import { fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; import { InteractionTaskArgs, PublicInteractionTask, } from 'storybook-addon-performance'; export const interactionTasks: PublicInteractionTask[] = [ { name: 'Click a button', description: 'Recording how long a mousedown + click event take to be processed', run: async ({ container }: InteractionTaskArgs): Promise => { const button: HTMLElement | null = container.querySelector( '[data-testid="my-button"]', ); if (button == null) { throw new Error('Could not find button element'); } fireEvent.mouseDown(button);; }, }, { name: 'Focus on button', description: 'Focus on a button and wait for layout and paint to finish', run: async ({ container, controls, }: InteractionTaskArgs): Promise => { const button: HTMLElement | null = container.querySelector( '[data-testid="my-button"]', ); if (button == null) { throw new Error('Could not find button element'); } await controls.time(async () => { fireEvent.focus(button); fireEvent.blur(button); }); }, }, { name: 'Select button', description: 'Trigger the selection of a button', run: async ({ container, controls, }: InteractionTaskArgs): Promise => { const button: HTMLElement | null = container.querySelector( '[data-testid="my-button"]', ); if (button == null) { throw new Error('Could not find button element'); } if (button.getAttribute('data-is-selected') !== 'false') { throw new Error('Should not start selected'); } await controls.time(async () => { fireEvent(button, new Event('toggle-select')); }); if (button.getAttribute('data-is-selected') !== 'true') { throw new Error('Should now be selected'); } }, }, { name: 'Disable button', description: 'Trigger the disabling of a button', run: async ({ container, controls, }: InteractionTaskArgs): Promise => { const button: HTMLElement | null = container.querySelector( '[data-testid="my-button"]', ); if (button == null) { throw new Error('Could not find button element'); } if (button.hasAttribute('disabled')) { throw new Error('Should not start disabled'); } await controls.time(async () => { fireEvent(button, new Event('toggle-disabled')); }); if (!button.hasAttribute('disabled')) { throw new Error('Should now be disabled'); } }, }, ];