/** * A collection of utilities for working with URLs * @module URLUtils * * @example * const { buildURL } = require('@cumulus/common/URLUtils'); * * buildURL({ protocol: 'http', host: 'example.com' }); // => 'http://example.com' */ /** * Build a URL * * @param {Object} params - URL parameters * @param {string} params.protocol - the protocol ('http', 'ftp', 's3', etc) * @param {string} params.host - the host * @param {string|integer} [params.port] - the port * @param {string|string[]} [params.path] - path segment(s) to add to the end of * the URL. Can be either a string or an array of strings, which will be * joined together. * @returns {string} a URL * @throws {TypeError} if protocol or host are not specified * * @alias module:URLUtils * * @example * buildURL({ * protocol: 'http' * host: 'example.com', * port: 8080, * path: ['path', 'to', 'file.txt'] * }); // => 'http://example.com:8080/path/to/file.txt' */ export declare const buildURL: (params: { protocol: string; host: string; port?: string; path?: string | string[]; }) => string; //# sourceMappingURL=URLUtils.d.ts.map