import { Node as PMNode, NodeType, MarkType, Schema } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { EditorState, Transaction } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { Command } from '../types'; import { AlignmentState } from '../plugins/alignment/pm-plugins/types'; export declare function preventDefault(): Command; export declare function insertNewLine(): Command; export declare const insertNewLineWithAnalytics: Command; export declare const createNewParagraphAbove: Command; export declare const createNewParagraphBelow: Command; export declare function createParagraphNear(append?: boolean): Command; export declare function addParagraphAtEnd(tr: Transaction): void; export declare function createParagraphAtEnd(): Command; export declare const changeImageAlignment: (align?: AlignmentState) => Command; export declare const createToggleBlockMarkOnRange: (markType: MarkType, getAttrs: (prevAttrs?: T | undefined, node?: PMNode) => false | T | undefined, allowedBlocks?: NodeType[] | ((schema: Schema, node: PMNode, parent: PMNode) => boolean) | undefined) => (from: number, to: number, tr: Transaction, state: EditorState) => boolean; /** * Toggles block mark based on the return type of `getAttrs`. * This is similar to ProseMirror's `getAttrs` from `AttributeSpec` * return `false` to remove the mark. * return `undefined for no-op. * return an `object` to update the mark. */ export declare const toggleBlockMark: (markType: MarkType, getAttrs: (prevAttrs?: T | undefined, node?: PMNode) => false | T | undefined, allowedBlocks?: NodeType[] | ((schema: Schema, node: PMNode, parent: PMNode) => boolean) | undefined) => Command; export declare const clearEditorContent: Command;