import { Buffer } from 'buffer'; import CryptoJS from 'crypto-js/core'; import { monotonicFactory, ULID } from 'ulid'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { ModelInstanceCreator } from './datastore/datastore'; import { AllOperators, isPredicateGroup, isPredicateObj, ModelInstanceMetadata, PersistentModel, PersistentModelConstructor, PredicateGroups, PredicateObject, PredicatesGroup, RelationshipType, RelationType, SchemaNamespace, SortPredicatesGroup, SortDirection, } from './types'; export const exhaustiveCheck = (obj: never, throwOnError: boolean = true) => { if (throwOnError) { throw new Error(`Invalid ${obj}`); } }; export const isNullOrUndefined = (val: any): boolean => { return typeof val === 'undefined' || val === undefined || val === null; }; export const validatePredicate = ( model: T, groupType: keyof PredicateGroups, predicatesOrGroups: (PredicateObject | PredicatesGroup)[] ) => { let filterType: keyof Pick; let isNegation = false; if (predicatesOrGroups.length === 0) { return true; } switch (groupType) { case 'not': filterType = 'every'; isNegation = true; break; case 'and': filterType = 'every'; break; case 'or': filterType = 'some'; break; default: exhaustiveCheck(groupType); } const result: boolean = predicatesOrGroups[filterType](predicateOrGroup => { if (isPredicateObj(predicateOrGroup)) { const { field, operator, operand } = predicateOrGroup; const value = model[field]; return validatePredicateField(value, operator, operand); } if (isPredicateGroup(predicateOrGroup)) { const { type, predicates } = predicateOrGroup; return validatePredicate(model, type, predicates); } throw new Error('Not a predicate or group'); }); return isNegation ? !result : result; }; const validatePredicateField = ( value: T, operator: keyof AllOperators, operand: T | [T, T] ) => { switch (operator) { case 'ne': return value !== operand; case 'eq': return value === operand; case 'le': return value <= operand; case 'lt': return value < operand; case 'ge': return value >= operand; case 'gt': return value > operand; case 'between': const [min, max] = <[T, T]>operand; return value >= min && value <= max; case 'beginsWith': return ((value)).startsWith((operand)); case 'contains': return ( ((value)).indexOf((operand)) > -1 ); case 'notContains': return ( ((value)).indexOf((operand)) === -1 ); default: exhaustiveCheck(operator, false); return false; } }; export const isModelConstructor = ( obj: any ): obj is PersistentModelConstructor => { return ( obj && typeof (>obj).copyOf === 'function' ); }; export const establishRelation = ( namespace: SchemaNamespace ): RelationshipType => { const relationship: RelationshipType = {}; Object.keys(namespace.models).forEach((mKey: string) => { relationship[mKey] = { indexes: [], relationTypes: [] }; const model = namespace.models[mKey]; Object.keys(model.fields).forEach((attr: string) => { const fieldAttribute = model.fields[attr]; if ( typeof fieldAttribute.type === 'object' && 'model' in fieldAttribute.type ) { const connectionType = fieldAttribute.association.connectionType; relationship[mKey].relationTypes.push({ fieldName:, modelName: fieldAttribute.type.model, relationType: connectionType, targetName: fieldAttribute.association['targetName'], associatedWith: fieldAttribute.association['associatedWith'], }); if (connectionType === 'BELONGS_TO') { relationship[mKey].indexes.push( fieldAttribute.association['targetName'] ); } } }); // create indexes from key fields if (model.attributes) { model.attributes.forEach(attribute => { if (attribute.type === 'key') { const { fields } =; if (fields) { fields.forEach(field => { // only add index if it hasn't already been added const exists = relationship[mKey].indexes.includes(field); if (!exists) { relationship[mKey].indexes.push(field); } }); } } }); } }); return relationship; }; const topologicallySortedModels = new WeakMap(); export const traverseModel = ( srcModelName: string, instance: T, namespace: SchemaNamespace, modelInstanceCreator: ModelInstanceCreator, getModelConstructorByModelName: ( namsespaceName: string, modelName: string ) => PersistentModelConstructor ) => { const relationships = namespace.relationships; const modelConstructor = getModelConstructorByModelName(, srcModelName ); const relation = relationships[srcModelName]; const result: { modelName: string; item: T; instance: T; }[] = []; const newInstance = modelConstructor.copyOf(instance, draftInstance => { relation.relationTypes.forEach((rItem: RelationType) => { const modelConstructor = getModelConstructorByModelName(, rItem.modelName ); switch (rItem.relationType) { case 'HAS_ONE': if (instance[rItem.fieldName]) { let modelInstance: T; try { modelInstance = modelInstanceCreator( modelConstructor, instance[rItem.fieldName] ); } catch (error) { // Do nothing } result.push({ modelName: rItem.modelName, item: instance[rItem.fieldName], instance: modelInstance, }); (draftInstance)[rItem.fieldName] = (( draftInstance[rItem.fieldName] )).id; } break; case 'BELONGS_TO': if (instance[rItem.fieldName]) { let modelInstance: T; try { modelInstance = modelInstanceCreator( modelConstructor, instance[rItem.fieldName] ); } catch (error) { // Do nothing } const isDeleted = (( draftInstance[rItem.fieldName] ))._deleted; if (!isDeleted) { result.push({ modelName: rItem.modelName, item: instance[rItem.fieldName], instance: modelInstance, }); } } (draftInstance)[rItem.targetName] = draftInstance[ rItem.fieldName ] ? (draftInstance[rItem.fieldName]).id : null; delete draftInstance[rItem.fieldName]; break; case 'HAS_MANY': // Intentionally blank break; default: exhaustiveCheck(rItem.relationType); break; } }); }); result.unshift({ modelName: srcModelName, item: newInstance, instance: newInstance, }); if (!topologicallySortedModels.has(namespace)) { topologicallySortedModels.set( namespace, Array.from(namespace.modelTopologicalOrdering.keys()) ); } const sortedModels = topologicallySortedModels.get(namespace); result.sort((a, b) => { return ( sortedModels.indexOf(a.modelName) - sortedModels.indexOf(b.modelName) ); }); return result; }; export const getIndex = (rel: RelationType[], src: string): string => { let index = ''; rel.some((relItem: RelationType) => { if (relItem.modelName === src) { index = relItem.targetName; } }); return index; }; export const getIndexFromAssociation = ( indexes: string[], src: string ): string => { const index = indexes.find(idx => idx === src); return index; }; export enum NAMESPACES { DATASTORE = 'datastore', USER = 'user', SYNC = 'sync', STORAGE = 'storage', } const DATASTORE = NAMESPACES.DATASTORE; const USER = NAMESPACES.USER; const SYNC = NAMESPACES.SYNC; const STORAGE = NAMESPACES.STORAGE; export { USER, SYNC, STORAGE, DATASTORE }; let privateModeCheckResult; export const isPrivateMode = () => { return new Promise(resolve => { const dbname = uuid(); let db; const isPrivate = () => { privateModeCheckResult = false; resolve(true); }; const isNotPrivate = async () => { if (db && db.result && typeof db.result.close === 'function') { await db.result.close(); } await indexedDB.deleteDatabase(dbname); privateModeCheckResult = true; return resolve(false); }; if (privateModeCheckResult === true) { return isNotPrivate(); } if (privateModeCheckResult === false) { return isPrivate(); } if (indexedDB === null) return isPrivate(); db =; db.onerror = isPrivate; db.onsuccess = isNotPrivate; }); }; const randomBytes = function(nBytes: number): Buffer { return Buffer.from(CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(nBytes).toString(), 'hex'); }; const prng = () => randomBytes(1).readUInt8(0) / 0xff; export function monotonicUlidFactory(seed?: number): ULID { const ulid = monotonicFactory(prng); return () => { return ulid(seed); }; } /** * Uses if available, otherwise, uses (e.g. react native without a polyfill) * * The values returned by always increase at a constant rate, * independent of the system clock (which might be adjusted manually or skewed * by software like NTP). * * Otherwise, performance.timing.navigationStart + will be * approximately equal to * * See: */ export function getNow() { if ( typeof performance !== 'undefined' && performance && typeof === 'function' ) { return | 0; // convert to integer } else { return; } } export function sortCompareFunction( sortPredicates: SortPredicatesGroup ) { return function compareFunction(a, b) { // enable multi-field sort by iterating over predicates until // a comparison returns -1 or 1 for (const predicate of sortPredicates) { const { field, sortDirection } = predicate; // reverse result when direction is descending const sortMultiplier = sortDirection === SortDirection.ASCENDING ? 1 : -1; if (a[field] < b[field]) { return -1 * sortMultiplier; } if (a[field] > b[field]) { return 1 * sortMultiplier; } } return 0; }; }