import * as appRoot from "app-root-path"; import { Configuration } from "./configuration"; import { HandleCommand } from "./HandleCommand"; import { HandleEvent } from "./HandleEvent"; import { toStringArray } from "./internal/util/string"; import { Maker } from "./util/constructionUtils"; import { logger } from "./util/logger"; class HandlerRegistry { public commands: Array> = []; public events: Array>> = []; private scanForCommands: boolean = false; private scanForEvents: boolean = false; public registerCommand(command: any): void { if (this.scanForCommands) { logger.debug(`Registered command '${}'`); if (typeof command === "function") { this.commands.push(command); } else { this.commands.push(() => Object.create(command)); } } } public registerEvent(event: any): void { if (this.scanForEvents) { logger.debug(`Registered event '${}'`); if (typeof event === "function") {; } else { => Object.create(event)); } } } public start(commands: boolean, events: boolean): void { this.commands = []; this.scanForCommands = commands; = []; this.scanForEvents = events; } } const registry = new HandlerRegistry(); export function registerCommand(command: any): void { registry.registerCommand(command); } export function registerEvent(event: any): void { registry.registerEvent(event); } /* * Scan the node module/project for command handlers. * Optional glob patterns can be specified to narrow the search. */ export function scanCommands(patterns: string | string[] = ["**/commands/**/*.js"]): Array> { registry.start(true, false); // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name const _patterns = toStringArray(patterns); logger.debug(`Scanning for commands using file patterns: ${_patterns.join(", ")}`); scan(_patterns); logger.debug(`Completed scanning for commands`); return registry.commands; } /* * Scan the node module/project for event handlers. * Optional glob patterns can be specified to narrow the search. */ export function scanEvents(patterns: string | string[] = ["**/events/**/*.js"]): Array>> { registry.start(false, true); // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name const _patterns = toStringArray(patterns); logger.debug(`Scanning for events using file patterns: ${_patterns.join(", ")}`); scan(_patterns); logger.debug(`Completed scanning for events`); return; } /* * Enable scanning on the given Configuration instance. */ export function enableDefaultScanning(configuration: Configuration): Configuration { if (!configuration.commands) { configuration.commands = scanCommands(); } if (! { = scanEvents(); } return configuration; } function scan(patterns: string[]): void { const glob = require("glob"); patterns.forEach(pattern => { const ignore = ["**/node_modules/**", "**/.git/**", "**/*Test.js", "**/*Tests.js"]; const files = glob.sync(pattern, { ignore }); files.forEach(safeRequire); }); } function safeRequire(file: string): void { try { logger.debug(`Scanning file '${file}'`); require(`${appRoot.path}/${file}`); } catch (err) { logger.warn(`Can't require '${file}': ${err.message}`); } }