import { FetchType, ParamsType, getSimpleKey, getCommandKey, FetchMethodType, CommandData, CommandDump, CommandConfig, ExtractRouteParams, commandSendRequest, CommandCurrentType, } from "command"; import { Builder } from "builder"; import { getUniqueRequestId } from "utils"; import { ClientQueryParamsType } from "client"; import { HttpMethodsType, NegativeTypes } from "types"; import { DateInterval } from "constants/time.constants"; import { HttpMethodsEnum } from "constants/http.constants"; /** * Fetch command it is designed to prepare the necessary setup to execute the request to the server. * We can setup basic options for example endpoint, method, headers and advanced settings like cache, invalidation patterns, concurrency, retries and much, much more. * :::info Usage * We should not use this class directly in the standard development flow. We can initialize it using the `createCommand` method on the **Builder** class. * ::: * * @attention * The most important thing about the command is that it keeps data in the format that can be dumped. This is necessary for the persistance and different dispatcher storage types. * This class doesn't have any callback methods by design and communicate with dispatcher and cache by events. */ export class Command< ResponseType, RequestDataType, QueryParamsType extends ClientQueryParamsType | string, GlobalErrorType, // Global Error Type LocalErrorType, // Additional Error for specific endpoint EndpointType extends string, ClientOptions, HasData extends true | false = false, HasParams extends true | false = false, HasQuery extends true | false = false, MappedData = undefined, > { endpoint: EndpointType; headers?: HeadersInit; auth: boolean; method: HttpMethodsType; params: ExtractRouteParams | NegativeTypes; data: CommandData; queryParams: QueryParamsType | NegativeTypes; options?: ClientOptions | undefined; cancelable: boolean; retry: number; retryTime: number; cache: boolean; cacheTime: number; queued: boolean; offline: boolean; abortKey: string; cacheKey: string; queueKey: string; effectKey: string; used: boolean; deduplicate: boolean; deduplicateTime: number; private updatedAbortKey: boolean; private updatedCacheKey: boolean; private updatedQueueKey: boolean; private updatedEffectKey: boolean; constructor( readonly builder: Builder, readonly commandOptions: CommandConfig, readonly commandDump?: | CommandCurrentType< ResponseType, RequestDataType, QueryParamsType, GlobalErrorType | LocalErrorType, EndpointType, ClientOptions, MappedData > | undefined, readonly dataMapper?: (data: RequestDataType) => MappedData, ) { const { endpoint, headers, auth = true, method = HttpMethodsEnum.get, options, cancelable = false, retry = 0, retryTime = 500, cache = true, cacheTime = DateInterval.minute * 5, queued = false, offline = true, abortKey, cacheKey, queueKey, effectKey, deduplicate = false, deduplicateTime = 10, } = { ...this.builder.commandConfig?.(commandOptions), ...commandOptions }; this.endpoint = commandDump?.endpoint ?? endpoint; this.headers = commandDump?.headers ?? headers; this.auth = commandDump?.auth ?? auth; this.method = method; this.params = commandDump?.params; = commandDump?.data; this.queryParams = commandDump?.queryParams; this.options = commandDump?.options ?? options; this.cancelable = commandDump?.cancelable ?? cancelable; this.retry = commandDump?.retry ?? retry; this.retryTime = commandDump?.retryTime ?? retryTime; this.cache = commandDump?.cache ?? cache; this.cacheTime = commandDump?.cacheTime ?? cacheTime; this.queued = commandDump?.queued ?? queued; this.offline = commandDump?.offline ?? offline; this.abortKey = commandDump?.abortKey ?? abortKey ?? getSimpleKey(this); this.cacheKey = commandDump?.cacheKey ?? cacheKey ?? getCommandKey(this); this.queueKey = commandDump?.queueKey ?? queueKey ?? getSimpleKey(this); this.effectKey = commandDump?.effectKey ?? effectKey ?? getSimpleKey(this); this.used = commandDump?.used ?? false; this.deduplicate = commandDump?.deduplicate ?? deduplicate; this.deduplicateTime = commandDump?.deduplicateTime ?? deduplicateTime; this.updatedAbortKey = commandDump?.updatedAbortKey ?? false; this.updatedCacheKey = commandDump?.updatedCacheKey ?? false; this.updatedQueueKey = commandDump?.updatedQueueKey ?? false; this.updatedEffectKey = commandDump?.updatedEffectKey ?? false; } public setHeaders = (headers: HeadersInit) => { return this.clone({ headers }); }; public setAuth = (auth: boolean) => { return this.clone({ auth }); }; public setParams = (params: ExtractRouteParams) => { return this.clone({ params }); }; public setData = (data: RequestDataType) => { const modifiedData = this.dataMapper?.(data) || data; return this.clone({ data: modifiedData as CommandData, }); }; public setQueryParams = (queryParams: QueryParamsType) => { return this.clone({ queryParams }); }; public setOptions = (options: ClientOptions) => { return this.clone({ options }); }; public setCancelable = (cancelable: boolean) => { return this.clone({ cancelable }); }; public setRetry = (retry: CommandConfig["retry"]) => { return this.clone({ retry }); }; public setRetryTime = (retryTime: CommandConfig["retryTime"]) => { return this.clone({ retryTime }); }; public setCache = (cache: CommandConfig["cache"]) => { return this.clone({ cache }); }; public setCacheTime = (cacheTime: CommandConfig["cacheTime"]) => { return this.clone({ cacheTime }); }; public setQueued = (queued: boolean) => { return this.clone({ queued }); }; public setAbortKey = (abortKey: string) => { this.updatedAbortKey = true; return this.clone({ abortKey }); }; public setCacheKey = (cacheKey: string) => { this.updatedCacheKey = true; return this.clone({ cacheKey }); }; public setQueueKey = (queueKey: string) => { this.updatedQueueKey = true; return this.clone({ queueKey }); }; public setEffectKey = (effectKey: string) => { this.updatedEffectKey = true; return this.clone({ effectKey }); }; public setDeduplicate = (deduplicate: boolean) => { return this.clone({ deduplicate }); }; public setDeduplicateTime = (deduplicateTime: number) => { return this.clone({ deduplicateTime }); }; public setUsed = (used: boolean) => { return this.clone({ used }); }; public setOffline = (offline: boolean) => { return this.clone({ offline }); }; public setDataMapper = (mapper: (data: RequestDataType) => DataMapper) => { return this.clone(undefined, mapper); }; private paramsMapper = ( params: ParamsType | null | undefined, queryParams: QueryParamsType | NegativeTypes, ): string => { let endpoint = this.commandOptions.endpoint as string; if (params) { Object.entries(params).forEach(([key, value]) => { endpoint = endpoint.replace(new RegExp(`:${key}`, "g"), String(value)); }); } if (queryParams) { endpoint += this.builder.stringifyQueryParams(queryParams); } return endpoint; }; public dump(): CommandDump< Command< ResponseType, RequestDataType, QueryParamsType, GlobalErrorType, LocalErrorType, EndpointType, ClientOptions, HasData, HasParams, HasQuery, MappedData >, ClientOptions, QueryParamsType > { return { commandOptions: this.commandOptions, endpoint: this.endpoint, headers: this.headers, auth: this.auth, method: this.method, params: this.params, data:, queryParams: this.queryParams, options: this.options, cancelable: this.cancelable, retry: this.retry, retryTime: this.retryTime, cache: this.cache, cacheTime: this.cacheTime, queued: this.queued, offline: this.offline, abortKey: this.abortKey, cacheKey: this.cacheKey, queueKey: this.queueKey, effectKey: this.effectKey, used: this.used, disableResponseInterceptors: this.commandOptions.disableResponseInterceptors, disableRequestInterceptors: this.commandOptions.disableRequestInterceptors, updatedAbortKey: this.updatedAbortKey, updatedCacheKey: this.updatedCacheKey, updatedQueueKey: this.updatedQueueKey, updatedEffectKey: this.updatedEffectKey, deduplicate: this.deduplicate, deduplicateTime: this.deduplicateTime, }; } public clone< D extends true | false = HasData, P extends true | false = HasParams, Q extends true | false = HasQuery, MapperData = MappedData, >( options?: CommandCurrentType< ResponseType, RequestDataType, QueryParamsType, GlobalErrorType | LocalErrorType, EndpointType, ClientOptions, MapperData >, mapper?: (data: RequestDataType) => MapperData, ): Command< ResponseType, RequestDataType, QueryParamsType, GlobalErrorType, LocalErrorType, EndpointType, ClientOptions, D, P, Q, MapperData > { const dump = this.dump(); const commandDump: CommandCurrentType< ResponseType, RequestDataType, QueryParamsType, GlobalErrorType | LocalErrorType, EndpointType, ClientOptions, MapperData > = { ...dump, ...options, abortKey: this.updatedAbortKey ? options?.abortKey || this.abortKey : undefined, cacheKey: this.updatedCacheKey ? options?.cacheKey || this.cacheKey : undefined, queueKey: this.updatedQueueKey ? options?.queueKey || this.queueKey : undefined, endpoint: this.paramsMapper( options?.params || this.params, options?.queryParams || this.queryParams, ) as EndpointType, queryParams: options?.queryParams || this.queryParams, // Typescript circular types issue - we have to leave any here data: (options?.data || as any, }; const cloned = new Command< ResponseType, RequestDataType, QueryParamsType, GlobalErrorType, LocalErrorType, EndpointType, ClientOptions, D, P, Q, MapperData >(this.builder, this.commandOptions, commandDump, mapper); return cloned; } public abort = () => { const { commandManager } = this.builder; commandManager.abortByKey(this.abortKey); return this.clone(); }; /** * Method to use the command WITHOUT adding it to cache and queues. This mean it will make simple request without queue side effects. * @param options * @returns */ public exec: FetchMethodType< Command< ResponseType, RequestDataType, QueryParamsType, GlobalErrorType, LocalErrorType, EndpointType, ClientOptions, HasData, HasParams, HasQuery, MappedData > > = async ( options?: FetchType< Command< ResponseType, RequestDataType, QueryParamsType, GlobalErrorType, LocalErrorType, EndpointType, ClientOptions, HasData, HasParams, HasQuery, MappedData > >, ) => { const { client } = this.builder; const command = this.clone(options as any); const requestId = getUniqueRequestId(this.queueKey); return client(command, requestId); }; /** * Method used to perform requests with usage of cache and queues * @param options * @param requestCallback */ public send: FetchMethodType< Command< ResponseType, RequestDataType, QueryParamsType, GlobalErrorType, LocalErrorType, EndpointType, ClientOptions, HasData, HasParams, HasQuery, MappedData > > = async ( options?: FetchType< Command< ResponseType, RequestDataType, QueryParamsType, GlobalErrorType, LocalErrorType, EndpointType, ClientOptions, HasData, HasParams, HasQuery, MappedData > >, ) => { const { dispatcherType, } = options || {}; const command = this.clone(rest as any); return commandSendRequest< Command< ResponseType, RequestDataType, QueryParamsType, GlobalErrorType, LocalErrorType, EndpointType, ClientOptions, HasData, HasParams, HasQuery, MappedData > >(command, options); }; } // Typescript test cases // const builder = new Builder({ // baseUrl: "http://localhost:3000", // }); // const getUsers = builder.createCommand<{ id: string }[]>()({ // method: "GET", // endpoint: "/users", // }); // const getUser = builder.createCommand<{ id: string }>()({ // method: "GET", // endpoint: "/users/:id", // }); // const postUser = builder.createCommand<{ id: string }, { name: string }>()({ // method: "POST", // endpoint: "/users", // }); // const patchUser = builder.createCommand<{ id: string }, { name: string }>()({ // method: "PATCH", // endpoint: "/users/:id", // }); // // OK // getUsers.send({ queryParams: "" }); // getUsers.setQueryParams("").send(); // // Fail // getUsers.send({ data: "" }); // getUsers.send({ params: "" }); // getUsers.setQueryParams("").send({ queryParams: "" }); // // OK // getUser.send({ params: { id: "" }, queryParams: "" }); // getUser.setParams({ id: "" }).send({ queryParams: "" }); // // Fail // getUser.send({ queryParams: "" }); // getUser.send(); // getUser.setParams({ id: "" }).send({ params: { id: "" } }); // // OK // postUser.send({ data: { name: "" } }); // postUser.setData({ name: "" }).send(); // // Fail // postUser.send({ queryParams: "" }); // postUser.send({ data: null }); // postUser.send(); // postUser.setData({ name: "" }).send({ data: { name: "" } }); // // OK // patchUser.send({ params: { id: "" }, data: { name: "" } }); // patchUser.setParams({ id: "" }).setData({ name: "" }).send(); // // Fail // patchUser.send({ queryParams: "" }); // patchUser.send({ data: null }); // patchUser.send(); // patchUser // .setParams({ id: "" }) // .setData({ name: "" }) // .send({ data: { name: "" } }); // patchUser // .setParams({ id: "" }) // .setData({ name: "" }) // .send({ params: { id: "" } });