import { HostHeaderInputConfig, HostHeaderResolvedConfig } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-host-header"; import { UserAgentInputConfig, UserAgentResolvedConfig } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent"; import { RegionInputConfig, RegionResolvedConfig } from "@smithy/config-resolver"; import { EndpointInputConfig, EndpointResolvedConfig } from "@smithy/middleware-endpoint"; import { RetryInputConfig, RetryResolvedConfig } from "@smithy/middleware-retry"; import { HttpHandlerUserInput as __HttpHandlerUserInput } from "@smithy/protocol-http"; import { Client as __Client, DefaultsMode as __DefaultsMode, SmithyConfiguration as __SmithyConfiguration, SmithyResolvedConfiguration as __SmithyResolvedConfiguration } from "@smithy/smithy-client"; import { AwsCredentialIdentityProvider, BodyLengthCalculator as __BodyLengthCalculator, CheckOptionalClientConfig as __CheckOptionalClientConfig, ChecksumConstructor as __ChecksumConstructor, Decoder as __Decoder, Encoder as __Encoder, HashConstructor as __HashConstructor, HttpHandlerOptions as __HttpHandlerOptions, Logger as __Logger, Provider as __Provider, Provider, StreamCollector as __StreamCollector, UrlParser as __UrlParser, UserAgent as __UserAgent } from "@smithy/types"; import { HttpAuthSchemeInputConfig, HttpAuthSchemeResolvedConfig } from "./auth/httpAuthSchemeProvider"; import { BatchCreateAttendeeCommandInput, BatchCreateAttendeeCommandOutput } from "./commands/BatchCreateAttendeeCommand"; import { BatchUpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesExceptCommandInput, BatchUpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesExceptCommandOutput } from "./commands/BatchUpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesExceptCommand"; import { CreateAttendeeCommandInput, CreateAttendeeCommandOutput } from "./commands/CreateAttendeeCommand"; import { CreateMeetingCommandInput, CreateMeetingCommandOutput } from "./commands/CreateMeetingCommand"; import { CreateMeetingWithAttendeesCommandInput, CreateMeetingWithAttendeesCommandOutput } from "./commands/CreateMeetingWithAttendeesCommand"; import { DeleteAttendeeCommandInput, DeleteAttendeeCommandOutput } from "./commands/DeleteAttendeeCommand"; import { DeleteMeetingCommandInput, DeleteMeetingCommandOutput } from "./commands/DeleteMeetingCommand"; import { GetAttendeeCommandInput, GetAttendeeCommandOutput } from "./commands/GetAttendeeCommand"; import { GetMeetingCommandInput, GetMeetingCommandOutput } from "./commands/GetMeetingCommand"; import { ListAttendeesCommandInput, ListAttendeesCommandOutput } from "./commands/ListAttendeesCommand"; import { ListTagsForResourceCommandInput, ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput } from "./commands/ListTagsForResourceCommand"; import { StartMeetingTranscriptionCommandInput, StartMeetingTranscriptionCommandOutput } from "./commands/StartMeetingTranscriptionCommand"; import { StopMeetingTranscriptionCommandInput, StopMeetingTranscriptionCommandOutput } from "./commands/StopMeetingTranscriptionCommand"; import { TagResourceCommandInput, TagResourceCommandOutput } from "./commands/TagResourceCommand"; import { UntagResourceCommandInput, UntagResourceCommandOutput } from "./commands/UntagResourceCommand"; import { UpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesCommandInput, UpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesCommandOutput } from "./commands/UpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesCommand"; import { ClientInputEndpointParameters, ClientResolvedEndpointParameters, EndpointParameters } from "./endpoint/EndpointParameters"; import { RuntimeExtension, RuntimeExtensionsConfig } from "./runtimeExtensions"; export { __Client }; /** * @public */ export type ServiceInputTypes = BatchCreateAttendeeCommandInput | BatchUpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesExceptCommandInput | CreateAttendeeCommandInput | CreateMeetingCommandInput | CreateMeetingWithAttendeesCommandInput | DeleteAttendeeCommandInput | DeleteMeetingCommandInput | GetAttendeeCommandInput | GetMeetingCommandInput | ListAttendeesCommandInput | ListTagsForResourceCommandInput | StartMeetingTranscriptionCommandInput | StopMeetingTranscriptionCommandInput | TagResourceCommandInput | UntagResourceCommandInput | UpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesCommandInput; /** * @public */ export type ServiceOutputTypes = BatchCreateAttendeeCommandOutput | BatchUpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesExceptCommandOutput | CreateAttendeeCommandOutput | CreateMeetingCommandOutput | CreateMeetingWithAttendeesCommandOutput | DeleteAttendeeCommandOutput | DeleteMeetingCommandOutput | GetAttendeeCommandOutput | GetMeetingCommandOutput | ListAttendeesCommandOutput | ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput | StartMeetingTranscriptionCommandOutput | StopMeetingTranscriptionCommandOutput | TagResourceCommandOutput | UntagResourceCommandOutput | UpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesCommandOutput; /** * @public */ export interface ClientDefaults extends Partial<__SmithyConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions>> { /** * The HTTP handler to use or its constructor options. Fetch in browser and Https in Nodejs. */ requestHandler?: __HttpHandlerUserInput; /** * A constructor for a class implementing the {@link @smithy/types#ChecksumConstructor} interface * that computes the SHA-256 HMAC or checksum of a string or binary buffer. * @internal */ sha256?: __ChecksumConstructor | __HashConstructor; /** * The function that will be used to convert strings into HTTP endpoints. * @internal */ urlParser?: __UrlParser; /** * A function that can calculate the length of a request body. * @internal */ bodyLengthChecker?: __BodyLengthCalculator; /** * A function that converts a stream into an array of bytes. * @internal */ streamCollector?: __StreamCollector; /** * The function that will be used to convert a base64-encoded string to a byte array. * @internal */ base64Decoder?: __Decoder; /** * The function that will be used to convert binary data to a base64-encoded string. * @internal */ base64Encoder?: __Encoder; /** * The function that will be used to convert a UTF8-encoded string to a byte array. * @internal */ utf8Decoder?: __Decoder; /** * The function that will be used to convert binary data to a UTF-8 encoded string. * @internal */ utf8Encoder?: __Encoder; /** * The runtime environment. * @internal */ runtime?: string; /** * Disable dynamically changing the endpoint of the client based on the hostPrefix * trait of an operation. */ disableHostPrefix?: boolean; /** * Unique service identifier. * @internal */ serviceId?: string; /** * Enables IPv6/IPv4 dualstack endpoint. */ useDualstackEndpoint?: boolean | __Provider; /** * Enables FIPS compatible endpoints. */ useFipsEndpoint?: boolean | __Provider; /** * The provider populating default tracking information to be sent with `user-agent`, `x-amz-user-agent` header * @internal */ defaultUserAgentProvider?: Provider<__UserAgent>; /** * The AWS region to which this client will send requests */ region?: string | __Provider; /** * Default credentials provider; Not available in browser runtime. * @deprecated * @internal */ credentialDefaultProvider?: (input: any) => AwsCredentialIdentityProvider; /** * Value for how many times a request will be made at most in case of retry. */ maxAttempts?: number | __Provider; /** * Specifies which retry algorithm to use. * @see * */ retryMode?: string | __Provider; /** * Optional logger for logging debug/info/warn/error. */ logger?: __Logger; /** * Optional extensions */ extensions?: RuntimeExtension[]; /** * The {@link @smithy/smithy-client#DefaultsMode} that will be used to determine how certain default configuration options are resolved in the SDK. */ defaultsMode?: __DefaultsMode | __Provider<__DefaultsMode>; } /** * @public */ export type ChimeSDKMeetingsClientConfigType = Partial<__SmithyConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions>> & ClientDefaults & RegionInputConfig & EndpointInputConfig & RetryInputConfig & HostHeaderInputConfig & UserAgentInputConfig & HttpAuthSchemeInputConfig & ClientInputEndpointParameters; /** * @public * * The configuration interface of ChimeSDKMeetingsClient class constructor that set the region, credentials and other options. */ export interface ChimeSDKMeetingsClientConfig extends ChimeSDKMeetingsClientConfigType { } /** * @public */ export type ChimeSDKMeetingsClientResolvedConfigType = __SmithyResolvedConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions> & Required & RuntimeExtensionsConfig & RegionResolvedConfig & EndpointResolvedConfig & RetryResolvedConfig & HostHeaderResolvedConfig & UserAgentResolvedConfig & HttpAuthSchemeResolvedConfig & ClientResolvedEndpointParameters; /** * @public * * The resolved configuration interface of ChimeSDKMeetingsClient class. This is resolved and normalized from the {@link ChimeSDKMeetingsClientConfig | constructor configuration interface}. */ export interface ChimeSDKMeetingsClientResolvedConfig extends ChimeSDKMeetingsClientResolvedConfigType { } /** *

The Amazon Chime SDK meetings APIs in this section allow software developers to create Amazon Chime SDK meetings, set the Amazon Web Services Regions for meetings, create and manage users, and send and * receive meeting notifications. For more information about the meeting APIs, see * Amazon Chime SDK meetings.

* @public */ export declare class ChimeSDKMeetingsClient extends __Client<__HttpHandlerOptions, ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes, ChimeSDKMeetingsClientResolvedConfig> { /** * The resolved configuration of ChimeSDKMeetingsClient class. This is resolved and normalized from the {@link ChimeSDKMeetingsClientConfig | constructor configuration interface}. */ readonly config: ChimeSDKMeetingsClientResolvedConfig; constructor(...[configuration]: __CheckOptionalClientConfig); /** * Destroy underlying resources, like sockets. It's usually not necessary to do this. * However in Node.js, it's best to explicitly shut down the client's agent when it is no longer needed. * Otherwise, sockets might stay open for quite a long time before the server terminates them. */ destroy(): void; private getDefaultHttpAuthSchemeParametersProvider; private getIdentityProviderConfigProvider; }