{ "plugins": [ "esformatter-jsx" ], // this is the section this plugin will use to store the settings for the jsx formatting "jsx": { // by default is true if set to false it works the same as esformatter-jsx-ignore "formatJSX": true, // keep the node attributes on the same line as the open tag. Default is true. // Setting this to false will put each one of the attributes on a single line "attrsOnSameLineAsTag": false, // how many attributes should the node have before having to put each // attribute in a new line. Default 1 "maxAttrsOnTag": 1, // if the attributes are going to be put each one on its own line, then keep the first // on the same line as the open tag "firstAttributeOnSameLine": false, // default to one space. Make it empty if you don't like spaces between JSXExpressionContainers "spaceInJSXExpressionContainers": "", // align the attributes with the first attribute (if the first attribute was kept on the same line as on the open tag) "alignWithFirstAttribute": false, "htmlOptions": { // same as the ones passed to js-beautifier.html "brace_style": "collapse", "indent_char": " ", "indent_size": 4, "max_preserve_newlines": 2, "preserve_newlines": true //wrap_line_length: 250 } }, "indent": { "value": " ", "ReturnStatement": "1" }, "whiteSpace": { "before": { "ParameterList": 0 }, "after": { "ParameterList": 0 } } }