import * as React from 'react'; export type PaymentCardCardStatus = 'active' | 'blocked' | 'expired'; export type PaymentCardVariant = 'normal' | 'compact'; export type PaymentCardDigits = string | number; /** * NB: Do not change the docs (comments) in here. The docs are updated during build time by "generateTypes.js" and "fetchPropertiesFromDocs.js". */ export interface PaymentCardRawData { productCode: string; productName: string; displayName: string; cardDesign: Object; cardType: Object; productType: Object; } export type PaymentCardSkeleton = string | boolean; export type PaymentCardSpace = | string | number | boolean | { /** * Use spacing values like: `small`, `1rem`, `1` or , `16px`. Will use `margin-top`. */ top?: string | number | boolean; /** * Use spacing values like: `small`, `1rem`, `1` or , `16px`. will use `margin-right`. */ right?: string | number | boolean; /** * Use spacing values like: `small`, `1rem`, `1` or , `16px`. will use `margin-bottom`. */ bottom?: string | number | boolean; /** * Use spacing values like: `small`, `1rem`, `1` or , `16px`. will use `margin-left`. */ left?: string | number | boolean; }; export type PaymentCardTop = string | number | boolean; export type PaymentCardRight = string | number | boolean; export type PaymentCardBottom = string | number | boolean; export type PaymentCardLeft = string | number | boolean; export type PaymentCardChildren = | string | React.ReactNode | ((...args: any[]) => any); /** * NB: Do not change the docs (comments) in here. The docs are updated during build time by "generateTypes.js" and "fetchPropertiesFromDocs.js". */ export interface PaymentCardProps extends React.HTMLProps { /** * (required) if product code matches one of the codes in the list the card will get that design, if no match is found Default design will be used. */ product_code: string; /** * Masked card number. */ card_number: string; /** * Use one of these: `active`, `blocked`, `expired`. Defaults to `active`. */ card_status?: PaymentCardCardStatus; /** * Defines the appearance. Use one of these: `normal` or `compact`. Defaults to `normal`. */ variant?: PaymentCardVariant; /** * Will use 8 digits if none are specified. */ digits?: PaymentCardDigits; /** * Useful if you want to create custom cards. See Card data properties. */ raw_data?: PaymentCardRawData; id?: string; /** * Use `nb-NO` or `en-GB`. Defaults to the Eufemia provider. */ locale?: string; /** * If set to `true`, an overlaying skeleton with animation will be shown. */ skeleton?: PaymentCardSkeleton; /** * Has to be an object with either: `top`, `right`, `bottom` or `left`. Use spacing values like: `small`, `1rem`, `1` or , `16px`. */ space?: PaymentCardSpace; /** * Use spacing values like: `small`, `1rem`, `1` or , `16px`. Will use `margin-top`. */ top?: PaymentCardTop; /** * Use spacing values like: `small`, `1rem`, `1` or , `16px`. will use `margin-right`. */ right?: PaymentCardRight; /** * Use spacing values like: `small`, `1rem`, `1` or , `16px`. will use `margin-bottom`. */ bottom?: PaymentCardBottom; /** * Use spacing values like: `small`, `1rem`, `1` or , `16px`. will use `margin-left`. */ left?: PaymentCardLeft; class?: string; className?: string; children?: PaymentCardChildren; } export default class PaymentCard extends React.Component< PaymentCardProps, any > { static defaultProps: object; render(): JSX.Element; }