data and events using the Event Emitter decorator. * To dispatch Custom DOM events for other components to handle, use the * `@Event()` decorator. The Event decorator also makes it easier for Stencil * to automatically build types and documentation for the event data. * */ export declare const Event: EventDecorator; /** * The `Listen()` decorator is for listening DOM events, including the ones * dispatched from `@Events()`. * */ export declare const Listen: ListenDecorator; /** * The `@Method()` decorator is used to expose methods on the public API. * Class methods decorated with the @Method() decorator can be called directly * from the element, meaning they are intended to be callable from the outside. * */ export declare const Method: MethodDecorator; /** * Props are custom attribute/properties exposed publicly on the element * that developers can provide values for. Children components do not need to * know about or reference parent components, so Props can be used to pass * data down from the parent to the child. Components need to explicitly * declare the Props they expect to receive using the `@Prop()` decorator. * Any value changes to a Prop will cause a re-render. * */ export declare const Prop: PropDecorator; /** * The `@State()` decorator can be used to manage internal data for a component. * This means that a user cannot modify this data from outside the component, * but the component can modify it however it sees fit. Any value changes to a * `@State()` property will cause the components render function to be called again. * */ export declare const State: StateDecorator; /** * When a property's value has changed, a method decorated with `@Watch()` will be * called and passed the new value of the prop along with the old value. Watch is * useful for validating props or handling side effects. Watch decorator does not * fire when a component initially loads. * */ export declare const Watch: WatchDecorator; export declare type ResolutionHandler = (elm: HTMLElement) => string | undefined | null; export declare type ErrorHandler = (err: any, element?: HTMLElement) => void; /** * `setMode()` is used for libraries which provide multiple "modes" for styles. */ export declare const setMode: (handler: ResolutionHandler) => void; /** * `getMode()` is used for libraries which provide multiple "modes" for styles. * @param ref a reference to the node to get styles for * @returns the current mode or undefined, if not found */ export declare function getMode(ref: any): T; export declare function setPlatformHelpers(helpers: { jmp?: (c: any) => any; raf?: (c: any) => number; ael?: (el: any, eventName: string, listener: any, options: any) => void; rel?: (el: any, eventName: string, listener: any, options: any) => void; ce?: (eventName: string, opts?: any) => any; }): void; /** * Get the base path to where the assets can be found. Use `setAssetPath(path)` * if the path needs to be customized. * @param path the path to use in calculating the asset path. this value will be * used in conjunction with the base asset path * @returns the base path */ export declare function getAssetPath(path: string): string; /** * Used to manually set the base path where assets can be found. For lazy-loaded * builds the asset path is automatically set and assets copied to the correct * build directory. However, for custom elements builds, the `setAssetPath(path)` could * be used to customize the asset path depending on how the script file is consumed. * If the script is used as "module", it's recommended to use "import.meta.url", such * as `setAssetPath(import.meta.url)`. Other options include * `setAssetPath(document.currentScript.src)`, or using a bundler's replace plugin to * dynamically set the path at build time, such as `setAssetPath(process.env.ASSET_PATH)`. * But do note that this configuration depends on how your script is bundled, or lack of * bundling, and where your assets can be loaded from. Additionally custom bundling * will have to ensure the static assets are copied to its build directory. * @param path the asset path to set * @returns the set path */ export declare function setAssetPath(path: string): string; /** * Retrieve a Stencil element for a given reference * @param ref the ref to get the Stencil element for * @returns a reference to the element */ export declare function getElement(ref: any): HTMLStencilElement; /** * Schedules a new render of the given instance or element even if no state changed. * * Notice `forceUpdate()` is not synchronous and might perform the DOM render in the next frame. * * @param ref the node/element to force the re-render of */ export declare function forceUpdate(ref: any): void; /** * getRenderingRef * @returns the rendering ref */ export declare function getRenderingRef(): any; export interface HTMLStencilElement extends HTMLElement { componentOnReady(): Promise; } /** * Schedules a DOM-write task. The provided callback will be executed * in the best moment to perform DOM mutation without causing layout thrashing. * * For further information: * * @param task the DOM-write to schedule */ export declare function writeTask(task: RafCallback): void; /** * Schedules a DOM-read task. The provided callback will be executed * in the best moment to perform DOM reads without causing layout thrashing. * * For further information: * * @param task the DOM-read to schedule */ export declare function readTask(task: RafCallback): void; /** * `setErrorHandler()` can be used to inject a custom global error handler. * Unhandled exception raised while rendering, during event handling, or lifecycles will trigger the custom event handler. */ export declare const setErrorHandler: (handler: ErrorHandler) => void; /** * This file gets copied to all distributions of stencil component collections. * - no imports */ export interface ComponentWillLoad { /** * The component is about to load and it has not * rendered yet. * * This is the best place to make any data updates * before the first render. * * componentWillLoad will only be called once. */ componentWillLoad(): Promise | void; } export interface ComponentDidLoad { /** * The component has loaded and has already rendered. * * Updating data in this method will cause the * component to re-render. * * componentDidLoad will only be called once. */ componentDidLoad(): void; } export interface ComponentWillUpdate { /** * The component is about to update and re-render. * * Called multiple times throughout the life of * the component as it updates. * * componentWillUpdate is not called on the first render. */ componentWillUpdate(): Promise | void; } export interface ComponentDidUpdate { /** * The component has just re-rendered. * * Called multiple times throughout the life of * the component as it updates. * * componentWillUpdate is not called on the * first render. */ componentDidUpdate(): void; } export interface ComponentInterface { connectedCallback?(): void; disconnectedCallback?(): void; componentWillRender?(): Promise | void; componentDidRender?(): void; /** * The component is about to load and it has not * rendered yet. * * This is the best place to make any data updates * before the first render. * * componentWillLoad will only be called once. */ componentWillLoad?(): Promise | void; /** * The component has loaded and has already rendered. * * Updating data in this method will cause the * component to re-render. * * componentDidLoad will only be called once. */ componentDidLoad?(): void; /** * A `@Prop` or `@State` property changed and a rerender is about to be requested. * * Called multiple times throughout the life of * the component as its properties change. * * componentShouldUpdate is not called on the first render. */ componentShouldUpdate?(newVal: any, oldVal: any, propName: string): boolean | void; /** * The component is about to update and re-render. * * Called multiple times throughout the life of * the component as it updates. * * componentWillUpdate is not called on the first render. */ componentWillUpdate?(): Promise | void; /** * The component has just re-rendered. * * Called multiple times throughout the life of * the component as it updates. * * componentWillUpdate is not called on the * first render. */ componentDidUpdate?(): void; render?(): any; [memberName: string]: any; } export interface EventEmitter { emit: (data?: T) => CustomEvent; } export interface RafCallback { (timeStamp: number): void; } export interface QueueApi { tick: (cb: RafCallback) => void; read: (cb: RafCallback) => void; write: (cb: RafCallback) => void; clear?: () => void; flush?: (cb?: () => void) => void; } /** * Host */ interface HostAttributes { class?: string | { [className: string]: boolean; }; style?: { [key: string]: string | undefined; }; ref?: (el: HTMLElement | null) => void; [prop: string]: any; } export interface FunctionalUtilities { forEach: (children: VNode[], cb: (vnode: ChildNode, index: number, array: ChildNode[]) => void) => void; map: (children: VNode[], cb: (vnode: ChildNode, index: number, array: ChildNode[]) => ChildNode) => VNode[]; } export interface FunctionalComponent { (props: T, children: VNode[], utils: FunctionalUtilities): VNode | VNode[]; } export interface ChildNode { vtag?: string | number | Function; vkey?: string | number; vtext?: string; vchildren?: VNode[]; vattrs?: any; vname?: string; } /** * Host is a functional component can be used at the root of the render function * to set attributes and event listeners to the host element itself. * * For further information: */ export declare const Host: FunctionalComponent; /** * Fragment */ export declare const Fragment: FunctionalComponent<{}>; /** * The "h" namespace is used to import JSX types for elements and attributes. * It is imported in order to avoid conflicting global JSX issues. */ export declare namespace h { function h(sel: any): VNode; function h(sel: Node, data: VNodeData | null): VNode; function h(sel: any, data: VNodeData | null): VNode; function h(sel: any, text: string): VNode; function h(sel: any, children: Array): VNode; function h(sel: any, data: VNodeData | null, text: string): VNode; function h(sel: any, data: VNodeData | null, children: Array): VNode; function h(sel: any, data: VNodeData | null, children: VNode): VNode; namespace JSX { interface IntrinsicElements extends LocalJSX.IntrinsicElements, JSXBase.IntrinsicElements { [tagName: string]: any; } } } export declare function h(sel: any): VNode; export declare function h(sel: Node, data: VNodeData | null): VNode; export declare function h(sel: any, data: VNodeData | null): VNode; export declare function h(sel: any, text: string): VNode; export declare function h(sel: any, children: Array): VNode; export declare function h(sel: any, data: VNodeData | null, text: string): VNode; export declare function h(sel: any, data: VNodeData | null, children: Array): VNode; export declare function h(sel: any, data: VNodeData | null, children: VNode): VNode; export interface VNode { $flags$: number; $tag$: string | number | Function; $elm$: any; $text$: string; $children$: VNode[]; $attrs$?: any; $name$?: string; $key$?: string | number; } export interface VNodeData { class?: { [className: string]: boolean; }; style?: any; [attrName: string]: any; } declare namespace LocalJSX { interface Element { } interface IntrinsicElements { } } export { LocalJSX as JSX }; export declare namespace JSXBase { interface IntrinsicElements { slot: JSXBase.SlotAttributes; a: JSXBase.AnchorHTMLAttributes; abbr: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; address: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; area: JSXBase.AreaHTMLAttributes; article: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; aside: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; audio: JSXBase.AudioHTMLAttributes; b: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; base: JSXBase.BaseHTMLAttributes; bdi: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; bdo: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; big: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; blockquote: JSXBase.BlockquoteHTMLAttributes; body: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; br: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; button: JSXBase.ButtonHTMLAttributes; canvas: JSXBase.CanvasHTMLAttributes; caption: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; cite: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; code: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; col: JSXBase.ColHTMLAttributes; colgroup: JSXBase.ColgroupHTMLAttributes; data: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; datalist: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; dd: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; del: JSXBase.DelHTMLAttributes; details: JSXBase.DetailsHTMLAttributes; dfn: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; dialog: JSXBase.DialogHTMLAttributes; div: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; dl: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; dt: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; em: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; embed: JSXBase.EmbedHTMLAttributes; fieldset: JSXBase.FieldsetHTMLAttributes; figcaption: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; figure: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; footer: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; form: JSXBase.FormHTMLAttributes; h1: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; h2: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; h3: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; h4: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; h5: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; h6: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; head: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; header: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; hgroup: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; hr: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; html: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; i: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; iframe: JSXBase.IframeHTMLAttributes; img: JSXBase.ImgHTMLAttributes; input: JSXBase.InputHTMLAttributes; ins: JSXBase.InsHTMLAttributes; kbd: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; keygen: JSXBase.KeygenHTMLAttributes; label: JSXBase.LabelHTMLAttributes; legend: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; li: JSXBase.LiHTMLAttributes; link: JSXBase.LinkHTMLAttributes; main: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; map: JSXBase.MapHTMLAttributes; mark: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; menu: JSXBase.MenuHTMLAttributes; menuitem: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; meta: JSXBase.MetaHTMLAttributes; meter: JSXBase.MeterHTMLAttributes; nav: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; noscript: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; object: JSXBase.ObjectHTMLAttributes; ol: JSXBase.OlHTMLAttributes; optgroup: JSXBase.OptgroupHTMLAttributes; option: JSXBase.OptionHTMLAttributes; output: JSXBase.OutputHTMLAttributes; p: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; param: JSXBase.ParamHTMLAttributes; picture: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; pre: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; progress: JSXBase.ProgressHTMLAttributes; q: JSXBase.QuoteHTMLAttributes; rp: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; rt: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; ruby: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; s: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; samp: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; script: JSXBase.ScriptHTMLAttributes; section: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; select: JSXBase.SelectHTMLAttributes; small: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; source: JSXBase.SourceHTMLAttributes; span: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; strong: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; style: JSXBase.StyleHTMLAttributes; sub: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; summary: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; sup: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; table: JSXBase.TableHTMLAttributes; tbody: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; td: JSXBase.TdHTMLAttributes; textarea: JSXBase.TextareaHTMLAttributes; tfoot: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; th: JSXBase.ThHTMLAttributes; thead: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; time: JSXBase.TimeHTMLAttributes; title: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; tr: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; track: JSXBase.TrackHTMLAttributes; u: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; ul: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; var: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; video: JSXBase.VideoHTMLAttributes; wbr: JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; animate: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; circle: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; clipPath: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; defs: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; desc: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; ellipse: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feBlend: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feColorMatrix: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feComponentTransfer: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feComposite: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feConvolveMatrix: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feDiffuseLighting: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feDisplacementMap: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feDistantLight: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feDropShadow: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feFlood: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feFuncA: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feFuncB: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feFuncG: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feFuncR: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feGaussianBlur: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feImage: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feMerge: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feMergeNode: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feMorphology: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feOffset: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; fePointLight: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feSpecularLighting: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feSpotLight: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feTile: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; feTurbulence: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; filter: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; foreignObject: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; g: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; image: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; line: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; linearGradient: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; marker: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; mask: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; metadata: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; path: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; pattern: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; polygon: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; polyline: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; radialGradient: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; rect: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; stop: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; svg: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; switch: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; symbol: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; text: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; textPath: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; tspan: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; use: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; view: JSXBase.SVGAttributes; } interface SlotAttributes extends JSXAttributes { name?: string; slot?: string; onSlotchange?: (event: Event) => void; } interface AnchorHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { download?: any; href?: string; hrefLang?: string; hreflang?: string; media?: string; rel?: string; target?: string; referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy; } interface AudioHTMLAttributes extends MediaHTMLAttributes { } interface AreaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { alt?: string; coords?: string; download?: any; href?: string; hrefLang?: string; hreflang?: string; media?: string; rel?: string; shape?: string; target?: string; } interface BaseHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { href?: string; target?: string; } interface BlockquoteHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { cite?: string; } interface ButtonHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { autoFocus?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; form?: string; formAction?: string; formaction?: string; formEncType?: string; formenctype?: string; formMethod?: string; formmethod?: string; formNoValidate?: boolean; formnovalidate?: boolean; formTarget?: string; formtarget?: string; name?: string; type?: string; value?: string | string[] | number; } interface CanvasHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { height?: number | string; width?: number | string; } interface ColHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { span?: number; } interface ColgroupHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { span?: number; } interface DetailsHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { open?: boolean; onToggle?: (event: Event) => void; } interface DelHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { cite?: string; dateTime?: string; datetime?: string; } interface DialogHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { onClose?: (event: Event) => void; open?: boolean; returnValue?: string; } interface EmbedHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { height?: number | string; src?: string; type?: string; width?: number | string; } interface FieldsetHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { disabled?: boolean; form?: string; name?: string; } interface FormHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { acceptCharset?: string; acceptcharset?: string; action?: string; autoComplete?: string; autocomplete?: string; encType?: string; enctype?: string; method?: string; name?: string; noValidate?: boolean; novalidate?: boolean | string; target?: string; } interface HtmlHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { manifest?: string; } interface IframeHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { allow?: string; allowFullScreen?: boolean; allowfullScreen?: string | boolean; allowTransparency?: boolean; allowtransparency?: string | boolean; frameBorder?: number | string; frameborder?: number | string; importance?: 'low' | 'auto' | 'high'; height?: number | string; loading?: 'lazy' | 'auto' | 'eager'; marginHeight?: number; marginheight?: string | number; marginWidth?: number; marginwidth?: string | number; name?: string; referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy; sandbox?: string; scrolling?: string; seamless?: boolean; src?: string; srcDoc?: string; srcdoc?: string; width?: number | string; } interface ImgHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { alt?: string; decoding?: 'async' | 'auto' | 'sync'; importance?: 'low' | 'auto' | 'high'; height?: number | string; loading?: 'lazy' | 'auto' | 'eager'; sizes?: string; src?: string; srcSet?: string; srcset?: string; useMap?: string; usemap?: string; width?: number | string; } interface InsHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { cite?: string; dateTime?: string; datetime?: string; } interface InputHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { accept?: string; allowdirs?: boolean; alt?: string; autoCapitalize?: any; autocapitalize?: any; autoComplete?: string; autocomplete?: string; autoFocus?: boolean; autofocus?: boolean | string; capture?: string; checked?: boolean; crossOrigin?: string; crossorigin?: string; defaultChecked?: boolean; defaultValue?: string; dirName?: string; disabled?: boolean; files?: any; form?: string; formAction?: string; formaction?: string; formEncType?: string; formenctype?: string; formMethod?: string; formmethod?: string; formNoValidate?: boolean; formnovalidate?: boolean; formTarget?: string; formtarget?: string; height?: number | string; indeterminate?: boolean; list?: string; max?: number | string; maxLength?: number; maxlength?: number | string; min?: number | string; minLength?: number; minlength?: number | string; multiple?: boolean; name?: string; pattern?: string; placeholder?: string; readOnly?: boolean; readonly?: boolean | string; required?: boolean; selectionStart?: number | string; selectionEnd?: number | string; selectionDirection?: string; size?: number; src?: string; step?: number | string; type?: string; value?: string | string[] | number; valueAsDate?: any; valueAsNumber?: any; webkitdirectory?: boolean; webkitEntries?: any; width?: number | string; } interface KeygenHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { autoFocus?: boolean; autofocus?: boolean | string; challenge?: string; disabled?: boolean; form?: string; keyType?: string; keytype?: string; keyParams?: string; keyparams?: string; name?: string; } interface LabelHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { form?: string; htmlFor?: string; htmlfor?: string; } interface LiHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { value?: string | string[] | number; } interface LinkHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { as?: string; href?: string; hrefLang?: string; hreflang?: string; importance?: 'low' | 'auto' | 'high'; integrity?: string; media?: string; rel?: string; sizes?: string; type?: string; } interface MapHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { name?: string; } interface MenuHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { type?: string; } interface MediaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { autoPlay?: boolean; autoplay?: boolean | string; controls?: boolean; crossOrigin?: string; crossorigin?: string; loop?: boolean; mediaGroup?: string; mediagroup?: string; muted?: boolean; preload?: string; src?: string; onAbort?: (event: Event) => void; onCanPlay?: (event: Event) => void; onCanPlayThrough?: (event: Event) => void; onDurationChange?: (event: Event) => void; onEmptied?: (event: Event) => void; onEnded?: (event: Event) => void; onError?: (event: Event) => void; onInterruptBegin?: (event: Event) => void; onInterruptEnd?: (event: Event) => void; onLoadedData?: (event: Event) => void; onLoadedMetaData?: (event: Event) => void; onLoadStart?: (event: Event) => void; onMozAudioAvailable?: (event: Event) => void; onPause?: (event: Event) => void; onPlay?: (event: Event) => void; onPlaying?: (event: Event) => void; onProgress?: (event: Event) => void; onRateChange?: (event: Event) => void; onSeeked?: (event: Event) => void; onSeeking?: (event: Event) => void; onStalled?: (event: Event) => void; onSuspend?: (event: Event) => void; onTimeUpdate?: (event: Event) => void; onVolumeChange?: (event: Event) => void; onWaiting?: (event: Event) => void; } interface MetaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { charSet?: string; charset?: string; content?: string; httpEquiv?: string; httpequiv?: string; name?: string; } interface MeterHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { form?: string; high?: number; low?: number; max?: number | string; min?: number | string; optimum?: number; value?: string | string[] | number; } interface QuoteHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { cite?: string; } interface ObjectHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { classID?: string; classid?: string; data?: string; form?: string; height?: number | string; name?: string; type?: string; useMap?: string; usemap?: string; width?: number | string; wmode?: string; } interface OlHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { reversed?: boolean; start?: number; } interface OptgroupHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { disabled?: boolean; label?: string; } interface OptionHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { disabled?: boolean; label?: string; selected?: boolean; value?: string | string[] | number; } interface OutputHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { form?: string; htmlFor?: string; htmlfor?: string; name?: string; } interface ParamHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { name?: string; value?: string | string[] | number; } interface ProgressHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { max?: number | string; value?: string | string[] | number; } interface ScriptHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { async?: boolean; charSet?: string; charset?: string; crossOrigin?: string; crossorigin?: string; defer?: boolean; importance?: 'low' | 'auto' | 'high'; integrity?: string; nonce?: string; src?: string; type?: string; } interface SelectHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { autoFocus?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; form?: string; multiple?: boolean; name?: string; required?: boolean; size?: number; autoComplete?: string; autocomplete?: string; } interface SourceHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { media?: string; sizes?: string; src?: string; srcSet?: string; type?: string; } interface StyleHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { media?: string; nonce?: string; scoped?: boolean; type?: string; } interface TableHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { cellPadding?: number | string; cellpadding?: number | string; cellSpacing?: number | string; cellspacing?: number | string; summary?: string; } interface TextareaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { autoFocus?: boolean; autofocus?: boolean | string; cols?: number; disabled?: boolean; form?: string; maxLength?: number; maxlength?: number | string; minLength?: number; minlength?: number | string; name?: string; placeholder?: string; readOnly?: boolean; readonly?: boolean | string; required?: boolean; rows?: number; value?: string | string[] | number; wrap?: string; } interface TdHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { colSpan?: number; headers?: string; rowSpan?: number; } interface ThHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { abbr?: string; colSpan?: number; headers?: string; rowSpan?: number; rowspan?: number | string; scope?: string; } interface TimeHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { dateTime?: string; } interface TrackHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes { default?: boolean; kind?: string; label?: string; src?: string; srcLang?: string; srclang?: string; } interface VideoHTMLAttributes extends MediaHTMLAttributes { height?: number | string; playsInline?: boolean; playsinline?: boolean | string; poster?: string; width?: number | string; } interface HTMLAttributes extends DOMAttributes { innerHTML?: string; accessKey?: string; class?: string | { [className: string]: boolean; }; contentEditable?: boolean | string; contenteditable?: boolean | string; contextMenu?: string; contextmenu?: string; dir?: string; draggable?: boolean; hidden?: boolean; id?: string; lang?: string; spellcheck?: 'true' | 'false' | any; style?: { [key: string]: string | undefined; }; tabIndex?: number; tabindex?: number | string; title?: string; inputMode?: string; inputmode?: string; enterKeyHint?: string; enterkeyhint?: string; is?: string; radioGroup?: string; radiogroup?: string; role?: string; about?: string; datatype?: string; inlist?: any; prefix?: string; property?: string; resource?: string; typeof?: string; vocab?: string; autoCapitalize?: any; autocapitalize?: any; autoCorrect?: string; autocorrect?: string; autoSave?: string; autosave?: string; color?: string; itemProp?: string; itemprop?: string; itemScope?: boolean; itemscope?: boolean; itemType?: string; itemtype?: string; itemID?: string; itemid?: string; itemRef?: string; itemref?: string; results?: number; security?: string; unselectable?: boolean; } interface SVGAttributes extends DOMAttributes { class?: string | { [className: string]: boolean; }; color?: string; height?: number | string; id?: string; lang?: string; max?: number | string; media?: string; method?: string; min?: number | string; name?: string; style?: { [key: string]: string | undefined; }; target?: string; type?: string; width?: number | string; role?: string; tabindex?: number; 'accent-height'?: number | string; accumulate?: 'none' | 'sum'; additive?: 'replace' | 'sum'; 'alignment-baseline'?: 'auto' | 'baseline' | 'before-edge' | 'text-before-edge' | 'middle' | 'central' | 'after-edge' | 'text-after-edge' | 'ideographic' | 'alphabetic' | 'hanging' | 'mathematical' | 'inherit'; allowReorder?: 'no' | 'yes'; alphabetic?: number | string; amplitude?: number | string; 'arabic-form'?: 'initial' | 'medial' | 'terminal' | 'isolated'; ascent?: number | string; attributeName?: string; attributeType?: string; autoReverse?: number | string; azimuth?: number | string; baseFrequency?: number | string; 'baseline-shift'?: number | string; baseProfile?: number | string; bbox?: number | string; begin?: number | string; bias?: number | string; by?: number | string; calcMode?: number | string; 'cap-height'?: number | string; clip?: number | string; 'clip-path'?: string; clipPathUnits?: number | string; 'clip-rule'?: number | string; 'color-interpolation'?: number | string; 'color-interpolation-filters'?: 'auto' | 's-rGB' | 'linear-rGB' | 'inherit'; 'color-profile'?: number | string; 'color-rendering'?: number | string; contentScriptType?: number | string; contentStyleType?: number | string; cursor?: number | string; cx?: number | string; cy?: number | string; d?: string; decelerate?: number | string; descent?: number | string; diffuseConstant?: number | string; direction?: number | string; display?: number | string; divisor?: number | string; 'dominant-baseline'?: number | string; dur?: number | string; dx?: number | string; dy?: number | string; 'edge-mode'?: number | string; elevation?: number | string; 'enable-background'?: number | string; end?: number | string; exponent?: number | string; externalResourcesRequired?: number | string; fill?: string; 'fill-opacity'?: number | string; 'fill-rule'?: 'nonzero' | 'evenodd' | 'inherit'; filter?: string; filterRes?: number | string; filterUnits?: number | string; 'flood-color'?: number | string; 'flood-opacity'?: number | string; focusable?: number | string; 'font-family'?: string; 'font-size'?: number | string; 'font-size-adjust'?: number | string; 'font-stretch'?: number | string; 'font-style'?: number | string; 'font-variant'?: number | string; 'font-weight'?: number | string; format?: number | string; from?: number | string; fx?: number | string; fy?: number | string; g1?: number | string; g2?: number | string; 'glyph-name'?: number | string; 'glyph-orientation-horizontal'?: number | string; 'glyph-orientation-vertical'?: number | string; glyphRef?: number | string; gradientTransform?: string; gradientUnits?: string; hanging?: number | string; 'horiz-adv-x'?: number | string; 'horiz-origin-x'?: number | string; href?: string; ideographic?: number | string; 'image-rendering'?: number | string; in2?: number | string; in?: string; intercept?: number | string; k1?: number | string; k2?: number | string; k3?: number | string; k4?: number | string; k?: number | string; kernelMatrix?: number | string; kernelUnitLength?: number | string; kerning?: number | string; keyPoints?: number | string; keySplines?: number | string; keyTimes?: number | string; lengthAdjust?: number | string; 'letter-spacing'?: number | string; 'lighting-color'?: number | string; limitingConeAngle?: number | string; local?: number | string; 'marker-end'?: string; markerHeight?: number | string; 'marker-mid'?: string; 'marker-start'?: string; markerUnits?: number | string; markerWidth?: number | string; mask?: string; maskContentUnits?: number | string; maskUnits?: number | string; mathematical?: number | string; mode?: number | string; numOctaves?: number | string; offset?: number | string; opacity?: number | string; operator?: number | string; order?: number | string; orient?: number | string; orientation?: number | string; origin?: number | string; overflow?: number | string; 'overline-position'?: number | string; 'overline-thickness'?: number | string; 'paint-order'?: number | string; panose1?: number | string; pathLength?: number | string; patternContentUnits?: string; patternTransform?: number | string; patternUnits?: string; 'pointer-events'?: number | string; points?: string; pointsAtX?: number | string; pointsAtY?: number | string; pointsAtZ?: number | string; preserveAlpha?: number | string; preserveAspectRatio?: string; primitiveUnits?: number | string; r?: number | string; radius?: number | string; refX?: number | string; refY?: number | string; 'rendering-intent'?: number | string; repeatCount?: number | string; repeatDur?: number | string; requiredextensions?: number | string; requiredFeatures?: number | string; restart?: number | string; result?: string; rotate?: number | string; rx?: number | string; ry?: number | string; scale?: number | string; seed?: number | string; 'shape-rendering'?: number | string; slope?: number | string; spacing?: number | string; specularConstant?: number | string; specularExponent?: number | string; speed?: number | string; spreadMethod?: string; startOffset?: number | string; stdDeviation?: number | string; stemh?: number | string; stemv?: number | string; stitchTiles?: number | string; 'stop-color'?: string; 'stop-opacity'?: number | string; 'strikethrough-position'?: number | string; 'strikethrough-thickness'?: number | string; string?: number | string; stroke?: string; 'stroke-dasharray'?: string | number; 'stroke-dashoffset'?: string | number; 'stroke-linecap'?: 'butt' | 'round' | 'square' | 'inherit'; 'stroke-linejoin'?: 'miter' | 'round' | 'bevel' | 'inherit'; 'stroke-miterlimit'?: string; 'stroke-opacity'?: number | string; 'stroke-width'?: number | string; surfaceScale?: number | string; systemLanguage?: number | string; tableValues?: number | string; targetX?: number | string; targetY?: number | string; 'text-anchor'?: string; 'text-decoration'?: number | string; textLength?: number | string; 'text-rendering'?: number | string; to?: number | string; transform?: string; u1?: number | string; u2?: number | string; 'underline-position'?: number | string; 'underline-thickness'?: number | string; unicode?: number | string; 'unicode-bidi'?: number | string; 'unicode-range'?: number | string; 'units-per-em'?: number | string; 'v-alphabetic'?: number | string; values?: string; 'vector-effect'?: number | string; version?: string; 'vert-adv-y'?: number | string; 'vert-origin-x'?: number | string; 'vert-origin-y'?: number | string; 'v-hanging'?: number | string; 'v-ideographic'?: number | string; viewBox?: string; viewTarget?: number | string; visibility?: number | string; 'v-mathematical'?: number | string; widths?: number | string; 'word-spacing'?: number | string; 'writing-mode'?: number | string; x1?: number | string; x2?: number | string; x?: number | string; 'x-channel-selector'?: string; 'x-height'?: number | string; xlinkActuate?: string; xlinkArcrole?: string; xlinkHref?: string; xlinkRole?: string; xlinkShow?: string; xlinkTitle?: string; xlinkType?: string; xmlBase?: string; xmlLang?: string; xmlns?: string; xmlSpace?: string; y1?: number | string; y2?: number | string; y?: number | string; yChannelSelector?: string; z?: number | string; zoomAndPan?: string; } interface DOMAttributes extends JSXAttributes { slot?: string; part?: string; exportparts?: string; onCopy?: (event: ClipboardEvent) => void; onCopyCapture?: (event: ClipboardEvent) => void; onCut?: (event: ClipboardEvent) => void; onCutCapture?: (event: ClipboardEvent) => void; onPaste?: (event: ClipboardEvent) => void; onPasteCapture?: (event: ClipboardEvent) => void; onCompositionEnd?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void; onCompositionEndCapture?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void; onCompositionStart?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void; onCompositionStartCapture?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void; onCompositionUpdate?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void; onCompositionUpdateCapture?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void; onFocus?: (event: FocusEvent) => void; onFocusCapture?: (event: FocusEvent) => void; onFocusin?: (event: FocusEvent) => void; onFocusinCapture?: (event: FocusEvent) => void; onFocusout?: (event: FocusEvent) => void; onFocusoutCapture?: (event: FocusEvent) => void; onBlur?: (event: FocusEvent) => void; onBlurCapture?: (event: FocusEvent) => void; onChange?: (event: Event) => void; onChangeCapture?: (event: Event) => void; onInput?: (event: Event) => void; onInputCapture?: (event: Event) => void; onReset?: (event: Event) => void; onResetCapture?: (event: Event) => void; onSubmit?: (event: Event) => void; onSubmitCapture?: (event: Event) => void; onInvalid?: (event: Event) => void; onInvalidCapture?: (event: Event) => void; onLoad?: (event: Event) => void; onLoadCapture?: (event: Event) => void; onError?: (event: Event) => void; onErrorCapture?: (event: Event) => void; onKeyDown?: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void; onKeyDownCapture?: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void; onKeyPress?: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void; onKeyPressCapture?: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void; onKeyUp?: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void; onKeyUpCapture?: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void; onAuxClick?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onClick?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onClickCapture?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onContextMenu?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onContextMenuCapture?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onDblClick?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onDblClickCapture?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onDrag?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragCapture?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragEnd?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragEndCapture?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragEnter?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragEnterCapture?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragExit?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragExitCapture?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragLeave?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragLeaveCapture?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragOver?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragOverCapture?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragStart?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDragStartCapture?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDrop?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onDropCapture?: (event: DragEvent) => void; onMouseDown?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseDownCapture?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseEnter?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseLeave?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseMove?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseMoveCapture?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseOut?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseOutCapture?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseOver?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseOverCapture?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseUp?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseUpCapture?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onTouchCancel?: (event: TouchEvent) => void; onTouchCancelCapture?: (event: TouchEvent) => void; onTouchEnd?: (event: TouchEvent) => void; onTouchEndCapture?: (event: TouchEvent) => void; onTouchMove?: (event: TouchEvent) => void; onTouchMoveCapture?: (event: TouchEvent) => void; onTouchStart?: (event: TouchEvent) => void; onTouchStartCapture?: (event: TouchEvent) => void; onPointerDown?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerDownCapture?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerMove?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerMoveCapture?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerUp?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerUpCapture?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerCancel?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerCancelCapture?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerEnter?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerEnterCapture?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerLeave?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerLeaveCapture?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerOver?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerOverCapture?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerOut?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onPointerOutCapture?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onGotPointerCapture?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onGotPointerCaptureCapture?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onLostPointerCapture?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onLostPointerCaptureCapture?: (event: PointerEvent) => void; onScroll?: (event: UIEvent) => void; onScrollCapture?: (event: UIEvent) => void; onWheel?: (event: WheelEvent) => void; onWheelCapture?: (event: WheelEvent) => void; onAnimationStart?: (event: AnimationEvent) => void; onAnimationStartCapture?: (event: AnimationEvent) => void; onAnimationEnd?: (event: AnimationEvent) => void; onAnimationEndCapture?: (event: AnimationEvent) => void; onAnimationIteration?: (event: AnimationEvent) => void; onAnimationIterationCapture?: (event: AnimationEvent) => void; onTransitionEnd?: (event: TransitionEvent) => void; onTransitionEndCapture?: (event: TransitionEvent) => void; } } export interface JSXAttributes { key?: string | number; ref?: (elm?: T) => void; } export interface CustomElementsDefineOptions { exclude?: string[]; resourcesUrl?: string; syncQueue?: boolean; transformTagName?: (tagName: string) => string; jmp?: (c: Function) => any; raf?: (c: FrameRequestCallback) => number; ael?: (el: EventTarget, eventName: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions) => void; rel?: (el: EventTarget, eventName: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions) => void; ce?: (eventName: string, opts?: any) => CustomEvent; }