jest.mock('@coveo/platform-client'); import PlatformClient from '@coveo/platform-client'; import {handler} from './token'; const mockedPlatformClient = jest.mocked(PlatformClient); const mockedCreateToken = jest.fn(); describe('token', () => { const OLD_ENV = process.env; const setInvalidEnvironmentVariables = () => { process.env.ORGANIZATION_ID = undefined; process.env.API_KEY = undefined; process.env.USER_EMAIL = undefined; }; const setValidEnvironmentVariables = () => { process.env.PLATFORM_URL = ''; process.env.ORGANIZATION_ID = 'my-org'; process.env.API_KEY = 'xxx'; process.env.USER_EMAIL = ''; }; const doMockPlatformClient = () => { mockedPlatformClient.mockImplementation( () => ({ search: { createToken: mockedCreateToken, }, } as unknown as PlatformClient) ); }; const envVarError = 'Make sure to configure the environment variables in the ".env" file. Refer to the README to set up the server.'; const platformClientError = 'Error generating token.'; beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules(); process.env = {...OLD_ENV}; doMockPlatformClient(); }); afterAll(() => { process.env = OLD_ENV; }); it('when env variables are not set, should return an error', async () => { const response = await handler(); expect(JSON.parse(response.body).error).toBe(envVarError); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); it('when env variables are invalid, should return an error', async () => { setInvalidEnvironmentVariables(); const response = await handler(); expect(JSON.parse(response.body).error).toBe(envVarError); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); describe('when the env variables are valid', () => { beforeEach(() => setValidEnvironmentVariables()); it('when the API key does not have the right privileges, should return an error', async () => { mockedCreateToken.mockRejectedValueOnce({}); const response = await handler(); expect(JSON.parse(response.body).error).toBe(platformClientError); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(500); }); it('when the API key has the right privilege, should return the token', async () => { const token = ''; mockedCreateToken.mockResolvedValueOnce({ token, }); const response = await handler(); expect(JSON.parse(response.body).token).toBe(token); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); }); }); });