//typings for @luma.gl/gltools v8.1.2 declare module '@luma.gl/gltools/polyfill/polyfill-vertex-array-object' { export function polyfillVertexArrayObject(gl: any): void; } declare module '@luma.gl/gltools/utils/utils' { export function assert(condition: any, message: any): void; export function isObjectEmpty(object: any): boolean; export function deepArrayEqual(x: any, y: any): boolean; } declare module '@luma.gl/gltools/utils/device-pixels' { export function cssToDeviceRatio(gl: any): number; export function cssToDevicePixels( gl: any, cssPixel: any, yInvert?: boolean ): { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; }; /** * Calulates device pixel ratio, used during context creation * * @param {boolean or Number} useDevicePixels - boolean or a Number * @return {Number} - device pixel ratio */ export function getDevicePixelRatio(useDevicePixels: any): any; } declare module '@luma.gl/gltools/utils/webgl-checks' { export const ERR_CONTEXT = 'Invalid WebGLRenderingContext'; export const ERR_WEBGL = 'Invalid WebGLRenderingContext'; export const ERR_WEBGL2 = 'Requires WebGL2'; export function isWebGL(gl: any): boolean; export function isWebGL2(gl: any): boolean; export function assertWebGLContext(gl: any): void; export function assertWebGL2Context(gl: any): void; } declare module '@luma.gl/gltools/utils' { export { assert, deepArrayEqual, isObjectEmpty } from '@luma.gl/gltools/utils/utils'; export { cssToDevicePixels, cssToDeviceRatio, getDevicePixelRatio } from '@luma.gl/gltools/utils/device-pixels'; export { isWebGL, isWebGL2 } from '@luma.gl/gltools/utils/webgl-checks'; export const log: any; } declare module '@luma.gl/gltools/polyfill/get-parameter-polyfill' { export function getParameterPolyfill(gl: any, originalGetParameter: any, pname: any): any; } declare module '@luma.gl/gltools/polyfill/polyfill-table' { import { getParameterPolyfill } from '@luma.gl/gltools/polyfill/get-parameter-polyfill'; export const WEBGL2_CONTEXT_POLYFILLS: { OES_vertex_array_object: { meta: { suffix: string; }; createVertexArray: () => void; deleteVertexArray: () => void; bindVertexArray: () => void; isVertexArray: () => boolean; }; ANGLE_instanced_arrays: { meta: { suffix: string; }; vertexAttribDivisor(location: any, divisor: any): void; drawElementsInstanced: () => void; drawArraysInstanced: () => void; }; WEBGL_draw_buffers: { meta: { suffix: string; }; drawBuffers: () => void; }; EXT_disjoint_timer_query: { meta: { suffix: string; }; createQuery: () => void; deleteQuery: () => void; beginQuery: () => void; endQuery: () => void; getQuery(handle: any, pname: any): any; getQueryParameter(handle: any, pname: any): any; getQueryObject: () => void; }; }; export const WEBGL2_CONTEXT_OVERRIDES: { readBuffer: (gl: any, originalFunc: any, attachment: any) => void; getVertexAttrib: (gl: any, originalFunc: any, location: any, pname: any) => any; getProgramParameter: (gl: any, originalFunc: any, program: any, pname: any) => any; getInternalformatParameter: (gl: any, originalFunc: any, target: any, format: any, pname: any) => any; getTexParameter(gl: any, originalFunc: any, target: any, pname: any): any; getParameter: typeof getParameterPolyfill; hint(gl: any, originalFunc: any, pname: any, value: any): any; }; } declare module '@luma.gl/gltools/polyfill/polyfill-context' { export default function polyfillContext(gl: any): any; } declare module '@luma.gl/gltools/state-tracker/webgl-parameter-tables' { export const GL_PARAMETER_DEFAULTS: { [x: number]: any; }; export const GL_PARAMETER_SETTERS: { [x: number]: string | ((gl: any, value: any, key: any) => any) | ((gl: any, value: any) => any); framebuffer: (gl: any, framebuffer: any) => any; blend: (gl: any, value: any) => any; blendColor: (gl: any, value: any) => any; blendEquation: (gl: any, args: any) => void; blendFunc: (gl: any, args: any) => void; clearColor: (gl: any, value: any) => any; clearDepth: (gl: any, value: any) => any; clearStencil: (gl: any, value: any) => any; colorMask: (gl: any, value: any) => any; cull: (gl: any, value: any) => any; cullFace: (gl: any, value: any) => any; depthTest: (gl: any, value: any) => any; depthFunc: (gl: any, value: any) => any; depthMask: (gl: any, value: any) => any; depthRange: (gl: any, value: any) => any; dither: (gl: any, value: any) => any; derivativeHint: (gl: any, value: any) => void; frontFace: (gl: any, value: any) => any; mipmapHint: (gl: any, value: any) => any; lineWidth: (gl: any, value: any) => any; polygonOffsetFill: (gl: any, value: any) => any; polygonOffset: (gl: any, value: any) => any; sampleCoverage: (gl: any, value: any) => any; scissorTest: (gl: any, value: any) => any; scissor: (gl: any, value: any) => any; stencilTest: (gl: any, value: any) => any; stencilMask: (gl: any, value: any) => void; stencilFunc: (gl: any, args: any) => void; stencilOp: (gl: any, args: any) => void; viewport: (gl: any, value: any) => any; }; export const GL_COMPOSITE_PARAMETER_SETTERS: { blendEquation: (gl: any, values: any, cache: any) => any; blendFunc: (gl: any, values: any, cache: any) => any; polygonOffset: (gl: any, values: any, cache: any) => any; sampleCoverage: (gl: any, values: any, cache: any) => any; stencilFuncFront: (gl: any, values: any, cache: any) => any; stencilFuncBack: (gl: any, values: any, cache: any) => any; stencilOpFront: (gl: any, values: any, cache: any) => any; stencilOpBack: (gl: any, values: any, cache: any) => any; }; export const GL_HOOKED_SETTERS: { enable: (update: any, capability: any) => any; disable: (update: any, capability: any) => any; pixelStorei: (update: any, pname: any, value: any) => any; hint: (update: any, pname: any, hint: any) => any; bindFramebuffer: (update: any, target: any, framebuffer: any) => any; blendColor: (update: any, r: any, g: any, b: any, a: any) => any; blendEquation: (update: any, mode: any) => any; blendEquationSeparate: (update: any, modeRGB: any, modeAlpha: any) => any; blendFunc: (update: any, src: any, dst: any) => any; blendFuncSeparate: (update: any, srcRGB: any, dstRGB: any, srcAlpha: any, dstAlpha: any) => any; clearColor: (update: any, r: any, g: any, b: any, a: any) => any; clearDepth: (update: any, depth: any) => any; clearStencil: (update: any, s: any) => any; colorMask: (update: any, r: any, g: any, b: any, a: any) => any; cullFace: (update: any, mode: any) => any; depthFunc: (update: any, func: any) => any; depthRange: (update: any, zNear: any, zFar: any) => any; depthMask: (update: any, mask: any) => any; frontFace: (update: any, face: any) => any; lineWidth: (update: any, width: any) => any; polygonOffset: (update: any, factor: any, units: any) => any; sampleCoverage: (update: any, value: any, invert: any) => any; scissor: (update: any, x: any, y: any, width: any, height: any) => any; stencilMask: (update: any, mask: any) => any; stencilMaskSeparate: (update: any, face: any, mask: any) => any; stencilFunc: (update: any, func: any, ref: any, mask: any) => any; stencilFuncSeparate: (update: any, face: any, func: any, ref: any, mask: any) => any; stencilOp: (update: any, fail: any, zfail: any, zpass: any) => any; stencilOpSeparate: (update: any, face: any, fail: any, zfail: any, zpass: any) => any; viewport: (update: any, x: any, y: any, width: any, height: any) => any; }; export const GL_PARAMETER_GETTERS: { [x: number]: (gl: any, key: any) => any; }; } declare module '@luma.gl/gltools/state-tracker/track-context-state' { /** * Initialize WebGL state caching on a context * can be called multiple times to enable/disable * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} - context */ export default function trackContextState( gl: any, { enable, copyState, }?: { enable?: boolean; copyState: any; } ): any; export function pushContextState(gl: any): void; export function popContextState(gl: any): void; } declare module '@luma.gl/gltools/state-tracker/unified-parameter-api' { export function setParameters(gl: any, values: any): void; export function getParameters(gl: any, parameters: any): any; export function resetParameters(gl: any): void; export function withParameters(gl: any, parameters: any, func: any): any; } declare module '@luma.gl/gltools/context/context' { export const ERR_CONTEXT = 'Invalid WebGLRenderingContext'; export const ERR_WEBGL = 'Invalid WebGLRenderingContext'; export const ERR_WEBGL2 = 'Requires WebGL2'; export function createGLContext(options?: {}): any; export function instrumentGLContext(gl: any, options?: {}): any; /** * Provides strings identifying the GPU vendor and driver. * https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_debug_renderer_info/ * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - context * @return {Object} - 'vendor' and 'renderer' string fields. */ export function getContextDebugInfo(gl: any): { vendor: any; renderer: any; vendorMasked: any; rendererMasked: any; version: any; shadingLanguageVersion: any; }; /** * Resize the canvas' drawing buffer. * * Can match the canvas CSS size, and optionally also consider devicePixelRatio * Can be called every frame * * Regardless of size, the drawing buffer will always be scaled to the viewport, but * for best visual results, usually set to either: * canvas CSS width x canvas CSS height * canvas CSS width * devicePixelRatio x canvas CSS height * devicePixelRatio * See http://webgl2fundamentals.org/webgl/lessons/webgl-resizing-the-canvas.html * * resizeGLContext(gl, {width, height, useDevicePixels}) */ export function resizeGLContext(gl: any, options?: {}): void; } declare module '@luma.gl/gltools' { export { default as polyfillContext } from '@luma.gl/gltools/polyfill/polyfill-context'; export { getParameters, setParameters, resetParameters, withParameters, } from '@luma.gl/gltools/state-tracker/unified-parameter-api'; export { default as trackContextState, pushContextState, popContextState, } from '@luma.gl/gltools/state-tracker/track-context-state'; export { createGLContext, resizeGLContext, instrumentGLContext, getContextDebugInfo, } from '@luma.gl/gltools/context/context'; export { log, cssToDeviceRatio, cssToDevicePixels, isWebGL, isWebGL2 } from '@luma.gl/gltools/utils'; }