import { EventEmitter, OnInit, TemplateRef } from '@angular/core'; import { ButtonHubService } from './providers/button-hub.service'; import { PageCollectionService } from './providers/page-collection.service'; import { WizardNavigationService } from './providers/wizard-navigation.service'; import { ClrWizardPageButtons } from './wizard-page-buttons'; import { ClrWizardPageHeaderActions } from './wizard-page-header-actions'; import { ClrWizardPageNavTitle } from './wizard-page-navtitle'; import { ClrWizardPageTitle } from './wizard-page-title'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; /** * The ClrWizardPage component is responsible for displaying the content of each step * in the wizard workflow. * * ClrWizardPage component has hooks into the navigation service (ClrWizardPage.navService), * page collection (ClrWizardPage.pageCollection), and button service * (ClrWizardPage.buttonService). These three providers are shared across the components * within each instance of a Wizard. * */ export declare class ClrWizardPage implements OnInit { private navService; pageCollection: PageCollectionService; buttonService: ButtonHubService; /** * An input value that is used internally to generate the ClrWizardPage ID as * well as the step nav item ID. * * Typed as any because it should be able to accept numbers as well as * strings. Passing an index for wizard whose pages are created with an * ngFor loop is a common use case. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ _id: any; /** * Overrides all actions from the page level, so you can use an alternate function for * validation or data-munging with a ClrWizardPage.onCommit (clrWizardPageOnCommit output), * ClrWizardPage.onCancel (clrWizardPageOnCancel output), or one * of the granular page-level button click event emitters. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ preventDefault: boolean | string; /** * Emits when the value of ClrWizardPage.nextStepDisabled changes. * Should emit the new value of nextStepDisabled. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ nextStepDisabledChange: EventEmitter; /** * Emits when the value of ClrWizardPage.previousStepDisabled changes. * Should emit the new value of previousStepDisabled. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ previousStepDisabledChange: EventEmitter; /** * * @memberof WizardPage * */ stopCancelChange: EventEmitter; /** * An event emitter carried over from a legacy version of ClrWizardPage. * Fires an event on ClrWizardPage whenever the next or finish buttons * are clicked and the page is the current page of the Wizard. * * Note that this does not automatically emit an event when a custom * button is used in place of a next or finish button. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ onCommit: EventEmitter; /** * Emits an event when ClrWizardPage becomes the current page of the * Wizard. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ onLoad: EventEmitter; /** * Emits an event when the ClrWizardPage invokes the cancel routine for the wizard. * * Can be used in conjunction with the ClrWizardPage.stopCancel * (clrWizardPagePreventDefaultCancel) or ClrWizardPage.preventDefault * (clrWizardPagePagePreventDefault) inputs to implement custom cancel * functionality at the page level. This is useful if you would like to do * validation, save data, or warn users before cancelling the wizard. * * Note that this requires you to call Wizard.close() from the host component. * This constitues a full replacement of the cancel functionality. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ pageOnCancel: EventEmitter; /** * Emits an event when the finish button is clicked and the ClrWizardPage is * the wizard's current page. * * Can be used in conjunction with the ClrWizardPage.preventDefault * (clrWizardPagePagePreventDefault) input to implement custom finish * functionality at the page level. This is useful if you would like to do * validation, save data, or warn users before allowing them to complete * the wizard. * * Note that this requires you to call Wizard.finish() or Wizard.forceFinish() * from the host component. This combination creates a full replacement of * the finish functionality. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ finishButtonClicked: EventEmitter; /** * Emits an event when the previous button is clicked and the ClrWizardPage is * the wizard's current page. * * Can be used in conjunction with the ClrWizardPage.preventDefault * (clrWizardPagePagePreventDefault) input to implement custom backwards * navigation at the page level. This is useful if you would like to do * validation, save data, or warn users before allowing them to go * backwards in the wizard. * * Note that this requires you to call Wizard.previous() * from the host component. This combination creates a full replacement of * the backwards navigation functionality. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ previousButtonClicked: EventEmitter; /** * Emits an event when the next button is clicked and the ClrWizardPage is * the wizard's current page. * * Can be used in conjunction with the ClrWizardPage.preventDefault * (clrWizardPagePagePreventDefault) input to implement custom forwards * navigation at the page level. This is useful if you would like to do * validation, save data, or warn users before allowing them to go * to the next page in the wizard. * * Note that this requires you to call Wizard.forceNext() or * from the host component. This combination creates a full replacement of * the forward navigation functionality. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ nextButtonClicked: EventEmitter; /** * Emits an event when a danger button is clicked and the ClrWizardPage is * the wizard's current page. By default, a danger button will act as * either a "next" or "finish" button depending on if the ClrWizardPage is the * last page or not. * * Can be used in conjunction with the ClrWizardPage.preventDefault * (clrWizardPagePagePreventDefault) input to implement custom forwards * or finish navigation at the page level when the danger button is clicked. * This is useful if you would like to do validation, save data, or warn * users before allowing them to go to the next page in the wizard or * finish the wizard. * * Note that this requires you to call Wizard.finish(), Wizard.forceFinish(), * Wizard.forceNext() or from the host component. This * combination creates a full replacement of the forward navigation and * finish functionality. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ dangerButtonClicked: EventEmitter; /** * Emits an event when a next, finish, or danger button is clicked and the * ClrWizardPage is the wizard's current page. * * Can be used in conjunction with the ClrWizardPage.preventDefault * (clrWizardPagePagePreventDefault) input to implement custom forwards * or finish navigation at the page level, regardless of the type of * primary button. * * This is useful if you would like to do validation, save data, or warn * users before allowing them to go to the next page in the wizard or * finish the wizard. * * Note that this requires you to call Wizard.finish(), Wizard.forceFinish(), * Wizard.forceNext() or from the host component. This * combination creates a full replacement of the forward navigation and * finish functionality. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ primaryButtonClicked: EventEmitter; customButtonClicked: EventEmitter; /** * Contains a reference to the page title which is used for a number * of different tasks for display in the wizard. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ pageTitle: ClrWizardPageTitle; /** * Contains a reference to the desired title for the page's step in the * navigation on the left side of the wizard. Can be projected to change the * navigation link's text. * * If not defined, then ClrWizardPage.pageTitle will be displayed in the stepnav. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ pageNavTitle: ClrWizardPageNavTitle; /** * Contains a reference to the buttons defined within the page. If not defined, * the wizard defaults to the set of buttons defined as a direct child of the * wizard. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ _buttons: ClrWizardPageButtons; /** * Contains a reference to the header actions defined within the page. If not defined, * the wizard defaults to the set of header actions defined as a direct child of the * wizard. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ _headerActions: ClrWizardPageHeaderActions; /** * * @memberof WizardPage * */ private _nextStepDisabled; /** * * @memberof WizardPage * */ private _previousStepDisabled; /** * * @memberof WizardPage * */ private _hasError; /** * * @memberof WizardPage * */ private _stopCancel; /** * * @memberof WizardPage * */ private _stopNext; /** * * @memberof WizardPage * */ private _complete; /** * Creates an instance of ClrWizardPage. * * @memberof WizardPage */ constructor(navService: WizardNavigationService, pageCollection: PageCollectionService, buttonService: ButtonHubService); /** * A property that tells whether or not the wizard should be allowed * to move to the next page. * * Useful for in-page validation because it prevents forward navigation * and visibly disables the next button. * * Does not require that you re-implement navigation routines like you * would if you were using ClrWizardPage.preventDefault or * Wizard.preventDefault. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get nextStepDisabled(): boolean; set nextStepDisabled(val: boolean); /** * A property that tells whether or not the wizard should be allowed * to move to the previous page. * * Useful for in-page validation because it prevents backward navigation * and visibly disables the previous button. * * Does not require that you re-implement navigation routines like you * would if you were using ClrWizardPage.preventDefault or * Wizard.preventDefault. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get previousStepDisabled(): boolean; set previousStepDisabled(val: boolean); /** * Whether the page has an error and also resolve the "falsy" value. The * current logic treat a "0" or an empty string as false and likewise will treat any * "truthy" value as true. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get hasError(): boolean; set hasError(val: boolean); /** * Overrides the cancel action from the page level. Allows you to use an * alternate function for validation or data-munging before cancelling the * wizard when combined with the ClrWizardPage.onCancel * (the clrWizardPageOnCancel output). * * Requires that you manually close the wizard from your host component, * usually with a call to Wizard.forceNext() or; * * @memberof ClrWizardPage */ get stopCancel(): boolean; set stopCancel(val: boolean); /** * Overrides forward navigation from the page level. Allows you to use an * alternate function for validation or data-munging before moving the * wizard to the next pagewhen combined with the ClrWizardPage.onCommit * (clrWizardPageOnCommit) or ClrWizardPage.nextButtonClicked * (clrWizardPageNext) outputs. * * Requires that you manually tell the wizard to navigate forward from * the hostComponent, usually with a call to Wizard.forceNext() or *; * * @memberof ClrWizardPage */ get stopNext(): boolean; set stopNext(val: boolean); /** * A read-only getter that generates an ID string for the wizard page from * either the value passed to the ClrWizardPage "id" input or a wizard page * counter shared across all wizard pages in the application. * * Note that the value passed into the ID input Will be prefixed with * "clr-wizard-page-". * * @readonly * * @memberof ClrWizardPage */ get id(): string; /** * A read-only getter that serves as a convenience for those who would rather * not think in the terms of !ClrWizardPage.nextStepDisabled. For some use cases, * ClrWizardPage.readyToComplete is more logical and declarative. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get readyToComplete(): boolean; /** * A page is marked as completed if it is both readyToComplete and completed, * as in the next or finish action has been executed while this page was current. * * Note there is and open question about how to handle pages that are marked * complete but who are no longer readyToComplete. This might indicate an error * state for the ClrWizardPage. Currently, the wizard does not acknowledge this state * and only returns that the page is incomplete. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get completed(): boolean; /** * A ClrWizardPage can be manually set to completed using this boolean setter. * It is recommended that users rely on the convenience functions in the wizard * and navigation service instead of manually setting pages’ completion state. * * @memberof ClrWizardPage */ set completed(value: boolean); /** * Checks with the navigation service to see if it is the current page. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get current(): boolean; get disabled(): boolean; /** * A read-only getter that returns whether or not the page is navigable * in the wizard. A wizard page can be navigated to if it is completed * or the page before it is completed. * * This getter handles the logic for enabling or disabling the links in * the step nav on the left Side of the wizard. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get enabled(): boolean; /** * A read-only getter that returns whether or not the page before this * ClrWizardPage is completed. This is useful for determining whether or not * a page is navigable if it is not current or already completed. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get previousCompleted(): boolean; /** * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get title(): TemplateRef; /** * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get navTitle(): TemplateRef; /** * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get headerActions(): TemplateRef; /** * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get hasHeaderActions(): boolean; /** * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get buttons(): TemplateRef; /** * A read-only getter that returns a boolean that says whether or * not the ClrWizardPage includes buttons. Used to determine if the * Wizard should override the default button set defined as * its direct children. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get hasButtons(): boolean; /** * A read-only getter that returns the id used by the step nav item associated with the page. * * ClrWizardPage needs this ID string for aria information. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ get stepItemId(): string; /** * Links the nav service and establishes the current page if one is not defined. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ ngOnInit(): void; /** * Uses the nav service to make the ClrWizardPage the current page in the * wizard. Bypasses all checks but still emits the ClrWizardPage.onLoad * (clrWizardPageOnLoad) output. * * In most cases, it is better to use the default navigation functions * in Wizard. * * @memberof WizardPage * */ makeCurrent(): void; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration; }