/** * clojure-sdm editors */ export declare function setVersion( f: string, version: string): Promise export declare function getVersion( f: string): string export declare function getName( f: string): string export declare function projectDeps( f: string): void export declare function cljfmt(f: string): Promise export declare function updateProjectDep( f: string, libname: string, version: string): void export declare function rmProjectDep( content: string, libname: string): string export declare function vault( key: string, f: string): Map export declare function hasLeinPlugin( f: string, symbol: string): boolean // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- export declare interface Fingerprint { type: string, name: string, sha: string, data: any, version?: string, abbreviation?: string } export declare interface FromTo { from: any[], to: any[] } export declare interface DiffData { from?: Fingerprint, to: Fingerprint, data: FromTo, owner: string, repo: string, sha: string, providerId: string, channel: string, branch: string } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- export declare interface Decision {name?: string, decision?: string} export declare function voteResults(votes: X[]): { failed: boolean; failedVotes: X[]; }; export declare function checkFingerprintTargets( queryPreferences: () => Promise, sendMessage: (s: string, targetFP: Fingerprint, fingerprint: Fingerprint) => Promise, inSync: (fingerprint: Fingerprint) => Promise, diff: DiffData ): Promise export declare function broadcastFingerprint( queryFingerprints: (type: string, name: string) => Promise, fingerprint: { name: string, type: string, sha: string }, callback: (owner: string, repo: string, channel: string) => Promise ): Promise export declare function partitionByFeature( fps: Fingerprint[], callback: (partitioned: {type: string, additions: {name: string, sha: string, data: string}[]}[]) => Promise ): Promise /** * Clojure fingerprint computations and editors */ export declare function mavenDeps(f1: string): Promise export declare function mavenCoordinates(f1: string): Promise export declare function leinDeps(f1: string): Promise export declare function leinCoordinates(f1: string): Promise export declare function logbackFingerprints(f1: string): Promise export declare function cljFunctionFingerprints(f1: string): Promise export declare function applyFingerprint(f1: string, fp: Fingerprint): Promise /** * Utility functions to rewrite in typescript */ export declare function renderDiff(diff: DiffData): string export declare function renderOptions(options: { text: string, value: string }[]): string export declare function renderData(x: any): string export declare function commaSeparatedList(x: any): string export declare function sha256(data: string): string export declare function consistentHash(data: any): string export declare function renderProjectLibDiff(diff: DiffData, target: Fingerprint): { title: "string", description: string }