module.exports = { rules: { '@atlaskit/design-system/ensure-design-token-usage/preview': [ 'error', { domains: ['spacing'], shouldEnforceFallbacks: false }, ], 'import/no-restricted-paths': [ 'warn', { zones: [ { target: 'packages/editor/editor-core/src/**/*', from: `packages/editor/editor-core/src/plugins/*/!(types)*`, message: '[ELR101] Avoid importing dependencies from editor plugins. Type-only imports are an exception. Move shared code to a common location. go/elr101', }, { target: 'packages/editor/editor-core/src/**/*', from: `packages/editor/editor-core/src/plugins/*/!(types)**/*`, message: '[ELR101] Avoid importing dependencies from editor plugins. Type-only imports are an exception. Move shared code to a common location. go/elr101', }, ], }, ], }, overrides: [ { files: [ '**/__tests__/**/*.{js,ts,tsx}', 'examples/**/*.{js,ts,tsx}', '**/*.{test,spec}.{js,ts,tsx}', ], rules: { 'import/no-restricted-paths': ['off'], }, }, ], };