export declare function transformToString(delimiter: string, fns: any[], ...args: any[]): string; export declare function transformToSpacedString(fns: any[], ...args: any[]): string; export declare function transformToUnspacedString(fns: any[], ...args: any[]): string; export declare function camelCaseToKebabCase(value: string): string; export declare function kebabCaseToCamelCase(str: string): string; export declare function kebabCaseToPascalCase(string: string): string; /** * Take a object map of css properties and if value concatenate string of all computed values * Useful for dynamic style tags in lit templates */ export declare function setStyles(styles: { [key: string]: string; }): string; export declare function setPropStyles(styles: { [key: string]: string; }): string; export declare function capitalizeFirstLetter(string: string): string; /** Used for Storybook docs to define knob group for css properties */ export declare const cssGroup = "CSS Custom Properties"; /** Used for Storybook docs to define knob group for JavaScript properties */ export declare const propertiesGroup = "Default Properties"; export declare function getNumericValueFromCssSecondsStyleValue(styleValueInSeconds: string): number; export declare function isPrefixedOrSuffixedBy(str: string, stringFix: string, prefixOrSuffix?: string): boolean; export declare function isPrefixedBy(str: string, prefix: string): boolean; export declare function isSuffixedBy(str: string, suffix: string): boolean; export declare function removePrefixOrSuffix(str: string, stringFix: string, prefixOrSuffix?: string): string; export declare function removePrefix(str: string, prefix: string): string; export declare function removeSuffix(str: string, suffix: string): string; export declare function replaceWord(str: string, wordToReplace: string, replaceWith?: string): string; export declare function trimExtraWhitespace(str: string): string; export declare function transformSpacedStringToArray(str: string): string[]; export declare function convertStringPropertyToObjectConfig(property: string, defaultConfig: object, converter?: (property?: string) => object): object; export declare function pluckValueFromStringUnit(val: string, unit: string): number; export declare function pluckPixelValue(val: string): number; export declare function interpolateNaively(template: string, dataObj: any, fallback?: string): string;