import React from 'react'; import type { IconIcon } from '../icon/Icon'; import type { SpacingProps } from '../../shared/types'; import type { SkeletonShow } from '../skeleton/Skeleton'; export interface TagProps { /** * The content of the tag element, can be a string or a React Element. * Default: null */ text?: string | React.ReactNode; /** * Icon displaying on the left side * Default: null */ icon?: IconIcon; /** * If a label is given, typical inside a table or dl (definition list), then you can disable Tag.Group as a dependent of Tag. Use `true` to omit the `Tag group required:` warning. * Default: null */ hasLabel?: boolean; /** * Defines the variant * Default: 'default' */ variant?: 'default' | 'clickable' | 'addable' | 'removable'; /** * Custom className on the component root * Default: null */ className?: string; /** * Skeleton should be applied when loading content * Default: null */ skeleton?: SkeletonShow; /** * The content of the tag element, can be a string or a React Element. Will be overwritten by text prop * Default: null */ children?: string | React.ReactNode; /** * Handle the click event on 'tag' element * Default: null */ onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Handle the delete event on 'tag' element * Default: null * @deprecated Use `onClick` instead. With `variant='removable'` */ onDelete?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Handle the delete event on 'tag' element * Default: null */ omitOnKeyUpDeleteEvent?: boolean; /** * Internal property * Has translation in context */ removeIconTitle?: string; /** * Internal property * Has translation in context */ addIconTitle?: string; } export declare const defaultProps: { skeleton: any; omitOnKeyUpDeleteEvent: boolean; }; declare const Tag: { (localProps: TagProps & SpacingProps): import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; Group: { (localProps: import("./TagGroup").TagGroupProps & import("../space/types").SpacingElementProps & { space?: import("../space/types").SpaceTypeAll; innerSpace?: import("../space/types").SpaceTypeAll | import("../space/types").SpaceTypeMedia; }): import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; _supportsSpacingProps: boolean; }; _formElement: boolean; _supportsSpacingProps: boolean; }; export default Tag;