import util from "util"; import child_process from "child_process"; import type { Abortable } from "events"; import type { InterfaceFromClass, UnsafeAny } from "../types"; import type { Deferred } from "../promises/deferred"; import type { PackageManager } from "../package-json/package-json-type"; import type { ServicesRunner } from "../promises/services-runner"; import { type DevLogTimedOptions, DevLogTimed, devLog } from "../dev-log"; import { noop } from "../utils/utils"; import { devError } from "../dev-error"; import { AbortError } from "../promises/abort-error"; import { abortSignals } from "../promises/abort-signals"; import { NodeResolver } from "../modules/node-resolver"; import { millisecondsToString } from "../elapsed-time"; import { serviceRunnerServiceSymbol } from "../promises/service-runner-types"; import { devEnv } from "../dev-env"; let _treeKill: typeof import("tree-kill") | undefined; const { defineProperty } = Reflect; class ChildProcessError extends Error {} const { isArray } = Array; const util_inspect_custom = util.inspect.custom; export interface SpawnOptions extends DevLogTimedOptions, ChildProcessWrapper.Options, Abortable, child_process.SpawnOptions { /** The value which will be passed as stdin to the spawned process. Supplying this value will override stdin, stdio[0] */ input?: string | Buffer | Uint8Array | DataView | undefined; debugArguments?: boolean | undefined; } export interface NpmSpawnOptions extends SpawnOptions { packageManager?: PackageManager; } export interface ForkOptions extends DevLogTimedOptions, ChildProcessWrapper.Options, Abortable, child_process.ForkOptions { /** The value which will be passed as stdin to the spawned process. Supplying this value will override stdin, stdio[0] */ input?: string | Buffer | Uint8Array | DataView | undefined; } export interface SpawnOrForkOptions extends SpawnOptions, ForkOptions {} export type SpawnArg = | string | null | undefined | number | false | readonly (string | null | undefined | number | false)[]; export namespace ChildProcessWrapper { export interface Options extends DevLogTimedOptions { /** Initial elapsed time, defaults to 0 */ elapsed?: number | undefined; /** * True if the promise will be rejected on AbortError. * If false, the promise will just succeed instead. * Default is true. */ rejectOnAbort?: boolean | undefined; /** * True if the promise will be rejected if the statusCode is a non zero number. * Default is true. */ rejectOnNonZeroStatusCode?: boolean | undefined; /** * The signal value to be used when the spawned process will be killed by calling kill without parameters or by the abort signal. * @default 'SIGTERM' */ killSignal?: NodeJS.Signals | number | undefined; /** * If true, process children will be killed as well if an abort signal is received. */ killChildren?: boolean | undefined; title?: string | undefined; /** If true, stdout and stderr are captured as string */ captureOutputText?: boolean | "combined" | undefined; colorsLevel?: "auto" | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | undefined; } export type ConstructorInput = | child_process.ChildProcess | Error | ((options: ChildProcessWrapper.Options) => { childProcess: child_process.ChildProcess; }); } class ErroredChildProcess extends child_process.ChildProcess { readonly _error: Error; constructor(error?: unknown | undefined) { super({ captureRejections: false }); this._error = devError(error,; defineProperty(this, "exitCode", { value: -1, configurable: true }); defineProperty(this, "killed", { value: true, configurable: true }); } } export class ChildProcessWrapper implements ServicesRunner.Service { public static defaultOptions: Omit = { rejectOnAbort: true, rejectOnNonZeroStatusCode: true, killChildren: false, timed: false, }; public static defaultSpawnOptions: Omit = { timed: true, }; private _childProcess: child_process.ChildProcess; private _exitCode: number | NodeJS.Signals | null; private _error: Error | null; private _terminationPromise: ChildProcessPromise; private _promise: ChildProcessPromise | null; private _timed: DevLogTimed; private _killSignal: NodeJS.Signals | number | undefined; private _killChildren: boolean; private _pendingPromises: Promise[] = []; /** * If in the option captureOutputText was truthy, and the process has a piped output, * this field will contain the process output. */ public stdoutText: string = ""; /** * If in the option captureOutputText was true, and the process has a piped output, * this field will contain the process stderr output. */ public stderrText: string = ""; public constructor( input: ChildProcessWrapper.ConstructorInput, options?: ChildProcessWrapper.Options | undefined | null, abortSignal?: AbortSignal | undefined, ) { this._error = null; this._exitCode = null; this._promise = null; const defaultOptions = ?? ChildProcessWrapper.defaultOptions; options = _sanitizeOptions({ ...defaultOptions, ...options }, defaultOptions); const captureOutputText = options.captureOutputText || false; if (typeof input === "function") { try { if (abortSignal) { abortSignals.throwIfAborted(abortSignal); } const ret = input(options); input = ret.childProcess; } catch (error) { input = devError(error,; } } const { showStack, rejectOnAbort, rejectOnNonZeroStatusCode, killSignal, killChildren } = options; this._killSignal = killSignal; this._killChildren = !!killChildren; this._timed = new DevLogTimed(`${options.title ??}`, options); this._timed.start(); const childProcess = typeof input !== "object" || input === null || input instanceof Error ? new ErroredChildProcess(input) : input; this._childProcess = childProcess; const initialError = new ChildProcessError("Child process error."); Error.captureStackTrace(initialError,; let exited = false; let resolve: (self: this) => void; const promise = new ChildProcessPromise((_resolve) => { resolve = _resolve; }); promise.childProcessWrapper = this; this._terminationPromise = promise; const updateErrorProperties = (e: Error): void => { const { exitCode, elapsed, title } = this; const time = millisecondsToString(elapsed); if (e === initialError) { if (e === initialError) { let msg = title ? `Child process "${title}" failed` : "Child process failed"; if (exitCode !== null) { msg += ` with exitCode:${exitCode}`; } if (elapsed > 5) { msg += ` in ${time}`; } msg += "."; devError.setMessage(e, msg); } } devError.setProperty(e, "process_title", title); devError.setProperty(e, "process_time", time); devError.setProperty(e, "process_exitCode", exitCode); }; const setError = (e?: Error | undefined): void => { if (this._error) { return; } e = devError(e || initialError); this._error = e; if (showStack !== undefined) { devError.setShowStack(e, showStack); } updateErrorProperties(e); }; let removeAbortRegistration = noop; const stdout = childProcess.stdout; const stderr = childProcess.stderr; const _captureStdout = captureOutputText && stdout ? (data: string): void => { this.stdoutText += data; } : null; const _captureStderr = captureOutputText === "combined" ? _captureStdout : captureOutputText && stderr ? (data: string): void => { this.stderrText += data; } : null; const onClose = (): void => { removeAbortRegistration(); if (exited) { return; } const pendingPromises = this._pendingPromises; if (pendingPromises.length > 0) { this._pendingPromises = []; void Promise.allSettled(pendingPromises).then(onClose); return; } exited = true; try { childProcess.removeListener("error", onError); childProcess.removeListener("close", onClose); } catch {} const exitCode = this.exitCode; this._exitCode = exitCode; if (exitCode && !this._error) { setError(); } const error = this._error; if (error) { updateErrorProperties(error); if (error === initialError && !rejectOnNonZeroStatusCode && typeof exitCode === "number") { this._timed.end(`exitCode:${exitCode}`); } else if (!rejectOnAbort && AbortError.isAbortError(error)) {; this._timed.status = "succeeded"; } else {; } } else { this._timed.end(); } if (_captureStdout || _captureStderr) { setImmediate(() => { try { if (_captureStdout) { stdout!.off("data", _captureStdout); } if (_captureStderr) { stderr!.off("data", _captureStderr); } } catch {} resolve(this); }); } else { resolve(this); } }; const self = this; function onError(e: Error): void { removeAbortRegistration(); if (!exited) { setError(e); if (! { onClose(); return; } if (AbortError.isAbortError(e) && !self.processTerminated && (killChildren || !self._childProcess.killed)) { if (killChildren) { self.killChildren(); } self.kill(); } } } childProcess.once("error", onError); childProcess.once("close", onClose); if (captureOutputText) { if (_captureStdout) { stdout!.on("data", _captureStdout); } if (_captureStderr) { stderr!.on("data", _captureStderr); } } if (!exited) { if (abortSignal !== undefined) { if (abortSignals.isAborted(abortSignal)) { onError(new AbortError()); } else { const abort = (): void => { onError(new AbortError()); }; removeAbortRegistration = abortSignals.addAbortHandler(abortSignal, abort); } } if (this.processTerminated) { if (childProcess instanceof ErroredChildProcess) { setError(childProcess._error); onClose(); } else { setImmediate(onClose); } } } } public async [serviceRunnerServiceSymbol](): Promise { await this.promise(); } public get title(): string { return this._timed.title; } public set title(value: string) { this._timed.title = value; } /** * A promise that awaits process termination. It does not reject if there is a process error or a non zero exitCode. */ public terminationPromise(): ChildProcessPromise { return this._terminationPromise; } /** * A promise that awaits process termination, and is rejected in case of errors. */ public promise(): ChildProcessPromise { let promise = this._promise; if (promise === null) { const childProcessPromise = (resolve: (self: this) => void, reject: (e: unknown) => void): void => { let completed = false; const terminated = (instance: this | Error): void => { if (!completed) { completed = true; if (instance instanceof Error || !instance) { reject(instance); } else { const error = instance.error; if (error) { if (this.isRejected) { reject(error); } else { resolve(instance); } } else { resolve(instance); } } } }; this.terminationPromise().then(terminated, terminated); }; promise = new ChildProcessPromise(childProcessPromise); promise.childProcessWrapper = this; this._promise = promise; } return promise; } /** True if the process was terminated. */ public get processTerminated(): boolean { const process = this._childProcess; return process.exitCode !== null || process.signalCode !== null || === undefined; } /** The child process currently running */ public get childProcess(): child_process.ChildProcess { return this._childProcess; } /** Promise status. "pending" | "succeeded" | "rejected" */ public get status(): Deferred.Status { return this._timed.status; } /** If there was an error, this property contains it */ public get error(): Error | null { return this._error; } /** True if running */ public get isRunning(): boolean { return this._timed.isRunning; } /** True if completed, with or without errors */ public get isSettled(): boolean { return this._timed.isSettled; } /** True if completed without errors */ public get isSucceeded(): boolean { return this._timed.isSucceeded; } /** True if failed */ public get isRejected(): boolean { return this._timed.isRejected; } /** * Returns the process identifier (PID) of the child process. If the child process * fails to spawn due to errors, then the value is `undefined` and `error` is * emitted. */ public get pid(): number | undefined { return; } /** * The `killed` property indicates whether the child process * successfully received a signal from `.kill()`. * The `killed` property does not indicate that the child process has been terminated. */ public get killed(): boolean { return this._childProcess.killed; } /** Number of milliseconds since the wrapper was created and the process terminated. */ public get elapsed(): number { return this._timed.elapsed; } public getElapsedTime(): string { return this._timed.getElapsedTime(); } public get exitCode(): number | NodeJS.Signals | null { const result = this._exitCode; if (result !== null) { return result; } if (!this.processTerminated) { return null; } const process = this._childProcess; return process.exitCode ?? process.signalCode ?? (this._error || === undefined ? -1 : 0); } /** * The `subprocess.kill()` method sends a signal to the child process. * returns `true` if [`kill(2)`]( succeeds, and `false` otherwise. */ public kill(signal?: NodeJS.Signals | number | undefined, options?: { killChildren?: boolean | undefined }): boolean { if (! { return false; } const killChildren = options?.killChildren ?? this._killChildren; const _signal = signal ?? this._killSignal; if (killChildren) { this.killChildren(_signal); } try { if (this._childProcess.kill(_signal)) { return true; } } catch {} return false; } public killChildren(signal?: NodeJS.Signals | number | undefined): void { this.killChildrenAsync(signal).catch(noop); } public killChildrenAsync(signal?: NodeJS.Signals | number | undefined): Promise { const promise = ChildProcessWrapper.killProcessChildren(this, signal ?? this._killSignal ?? "SIGTERM"); this.addPendingPromise(promise); return promise; } public addPendingPromise(promise: Promise): void { if (this.isRunning) { const myPromise = promise.finally(() => { const index = this._pendingPromises.indexOf(myPromise); if (index >= 0) { void this._pendingPromises.splice(index, 1); } }); this._pendingPromises.push(myPromise); } } /** * Calling `subprocess.ref()` after making a call to `subprocess.unref()` will * restore the removed reference count for the child process, forcing the parent * to wait for the child to exit before exiting itself. * * ```js * const { spawn } = require('child_process'); * * const subprocess = spawn(process.argv[0], ['child_program.js'], { * detached: true, * stdio: 'ignore' * }); * * subprocess.unref(); * subprocess.ref(); * ``` */ public ref(): void { this._childProcess.ref(); } /** * By default, the parent will wait for the detached child to exit. To prevent the * parent from waiting for a given `subprocess` to exit, use the`subprocess.unref()` method. * Doing so will cause the parent's event loop to not include the child in its reference count, * allowing the parent to exit independently of the child, unless there is an established IPC channel between * the child and the parent. * * ```js * const { spawn } = require('child_process'); * * const subprocess = spawn(process.argv[0], ['child_program.js'], { * detached: true, * stdio: 'ignore' * }); * * subprocess.unref(); * ``` */ public unref(): void { this._childProcess.unref(); } public toJSON(): { class: string; title: string; exitCode: number | NodeJS.Signals | null; time: string; error: string | null; status: Deferred.Status; processTerminated: boolean; killed: boolean; } { return { class: this.constructor?.name ||, title: this.title, exitCode: this.exitCode, time: this.getElapsedTime(), error: this.error ? `${this.error}` : null, status: this.status, processTerminated: this.processTerminated, killed: this._childProcess.killed, }; } public [util_inspect_custom](): unknown { return this.toJSON(); } public static normalizeArgs(args: readonly SpawnArg[] | null | undefined): string[] { if (args === null || args === undefined) { return []; } const result: string[] = []; const append = (array: readonly SpawnArg[], level: number): void => { for (const arg of array) { if (arg !== null && arg !== undefined && arg !== false) { if (isArray(arg)) { if (level > 8) { throw new Error("getDevChildTaskArgs array overflow"); } append(arg, level + 1); } else { result.push(typeof arg !== "string" ? `${arg}` : arg); } } } }; append(args, 0); return result; } public static extractSpawnOptions( inputArgs: readonly SpawnArg[] | undefined, command: string, options: TOptions | null | undefined, ): { command: string; args: string[]; opts: typeof ChildProcessWrapper.defaultSpawnOptions & TOptions; signal: AbortSignal | undefined; } { const args = ChildProcessWrapper.normalizeArgs(inputArgs); const cmd = [command, ...args].join(" "); const opts = { ...ChildProcessWrapper.defaultSpawnOptions, ...options, } as typeof ChildProcessWrapper.defaultSpawnOptions & TOptions; if (opts.stdio === undefined) { if (opts.captureOutputText) { opts.stdio = ["inherit", "pipe", "pipe"]; } else { opts.stdio = "inherit"; } } if (opts.input === null) { opts.input = undefined; } if (opts.input !== undefined) { if ( typeof opts.stdio === "string" || typeof opts.stdio === "number" || (typeof opts.stdio === "object" && !Array.isArray(opts.stdio)) ) { opts.stdio = [opts.stdio, opts.stdio, opts.stdio]; } if (Array.isArray(opts.stdio)) { opts.stdio = [...opts.stdio]; } opts.stdio[0] = "pipe"; } if (typeof opts.title !== "string") { opts.title = cmd.length < 40 ? cmd : command; } if (typeof opts.cwd !== "string") { opts.cwd = process.cwd(); } const signal = "signal" in opts ? opts.signal : abortSignals.getSignal(opts.signal); opts.signal = undefined; if (opts.colorsLevel === "auto") { opts.colorsLevel = devEnv.colorsLevel; } if (opts.captureOutputText && opts.colorsLevel === undefined) { opts.colorsLevel = 0; } if (opts.colorsLevel !== undefined) { if (opts.colorsLevel === 0) { opts.env = { ...(opts.env || process.env), NO_COLOR: "true", COLOR: "0", FORCE_COLOR: "0" }; } else if (opts.colorsLevel > 0) { opts.env = { ...(opts.env || process.env), COLOR: "1", FORCE_COLOR: opts.colorsLevel.toString() }; delete opts.env.NO_COLOR; } } return { command, args, opts, signal }; } /** Spawn a new process, redirect stdio and await for completion. */ public static spawn( command: string, inputArgs?: readonly SpawnArg[] | undefined, options?: SpawnOptions | null | undefined, ): ChildProcessWrapper { const { args, opts, signal } = ChildProcessWrapper.extractSpawnOptions(inputArgs, command, options); if (opts.debugArguments) { devLog.debug(`spawn: ${command} `, args); } return new ChildProcessWrapper( () => { const childProcess = child_process.spawn(command, args, opts); if (opts.input !== undefined) { childProcess.stdin?.write(opts.input); opts.input = undefined; } return { childProcess }; }, opts, signal, ); } /** Forks the node process that runs the given module, redirect stdio and await for completion. */ public static fork( moduleId: string, inputArgs?: readonly SpawnArg[] | undefined, options?: ForkOptions | null, ): ChildProcessWrapper { const { opts, args, signal } = ChildProcessWrapper.extractSpawnOptions(inputArgs, moduleId, options); return new ChildProcessWrapper( () => { const childProcess = child_process.fork(moduleId, args, opts); if (opts.input !== undefined) { childProcess.stdin?.write(opts.input, noop); opts.input = undefined; } return { childProcess }; }, opts, signal, ); } /** Forks the node process that runs the given bin command for the given package, redirect stdio and await for completion. */ public static runModuleBin( moduleId: string, executableId: string, inputArgs: readonly SpawnArg[] = [], options?: ForkOptions | undefined, ): ChildProcessWrapper { options = { ...options }; if (typeof options.title !== "string") { options = { ...options, title: moduleId !== executableId ? `${moduleId}:${executableId}` : moduleId, }; } const { opts, args, signal } = ChildProcessWrapper.extractSpawnOptions(inputArgs, moduleId, options); return new ChildProcessWrapper( () => { const resolved = NodeResolver.workspaceRoot.resolvePackageBin(moduleId, executableId, opts.cwd); if (!resolved) { throw new Error(`runModuleBin: Could not find ${moduleId}:${executableId}`); } const childProcess = child_process.fork(resolved, args, opts); if (opts.input !== undefined) { childProcess.stdin?.write(opts.input, noop); opts.input = undefined; } return { childProcess }; }, opts, signal, ); } /** Executes npm run [args] */ public static npmRun( command: string, args: readonly SpawnArg[] = [], options?: NpmSpawnOptions | undefined, ): ChildProcessWrapper { const packageManager = (options && options.packageManager) || NodeResolver.workspaceRoot.packageManager; options = { title: `${packageManager} run ${command}`, ...options, packageManager, }; return ChildProcessWrapper.npmCommand("run", [command, ...args], options); } /** Executes npm [args] */ public static npmCommand( command: string, args: readonly SpawnArg[] = [], options?: NpmSpawnOptions | undefined, ): ChildProcessWrapper { const packageManager = (options && options.packageManager) || NodeResolver.workspaceRoot.packageManager; options = { title: `${packageManager} ${command}`, ...options, packageManager, }; return ChildProcessWrapper.npm([command, ...args], options); } /** Executes npm [args] */ public static npm(args: readonly SpawnArg[] = [], options?: NpmSpawnOptions | undefined): ChildProcessWrapper { const packageManager = (options && options.packageManager) || NodeResolver.workspaceRoot.packageManager; options = { title: packageManager, ...options, packageManager }; return ChildProcessWrapper.spawn(packageManager + (process.platform === "win32" ? ".cmd" : ""), args, options); } /** Kills all child processes of the given process id or ChildProcess instance. */ public static killProcessChildren( pid: number | child_process.ChildProcess | { pid: number | undefined } | null | undefined, signal?: NodeJS.Signals | number | undefined, ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!pid) { return resolve(false); } if (typeof pid === "object" && pid !== null) { pid =; if (!pid) { return resolve(false); } } if (!_treeKill) { _treeKill = require("tree-kill"); } return _treeKill!(pid, signal, (error: unknown) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(true); } }); }); } } const private_childProcessWrapper = Symbol.for("childProcessWrapper"); const private_error = Symbol.for("error"); export class ChildProcessPromise extends Promise implements InterfaceFromClass { private [private_childProcessWrapper]: ChildProcessWrapper | undefined; private [private_error]?: Error | undefined; public constructor( executor: (resolve: (value: T | PromiseLike) => void, reject: (reason?: unknown | undefined) => void) => void, ) { let wrapper: ChildProcessWrapper | undefined; let error: Error | undefined; super((resolve, reject) => { executor( (value) => { if (value instanceof ChildProcessWrapper) { wrapper = value; } if (value instanceof ChildProcessPromise) { wrapper = value.childProcessWrapper; } resolve(value); }, (e) => { error = devError(e); reject(e); }, ); }); if (wrapper !== undefined) { this[private_childProcessWrapper] = wrapper; } else if (error !== undefined) { this[private_error] = error; } } /** * If in the option captureOutputText was truthy, and the process has a piped output, * this field will contain the process output. */ public get stdoutText(): string { return this.childProcessWrapper.stdoutText; } public set stdoutText(value: string) { this.childProcessWrapper.stdoutText = value; } /** * If in the option captureOutputText was true, and the process has a piped output, * this field will contain the process stderr output. */ public get stderrText(): string { return this.childProcessWrapper.stderrText; } public set stderrText(value: string) { this.childProcessWrapper.stderrText = value; } public [util_inspect_custom](): unknown { return this.toJSON(); } public addPendingPromise(promise: Promise): void { this.childProcessWrapper.addPendingPromise(promise); } public get pid(): number | undefined { return; } public get childProcessWrapper(): ChildProcessWrapper { let result = this[private_childProcessWrapper]; if (!result) { result = new ChildProcessWrapper(devError(this[private_error]), { timed: false, showStack: false, printStarted: false, logError: false, }); } return result; } public set childProcessWrapper(value: ChildProcessWrapper) { this[private_childProcessWrapper] = value; } public get title(): string { return this.childProcessWrapper.title; } public set title(value: string) { this.childProcessWrapper.title = value; } public promise(): ChildProcessPromise { return this.childProcessWrapper.promise(); } public terminationPromise(): ChildProcessPromise { return this.childProcessWrapper.terminationPromise(); } public getElapsedTime(): string { return this.childProcessWrapper.getElapsedTime(); } public get processTerminated(): boolean { return this.childProcessWrapper.processTerminated; } public get childProcess(): child_process.ChildProcess { return this.childProcessWrapper.childProcess; } public get status(): Deferred.Status { return this.childProcessWrapper.status; } public get error(): Error | null { return this.childProcessWrapper.error; } public get isRunning(): boolean { return this.childProcessWrapper.isRunning; } public get isSettled(): boolean { return this.childProcessWrapper.isSettled; } public get isSucceeded(): boolean { return this.childProcessWrapper.isSucceeded; } public get isRejected(): boolean { return this.childProcessWrapper.isRejected; } public get killed(): boolean { return this.childProcessWrapper.killed; } public get elapsed(): number { return this.childProcessWrapper.elapsed; } public get exitCode(): number | NodeJS.Signals | null { return this.childProcessWrapper.exitCode; } public kill(signal?: number | NodeJS.Signals | undefined, options?: { killChildren?: boolean | undefined }): boolean { return this.childProcessWrapper.kill(signal, options); } public killChildren(signal?: number | NodeJS.Signals | undefined): void { return this.childProcessWrapper.killChildren(signal); } public killChildrenAsync(signal?: number | NodeJS.Signals | undefined): Promise { return this.childProcessWrapper.killChildrenAsync(signal); } public ref(): void { return this.childProcessWrapper.ref(); } public unref(): void { return this.childProcessWrapper.unref(); } public toJSON(): { class: string; title: string; exitCode: number | NodeJS.Signals | null; time: string; error: string | null; status: Deferred.Status; processTerminated: boolean; killed: boolean; } { return { ...this.childProcessWrapper.toJSON(), class: this.constructor?.name ||, }; } public override then( onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: UnsafeAny) => TResult2 | PromiseLike) | undefined | null, ): ChildProcessPromise { const result = super.then(onfulfilled, onrejected) as ChildProcessPromise; result.childProcessWrapper = this.childProcessWrapper; return result; } public override catch( onrejected?: ((reason: UnsafeAny) => TResult | PromiseLike) | undefined | null, ): ChildProcessPromise { const result = super.catch(onrejected) as ChildProcessPromise; result.childProcessWrapper = this.childProcessWrapper; return result; } public override finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | null | undefined): ChildProcessPromise { const result = super.finally(onfinally) as ChildProcessPromise; result.childProcessWrapper = this.childProcessWrapper; return result; } /** Calls a function passing this instance as argument. */ public with(fn: (self: this) => void): this { fn(this); return this; } /** * Creates a new rejected promise for the provided reason. * @param reason The reason the promise was rejected. * @returns A new rejected Promise. */ public static override reject(reason?: Error | undefined): ChildProcessPromise { const result = new ChildProcessPromise((_, reject) => { reject(reason); }); if (reason instanceof ChildProcessPromise) { result.childProcessWrapper = reason.childProcessWrapper; } return result; } public async [serviceRunnerServiceSymbol](): Promise { await (this as Promise); } } function _sanitizeOptions( options: ChildProcessWrapper.Options, defaultOptions: Omit, ): ChildProcessWrapper.Options { if (options.showStack === undefined && defaultOptions.showStack !== undefined) { options.showStack = defaultOptions.showStack; } if (options.rejectOnAbort === undefined) { options.rejectOnAbort = defaultOptions.rejectOnAbort ?? true; } if (options.rejectOnNonZeroStatusCode === undefined) { options.rejectOnAbort = defaultOptions.rejectOnNonZeroStatusCode ?? true; } if (!options.killSignal && defaultOptions.killSignal !== undefined) { options.killSignal = defaultOptions.killSignal; } if (options.killChildren === undefined && defaultOptions.killChildren !== undefined) { options.killChildren = defaultOptions.killChildren; } return options; }