export interface I18nStrings { custom?: any; actions: { sort: string; expand: string; close: string; resize: string; filter: string; }; alert: { closeButtonAriaLabel: string; loading: string; info: string; success: string; warning: string; danger: string; }; dropdown: { open: string; }; file: { browse: string; files: string; removeFile: string; }; modal: { closeButtonAriaLabel: string; contentStart: string; contentBox: string; contentEnd: string; }; overlay: { closeButtonAriaLabel: string; contentStart: string; contentEnd: string; }; popup: { closeButtonAriaLabel: string; contentStart: string; contentEnd: string; }; navigation: { navigationElement: string; navigationLabel: string; navigationAbridgedText: string; navigationUnabridgedText: string; }; password: { showButtonAriaLabel: string; hideButtonAriaLabel: string; }; progress: { loading: string; looping: string; }; treeview: { loading: string; }; grid: { resizeColumn: string; closeDetails: string; noData: string; rowDetailStart: string; rowDetailEnd: string; footerEnd: string; action: string; dropTarget: string; pagination: { label: string; firstPage: string; previousPage: string; nextPage: string; lastPage: string; pageSize: string; page: string; }; }; } export declare const componentStringsDefault: I18nStrings; declare type PartialRecursive = T extends object ? { [K in keyof T]?: PartialRecursive; } : T; /** * I18nService is a static class that gives users the ability to use and override * strings within the components for internationalization / globalization. One * can override default values globally for their application or override per * component instance as needed. * * Use the localize method to override values globally. For per component instance, * use the i18n decorator. */ export declare class I18nService { static get keys(): Readonly; static findKey(keyValueObj: any): string | undefined; static get(key: string): any; /** @private */ static reset(): void; static hydrate(i18nObject: object, componentInstance: any): any; static localize(overrides: PartialRecursive): void; } export {};