import { BucketsConfigObject, BucketType } from './types'; /** * Class representing cumulus bucket configuration. */ declare class BucketsConfig { private readonly buckets; constructor(bucketsJsonObject: BucketsConfigObject); /** * returns key into this.buckets whose object has `name` bucketName * @param {string} bucketName * @returns {string|undefined} desired bucket's key value. */ key(bucketName: string): string | undefined; /** * Return bucket type for bucketName * @param {string} bucketName * @returns {string} matching bucket's type */ type(bucketName: string): BucketType; /** * returns bucket object who's name field matches bucketName * @param {string} bucketName * @returns {Object} bucket object */ bucket(bucketName: string): import("./types").BucketConfig; /** * returns true if bucketName is found in any attatched bucket objects. * @param {string} bucketName * @returns {boolean} truthyness of this bucket existing in the configuration */ exists(bucketName: string): boolean; /** * returns true if configKey is found on the top-level config. * @param {string} configKey * @returns {boolean} truthyness of this key existing in the configuration */ keyExists(configKey: string): boolean; /** * returns name of bucket attatched to top-level config at configKey. * @param {string} configKey * @returns {string} name of bucket at key. */ nameByKey(configKey: string): string; /** * return a list of configured buckets of desired type. * * @param {string/Array} types - types of buckets to return * @returns {Array} - array of buckets that are of desired types */ bucketsOfType(types: BucketType | BucketType[]): import("./types").BucketConfig[]; /** @returns {Array} list of private buckets */ privateBuckets(): import("./types").BucketConfig[]; /** @returns {Array} list of protected buckets */ protectedBuckets(): import("./types").BucketConfig[]; /** @returns {Array} list of public buckets */ publicBuckets(): import("./types").BucketConfig[]; /** @returns {Array} list of shared buckets */ sharedBuckets(): import("./types").BucketConfig[]; /** @returns {Array} list of internal buckets */ internalBuckets(): import("./types").BucketConfig[]; } export = BucketsConfig; //#