/*! * Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project. */ export declare enum Verb { Aggregate = "aggregate", Bin = "bin", Binarize = "binarize", Chain = "chain", Concat = "concat", Dedupe = "dedupe", Derive = "derive", Difference = "difference", Erase = "erase", Fetch = "fetch", Fill = "fill", Filter = "filter", Fold = "fold", Groupby = "groupby", Impute = "impute", Intersect = "intersect", Join = "join", Lookup = "lookup", Merge = "merge", Pivot = "pivot", Orderby = "orderby", Recode = "recode", Rename = "rename", Rollup = "rollup", Sample = "sample", Select = "select", Spread = "spread", Unfold = "unfold", Ungroup = "ungroup", Union = "union", Unorder = "unorder", Unroll = "unroll", Window = "window" } export declare enum MergeStrategy { FirstOneWins = "first one wins", LastOneWins = "last one wins", Concat = "concat", CreateArray = "array" } export declare enum DataType { Array = "array", Boolean = "boolean", Date = "date", Number = "number", String = "string", Text = "text", Object = "object", Undefined = "undefined", Unknown = "unknown" } export declare enum MathOperator { Add = "+", Subtract = "-", Multiply = "*", Divide = "/" } export declare enum NumericComparisonOperator { Equals = "=", NotEqual = "!=", LessThan = "<", LessThanOrEqual = "<=", GreaterThan = ">", GreaterThanOrEqual = ">=", IsEmpty = "is empty", IsNotEmpty = "is not empty" } export declare enum StringComparisonOperator { Equal = "equals", NotEqual = "is not equal", Contains = "contains", StartsWith = "starts with", EndsWith = "ends with", IsEmpty = "is empty", IsNotEmpty = "is not empty" } export declare enum SetOp { Concat = "concat", Union = "union", Intersect = "intersect", Difference = "difference" } export declare enum SortDirection { Ascending = "asc", Descending = "desc" } export declare enum FilterCompareType { Value = "value", Column = "column" } /** * This is the subset of aggregate functions that can operate * on a single field so we don't accommodate additional args. * See https://uwdata.github.io/arquero/api/op#aggregate-functions */ export declare enum FieldAggregateOperation { Any = "any", Count = "count", CountDistinct = "distinct", Valid = "valid", Invalid = "invalid", Max = "max", Min = "min", Sum = "sum", Product = "product", Mean = "mean", Mode = "mode", Median = "median", StandardDeviation = "stdev", StandardDeviationPopulation = "stdevp", Variance = "variance", CreateArray = "array_agg", CreateArrayDistinct = "array_agg_distinct" } /** * These are operations that perform windowed compute. * See https://uwdata.github.io/arquero/api/op#window-functions */ export declare enum WindowFunction { RowNumber = "row_number", Rank = "rank", PercentRank = "percent_rank", CumulativeDistribution = "cume_dist", FirstValue = "first_value", LastValue = "last_value", FillDown = "fill_down", FillUp = "fill_up" } export declare enum BinStrategy { Auto = "auto", FixedCount = "fixed count", FixedWidth = "fixed width" } export declare enum JoinStrategy { Inner = "inner", LeftOuter = "join_left", RightOuter = "join_right", FullOuter = "join_full" }