/** * Web Space Component * */ import React from 'react'; import { spacingPropTypes } from './SpacingHelper'; import type { DynamicElement, SpacingProps } from '../../shared/types'; import type { SkeletonShow } from '../Skeleton'; export { spacingPropTypes }; export type SpaceProps = { /** * Defines the HTML element used. * Default: div */ element?: DynamicElement; /** * If set to `true`, then `display: inline-block;` is used, so the HTML elements get aligned horizontally. Defaults to `false`. * Default: false */ inline?: boolean; /** * If set to `true`, then a wrapper with `display: flow-root;` is used. This way you avoid **Margin Collapsing**. Defaults to `false`. _Note:_ You can't use `inline={true}` in combination. * Default: false */ no_collapse?: boolean; /** * If set to `true`, then the space element will be 100% in `width`. * Default: false */ stretch?: boolean; /** * If set to `true`, a loading skeleton will be shown. * Default: false */ skeleton?: SkeletonShow; /** * Send along a custom React Ref. * Default: null */ innerRef?: React.RefObject; } & SpacingProps; export type SpaceAllProps = SpaceProps & Omit, 'ref'>; declare function Space(localProps: SpaceAllProps): import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; declare namespace Space { var _supportsSpacingProps: boolean; } export default Space;