/* eslint-disable */ /* tslint:disable */ /** * This is an autogenerated file created by the Stencil compiler. * It contains typing information for all components that exist in this project. */ import { HTMLStencilElement, JSXBase } from "./stencil-public-runtime"; export namespace Components { interface DeckgoSlidePoll { "afterSwipe": () => Promise; "beforeSwipe": (_enter: boolean, _reveal: boolean) => Promise; /** * In case you would not like that the template try to reach the socket server */ "connectPollSocket": boolean; /** * If you provide actions for the all deck but, a specific one for this slide, set this option to true */ "customActions": boolean; /** * If you define a background for the all deck but, a specific one for this slide, set this option to true */ "customBackground": boolean; "hideContent": () => Promise; "isAnswered": () => Promise; "lazyLoadContent": () => Promise; /** * Per default the template will always try to create a new poll but if you set this value, it will try to retrieve an existing poll */ "pollKey": string; /** * The url which leads to the voting application respectively where your audience will be available to make their voice heard aka where they will be able to vote */ "pollLink": string; "resizeContent": () => Promise; "revealContent": () => Promise; /** * The path to reach the socket server */ "socketPath": string; /** * The url of the socket (server) where the poll (chat room) is going to be created */ "socketUrl": string; "update": () => Promise; } } declare global { interface HTMLDeckgoSlidePollElement extends Components.DeckgoSlidePoll, HTMLStencilElement { } var HTMLDeckgoSlidePollElement: { prototype: HTMLDeckgoSlidePollElement; new (): HTMLDeckgoSlidePollElement; }; interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { "deckgo-slide-poll": HTMLDeckgoSlidePollElement; } } declare namespace LocalJSX { interface DeckgoSlidePoll { /** * In case you would not like that the template try to reach the socket server */ "connectPollSocket"?: boolean; /** * If you provide actions for the all deck but, a specific one for this slide, set this option to true */ "customActions"?: boolean; /** * If you define a background for the all deck but, a specific one for this slide, set this option to true */ "customBackground"?: boolean; "onPollUpdated"?: (event: CustomEvent) => void; /** * Triggered when the slide is loaded */ "onSlideDidLoad"?: (event: CustomEvent) => void; /** * Per default the template will always try to create a new poll but if you set this value, it will try to retrieve an existing poll */ "pollKey"?: string; /** * The url which leads to the voting application respectively where your audience will be available to make their voice heard aka where they will be able to vote */ "pollLink"?: string; /** * The path to reach the socket server */ "socketPath"?: string; /** * The url of the socket (server) where the poll (chat room) is going to be created */ "socketUrl"?: string; } interface IntrinsicElements { "deckgo-slide-poll": DeckgoSlidePoll; } } export { LocalJSX as JSX }; declare module "@stencil/core" { export namespace JSX { interface IntrinsicElements { "deckgo-slide-poll": LocalJSX.DeckgoSlidePoll & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes; } } }