import { Alignment } from "./alignment"; import { Elevation } from "./elevation"; import { Intent } from "./intent"; import { Position } from "./position"; export declare const ACTIVE: string; export declare const ALIGN_LEFT: string; export declare const ALIGN_RIGHT: string; export declare const COMPACT: string; export declare const DARK: string; export declare const DISABLED: string; export declare const FILL: string; export declare const FIXED: string; export declare const FIXED_TOP: string; export declare const INLINE: string; export declare const INTERACTIVE: string; export declare const LARGE: string; export declare const LOADING: string; export declare const MINIMAL: string; export declare const OUTLINED: string; export declare const MULTILINE: string; export declare const READ_ONLY: string; export declare const ROUND: string; export declare const SELECTED: string; export declare const SMALL: string; export declare const VERTICAL: string; export declare const POSITION_TOP: string; export declare const POSITION_BOTTOM: string; export declare const POSITION_LEFT: string; export declare const POSITION_RIGHT: string; export declare const ELEVATION_0: string; export declare const ELEVATION_1: string; export declare const ELEVATION_2: string; export declare const ELEVATION_3: string; export declare const ELEVATION_4: string; export declare const INTENT_PRIMARY: string; export declare const INTENT_SUCCESS: string; export declare const INTENT_WARNING: string; export declare const INTENT_DANGER: string; export declare const FOCUS_DISABLED: string; export declare const FOCUS_STYLE_MANAGER_IGNORE: string; export declare const UI_TEXT: string; export declare const RUNNING_TEXT: string; export declare const MONOSPACE_TEXT: string; export declare const TEXT_LARGE: string; export declare const TEXT_SMALL: string; export declare const TEXT_MUTED: string; export declare const TEXT_DISABLED: string; export declare const TEXT_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIS: string; export declare const BLOCKQUOTE: string; export declare const CODE: string; export declare const CODE_BLOCK: string; export declare const HEADING: string; export declare const LIST: string; export declare const LIST_UNSTYLED: string; export declare const RTL: string; export declare const ALERT: string; export declare const ALERT_BODY: string; export declare const ALERT_CONTENTS: string; export declare const ALERT_FOOTER: string; export declare const BREADCRUMB: string; export declare const BREADCRUMB_CURRENT: string; export declare const BREADCRUMBS: string; export declare const BREADCRUMBS_COLLAPSED: string; export declare const BUTTON: string; export declare const BUTTON_GROUP: string; export declare const BUTTON_SPINNER: string; export declare const BUTTON_TEXT: string; export declare const CALLOUT: string; export declare const CALLOUT_ICON: string; export declare const CARD: string; export declare const COLLAPSE: string; export declare const COLLAPSE_BODY: string; export declare const COLLAPSIBLE_LIST: string; export declare const CONTEXT_MENU: string; export declare const CONTEXT_MENU_POPOVER_TARGET: string; export declare const CONTROL_GROUP: string; export declare const DIALOG: string; export declare const DIALOG_CONTAINER: string; export declare const DIALOG_HEADER: string; export declare const DIALOG_BODY: string; export declare const DIALOG_BODY_SCROLL_CONTAINER: string; export declare const DIALOG_CLOSE_BUTTON: string; export declare const DIALOG_FOOTER: string; export declare const DIALOG_FOOTER_FIXED: string; export declare const DIALOG_FOOTER_MAIN_SECTION: string; export declare const DIALOG_FOOTER_ACTIONS: string; export declare const DIALOG_STEP: string; export declare const DIALOG_STEP_CONTAINER: string; export declare const DIALOG_STEP_TITLE: string; export declare const DIALOG_STEP_ICON: string; export declare const DIALOG_STEP_VIEWED: string; export declare const DIVIDER: string; export declare const DRAWER: string; export declare const DRAWER_BODY: string; export declare const DRAWER_FOOTER: string; export declare const DRAWER_HEADER: string; export declare const EDITABLE_TEXT: string; export declare const EDITABLE_TEXT_CONTENT: string; export declare const EDITABLE_TEXT_EDITING: string; export declare const EDITABLE_TEXT_INPUT: string; export declare const EDITABLE_TEXT_PLACEHOLDER: string; export declare const FLEX_EXPANDER: string; export declare const HTML_SELECT: string; /** @deprecated prefer `` component */ export declare const SELECT: string; export declare const HTML_TABLE: string; export declare const HTML_TABLE_BORDERED: string; /** @deprecated prefer `COMPACT` */ export declare const HTML_TABLE_CONDENSED: string; export declare const HTML_TABLE_STRIPED: string; export declare const INPUT: string; export declare const INPUT_GHOST: string; export declare const INPUT_GROUP: string; export declare const INPUT_LEFT_CONTAINER: string; export declare const INPUT_ACTION: string; export declare const RESIZABLE_INPUT_SPAN: string; export declare const CONTROL: string; export declare const CONTROL_INDICATOR: string; export declare const CONTROL_INDICATOR_CHILD: string; export declare const CHECKBOX: string; export declare const RADIO: string; export declare const SWITCH: string; export declare const SWITCH_INNER_TEXT: string; export declare const FILE_INPUT: string; export declare const FILE_INPUT_HAS_SELECTION: string; export declare const FILE_UPLOAD_INPUT: string; export declare const FILE_UPLOAD_INPUT_CUSTOM_TEXT: string; export declare const KEY: string; export declare const KEY_COMBO: string; export declare const MODIFIER_KEY: string; export declare const HOTKEY: string; export declare const HOTKEY_LABEL: string; export declare const HOTKEY_COLUMN: string; export declare const HOTKEY_DIALOG: string; export declare const LABEL: string; export declare const FORM_GROUP: string; export declare const FORM_CONTENT: string; export declare const FORM_HELPER_TEXT: string; export declare const FORM_GROUP_SUB_LABEL: string; export declare const MENU: string; export declare const MENU_ITEM: string; export declare const MENU_ITEM_ICON: string; export declare const MENU_ITEM_LABEL: string; export declare const MENU_SUBMENU: string; export declare const MENU_SUBMENU_ICON: string; export declare const MENU_DIVIDER: string; export declare const MENU_HEADER: string; export declare const MULTISTEP_DIALOG: string; export declare const MULTISTEP_DIALOG_PANELS: string; export declare const MULTISTEP_DIALOG_LEFT_PANEL: string; export declare const MULTISTEP_DIALOG_RIGHT_PANEL: string; /** @deprecated use `Classes.DIALOG_FOOTER` instead */ export declare const MULTISTEP_DIALOG_FOOTER: string; export declare const MULTISTEP_DIALOG_NAV_TOP: string; export declare const MULTISTEP_DIALOG_NAV_RIGHT: string; export declare const NAVBAR: string; export declare const NAVBAR_GROUP: string; export declare const NAVBAR_HEADING: string; export declare const NAVBAR_DIVIDER: string; export declare const NON_IDEAL_STATE: string; export declare const NON_IDEAL_STATE_VISUAL: string; export declare const NON_IDEAL_STATE_TEXT: string; export declare const NUMERIC_INPUT: string; export declare const OVERFLOW_LIST: string; export declare const OVERFLOW_LIST_SPACER: string; export declare const OVERLAY: string; export declare const OVERLAY_BACKDROP: string; export declare const OVERLAY_CONTAINER: string; export declare const OVERLAY_CONTENT: string; export declare const OVERLAY_INLINE: string; export declare const OVERLAY_OPEN: string; export declare const OVERLAY_SCROLL_CONTAINER: string; export declare const OVERLAY_START_FOCUS_TRAP: string; export declare const OVERLAY_END_FOCUS_TRAP: string; export declare const PANEL_STACK: string; export declare const PANEL_STACK_HEADER: string; export declare const PANEL_STACK_HEADER_BACK: string; export declare const PANEL_STACK_VIEW: string; export declare const PANEL_STACK2: string; export declare const PANEL_STACK2_HEADER: string; export declare const PANEL_STACK2_HEADER_BACK: string; export declare const PANEL_STACK2_VIEW: string; export declare const POPOVER: string; export declare const POPOVER_ARROW: string; export declare const POPOVER_BACKDROP: string; export declare const POPOVER_CAPTURING_DISMISS: string; export declare const POPOVER_CONTENT: string; export declare const POPOVER_CONTENT_SIZING: string; export declare const POPOVER_DISMISS: string; export declare const POPOVER_DISMISS_OVERRIDE: string; export declare const POPOVER_OPEN: string; export declare const POPOVER_OUT_OF_BOUNDARIES: string; export declare const POPOVER_TARGET: string; export declare const POPOVER_WRAPPER: string; export declare const TRANSITION_CONTAINER: string; export declare const PROGRESS_BAR: string; export declare const PROGRESS_METER: string; export declare const PROGRESS_NO_STRIPES: string; export declare const PROGRESS_NO_ANIMATION: string; export declare const PORTAL: string; export declare const SKELETON: string; export declare const SLIDER: string; export declare const SLIDER_AXIS: string; export declare const SLIDER_HANDLE: string; export declare const SLIDER_LABEL: string; export declare const SLIDER_TRACK: string; export declare const SLIDER_PROGRESS: string; export declare const START: string; export declare const END: string; export declare const SPINNER: string; export declare const SPINNER_ANIMATION: string; export declare const SPINNER_HEAD: string; export declare const SPINNER_NO_SPIN: string; export declare const SPINNER_TRACK: string; export declare const TAB: string; export declare const TAB_ICON: string; export declare const TAB_TAG: string; export declare const TAB_INDICATOR: string; export declare const TAB_INDICATOR_WRAPPER: string; export declare const TAB_LIST: string; export declare const TAB_PANEL: string; export declare const TABS: string; export declare const TAG: string; export declare const TAG_REMOVE: string; export declare const TAG_INPUT: string; export declare const TAG_INPUT_ICON: string; export declare const TAG_INPUT_VALUES: string; export declare const TOAST: string; export declare const TOAST_CONTAINER: string; export declare const TOAST_MESSAGE: string; export declare const TOOLTIP: string; export declare const TOOLTIP_INDICATOR: string; export declare const TREE: string; export declare const TREE_NODE: string; export declare const TREE_NODE_CARET: string; export declare const TREE_NODE_CARET_CLOSED: string; export declare const TREE_NODE_CARET_NONE: string; export declare const TREE_NODE_CARET_OPEN: string; export declare const TREE_NODE_CONTENT: string; export declare const TREE_NODE_EXPANDED: string; export declare const TREE_NODE_ICON: string; export declare const TREE_NODE_LABEL: string; export declare const TREE_NODE_LIST: string; export declare const TREE_NODE_SECONDARY_LABEL: string; export declare const TREE_NODE_SELECTED: string; export declare const TREE_ROOT: string; export declare const ICON: string; export declare const ICON_STANDARD: string; export declare const ICON_LARGE: string; /** * Returns the namespace prefix for all Blueprint CSS classes. * Customize this namespace at build time with the `process.env.BLUEPRINT_NAMESPACE` environment variable. */ export declare function getClassNamespace(): string; /** Return CSS class for alignment. */ export declare function alignmentClass(alignment: Alignment | undefined): string | undefined; export declare function elevationClass(elevation: Elevation): string; export declare function elevationClass(elevation: undefined): undefined; export declare function elevationClass(elevation: Elevation | undefined): string | undefined; /** * Returns CSS class for icon name. */ export declare function iconClass(iconName: string): string; export declare function iconClass(iconName: undefined): undefined; export declare function iconClass(iconName: string | undefined): string | undefined; /** Return CSS class for intent. */ export declare function intentClass(intent: Intent): string; export declare function intentClass(intent: typeof Intent.NONE | undefined): undefined; export declare function intentClass(intent: Intent | undefined): Intent | undefined; export declare function positionClass(position: Position): string; export declare function positionClass(position: undefined): undefined; export declare function positionClass(position: Position | undefined): string | undefined;