import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core' import { PageIndex } from './SlidePages' import { DEFAULT_PAGE_STATS } from './constants' export interface PageStats { x: number y: number width: number height: number cx: number // center position of every page cy: number } export default class PagesMatrix { pages: Array> pageLengthOfX: number pageLengthOfY: number private wrapperWidth: number private wrapperHeight: number private scrollerWidth: number private scrollerHeight: number constructor(private scroll: BScroll) { this.init() } init() { const scroller = this.scroll.scroller const { scrollBehaviorX, scrollBehaviorY } = scroller this.wrapperWidth = scrollBehaviorX.wrapperSize this.wrapperHeight = scrollBehaviorY.wrapperSize this.scrollerHeight = scrollBehaviorY.contentSize this.scrollerWidth = scrollBehaviorX.contentSize this.pages = this.buildPagesMatrix(this.wrapperWidth, this.wrapperHeight) this.pageLengthOfX = this.pages ? this.pages.length : 0 this.pageLengthOfY = this.pages && this.pages[0] ? this.pages[0].length : 0 } getPageStats(pageX: number, pageY: number): PageStats { // Returns the default Stats when no Stats are retrieved // Scene: When the `content` element is an empty bounding box, the return value of the `width/height` function of el.getBoundingClientRect is 0 and pages will be calculated as an empty array. // return this.pages[pageX] && this.pages[pageX][pageY] ? this.pages[pageX][pageY] : DEFAULT_PAGE_STATS } getNearestPageIndex(x: number, y: number): PageIndex { let pageX = 0 let pageY = 0 let l = this.pages.length for (; pageX < l - 1; pageX++) { if (x >= this.pages[pageX][0].cx) { break } } l = this.pages[pageX] ? this.pages[pageX].length : 0 for (; pageY < l - 1; pageY++) { if (y >= this.pages[0][pageY].cy) { break } } return { pageX, pageY, } } // (n x 1) matrix for horizontal scroll or // (1 * n) matrix for vertical scroll private buildPagesMatrix( stepX: number, stepY: number ): Array> { let pages: Array> = [] let x = 0 let y let cx let cy let i = 0 let l const maxScrollPosX = this.scroll.scroller.scrollBehaviorX.maxScrollPos const maxScrollPosY = this.scroll.scroller.scrollBehaviorY.maxScrollPos cx = Math.round(stepX / 2) cy = Math.round(stepY / 2) while (x > -this.scrollerWidth) { pages[i] = [] l = 0 y = 0 while (y > -this.scrollerHeight) { pages[i][l] = { x: Math.max(x, maxScrollPosX), y: Math.max(y, maxScrollPosY), width: stepX, height: stepY, cx: x - cx, cy: y - cy, } y -= stepY l++ } x -= stepX i++ } return pages } }