import React from 'react'; import { md } from '@atlaskit/docs'; import SectionMessage from '@atlaskit/section-message'; export default md` ${( This package is officially in maintenance mode, which means only bugfixes or VULN fixes are currently being accepted and no known breaking changes will be approved in the PR process.
Please refer to this {' '} DACI{' '} {' '} for more details.
)} This package aims to help assist consumers track the way their React components are being used. ### Contents - [Concepts](./analytics-next/docs/concepts) (Read first!) - [Usage with presentational components](./analytics-next/docs/usage-with-presentational-components) - [Usage with container components](./analytics-next/docs/usage-for-container-components) - [Listeners](./analytics-next/docs/listeners) - [Error Boundary](./analytics-next/docs/error-boundary) - [Events](./analytics-next/docs/events) - [Advanced usage](./analytics-next/docs/advanced-usage) - [Ugprade guide](./analytics-next/docs/upgrade-guide) `;