// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { ConsoleLogger as Logger } from './Logger'; const logger = new Logger('Hub'); const AMPLIFY_SYMBOL = ( typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && typeof Symbol.for === 'function' ? Symbol.for('amplify_default') : '@@amplify_default' ) as Symbol; interface IPattern { pattern: RegExp; callback: HubCallback; } interface IListener { name: string; callback: HubCallback; } export type HubCapsule = { channel: string; payload: HubPayload; source: string; patternInfo?: string[]; }; export type HubPayload = { event: string; data?: any; message?: string; }; export type HubCallback = (capsule: HubCapsule) => void; export type LegacyCallback = { onHubCapsule: HubCallback }; function isLegacyCallback(callback: any): callback is LegacyCallback { return (callback).onHubCapsule !== undefined; } export class HubClass { name: string; private listeners: IListener[] = []; private patterns: IPattern[] = []; protectedChannels = [ 'core', 'auth', 'api', 'analytics', 'interactions', 'pubsub', 'storage', 'ui', 'xr', ]; constructor(name: string) { this.name = name; } /** * Used internally to remove a Hub listener. * * @remarks * This private method is for internal use only. Instead of calling Hub.remove, call the result of Hub.listen. */ private _remove(channel: string | RegExp, listener: HubCallback) { if (channel instanceof RegExp) { const pattern = this.patterns.find( ({ pattern }) => pattern.source === channel.source ); if (!pattern) { logger.warn(`No listeners for ${channel}`); return; } this.patterns = [...this.patterns.filter(x => x !== pattern)]; } else { const holder = this.listeners[channel]; if (!holder) { logger.warn(`No listeners for ${channel}`); return; } this.listeners[channel] = [ ...holder.filter(({ callback }) => callback !== listener), ]; } } /** * @deprecated Instead of calling Hub.remove, call the result of Hub.listen. */ remove(channel: string | RegExp, listener: HubCallback) { this._remove(channel, listener); } /** * Used to send a Hub event. * * @param channel - The channel on which the event will be broadcast * @param payload - The HubPayload * @param source - The source of the event; defaults to '' * @param ampSymbol - Symbol used to determine if the event is dispatched internally on a protected channel * */ dispatch( channel: string, payload: HubPayload, source: string = '', ampSymbol?: Symbol ) { if (this.protectedChannels.indexOf(channel) > -1) { const hasAccess = ampSymbol === AMPLIFY_SYMBOL; if (!hasAccess) { logger.warn( `WARNING: ${channel} is protected and dispatching on it can have unintended consequences` ); } } const capsule: HubCapsule = { channel, payload: { ...payload }, source, patternInfo: [], }; try { this._toListeners(capsule); } catch (e) { logger.error(e); } } /** * Used to listen for Hub events. * * @param channel - The channel on which to listen * @param callback - The callback to execute when an event is received on the specified channel * @param listenerName - The name of the listener; defaults to 'noname' * @returns A function which can be called to cancel the listener. * */ listen( channel: string | RegExp, callback?: HubCallback | LegacyCallback, listenerName = 'noname' ) { let cb: HubCallback; // Check for legacy onHubCapsule callback for backwards compatability if (isLegacyCallback(callback)) { logger.warn( `WARNING onHubCapsule is Deprecated. Please pass in a callback.` ); cb = callback.onHubCapsule.bind(callback); } else if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new Error('No callback supplied to Hub'); } else { cb = callback; } if (channel instanceof RegExp) { this.patterns.push({ pattern: channel, callback: cb, }); } else { let holder = this.listeners[channel]; if (!holder) { holder = []; this.listeners[channel] = holder; } holder.push({ name: listenerName, callback: cb, }); } return () => { this._remove(channel, cb); }; } private _toListeners(capsule: HubCapsule) { const { channel, payload } = capsule; const holder = this.listeners[channel]; if (holder) { holder.forEach(listener => { logger.debug(`Dispatching to ${channel} with `, payload); try { listener.callback(capsule); } catch (e) { logger.error(e); } }); } if (this.patterns.length > 0) { if (!payload.message) { logger.warn(`Cannot perform pattern matching without a message key`); return; } const payloadStr = payload.message; this.patterns.forEach(pattern => { const match = payloadStr.match(pattern.pattern); if (match) { const [, ...groups] = match; const dispatchingCapsule: HubCapsule = { ...capsule, patternInfo: groups, }; try { pattern.callback(dispatchingCapsule); } catch (e) { logger.error(e); } } }); } } } /*We export a __default__ instance of HubClass to use it as a pseudo Singleton for the main messaging bus, however you can still create your own instance of HubClass() for a separate "private bus" of events.*/ export const Hub = new HubClass('__default__');