import { ClientQueryParam, ClientQueryParamsType, ClientQueryParamValues, ClientResponseType, QueryStringifyOptions, } from "client"; import { CommandInstance } from "command"; import { stringifyDefaultOptions } from "builder"; import { NegativeTypes } from "types"; import { RequestInterceptorCallback, ResponseInterceptorCallback } from "./builder.types"; // Utils export const stringifyValue = (response: string | unknown): string => { try { return JSON.stringify(response as string); } catch (err) { return ""; } }; export const interceptRequest = async (interceptors: RequestInterceptorCallback[], command: CommandInstance) => { let newCommand = command; if (!command.commandOptions.disableRequestInterceptors) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (const interceptor of interceptors) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop newCommand = (await interceptor(command)) as CommandInstance; if (!newCommand) throw new Error("Request modifier must return command"); } } return newCommand; }; export const interceptResponse = async ( interceptors: ResponseInterceptorCallback[], response: ClientResponseType, command: CommandInstance, ) => { let newResponse = response; if (!command.commandOptions.disableResponseInterceptors) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (const interceptor of interceptors) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop newResponse = await interceptor(response, command); if (!newResponse) throw new Error("Response modifier must return data"); } } return newResponse; }; // Mappers export const getClientHeaders = (command: CommandInstance) => { const isFormData = instanceof FormData; const headers: HeadersInit = {}; if (!isFormData) headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; Object.assign(headers, command.headers); return headers as HeadersInit; }; export const getClientPayload = (data: unknown): string | FormData => { const isFormData = data instanceof FormData; if (isFormData) return data; return stringifyValue(data); }; // Stringify const isValidValue = (options: QueryStringifyOptions) => { return (value: ClientQueryParam) => { const { skipNull, skipEmptyString } = options; if (skipEmptyString && value === undefined) { return false; } if (skipEmptyString && value === "") { return false; } if (skipNull && value === null) { return false; } return true; }; }; const encodeValue = (value: string, { encode, strict }: Pick): string => { if (encode && strict) { return encodeURIComponent(value).replace(/[!'()*]/g, (s) => `%${s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}`); } if (encode) { return encodeURIComponent(value); } return value; }; const encodeParams = (key: string, value: ClientQueryParam, options: QueryStringifyOptions) => { const shouldSkip = !isValidValue(options)(value); if (!key || shouldSkip) { return ""; } return `${encodeValue(key, options)}=${encodeValue(String(value), options)}`; }; const encodeArray = (key: string, array: Array, options: QueryStringifyOptions): string => { const { arrayFormat, arraySeparator } = options; return array .filter(isValidValue(options)) .reduce((acc, value, index) => { switch (arrayFormat) { case "index": { const keyValue = `${encodeValue(key, options)}[${encodeValue(String(index), options)}]=`; acc.push(`${keyValue}${encodeValue(String(value), options)}`); break; } case "bracket": { const keyValue = `${encodeValue(key, options)}[]=`; acc.push(`${keyValue}${encodeValue(String(value), options)}`); break; } case "comma": { const keyValue = (!acc.length && `${encodeValue(key, options)}=`) || ""; return [[...acc, `${keyValue}${encodeValue(String(value), options)}`].join(",")]; } case "separator": { const keyValue = (!acc.length && `${encodeValue(key, options)}=`) || ""; return [[...acc, `${keyValue}${encodeValue(String(value), options)}`].join(arraySeparator || "|")]; } case "bracket-separator": { const keyValue = (!acc.length && `${encodeValue(key, options)}[]=`) || ""; return [[...acc, `${keyValue}${encodeValue(String(value), options)}`].join(arraySeparator || "|")]; } default: { const keyValue = `${encodeValue(key, options)}=`; acc.push(`${keyValue}${encodeValue(String(value), options)}`); } } return acc; }, []) .join("&"); }; export const stringifyQueryParams = ( queryParams: ClientQueryParamsType | string | NegativeTypes, options: QueryStringifyOptions = stringifyDefaultOptions, ): string => { if (!queryParams || !Object.keys(queryParams).length) { return ""; } if (typeof queryParams === "string") { const hasQuestionMark = queryParams[0] === "?"; return hasQuestionMark ? queryParams : `?${queryParams}`; } const stringified = Object.entries(queryParams) .map(([key, value]): string => { if (Array.isArray(value)) { return encodeArray(key, value, options); } return encodeParams(key, value, options); }) .filter(Boolean) .join("&"); if (stringified) { return `?${stringified}`; } return ""; };