// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. import { AbortSignal } from "./AbortController"; import { HttpError, TimeoutError } from "./Errors"; import { ILogger, LogLevel } from "./ILogger"; /** Represents an HTTP request. */ export interface HttpRequest { /** The HTTP method to use for the request. */ method?: string; /** The URL for the request. */ url?: string; /** The body content for the request. May be a string or an ArrayBuffer (for binary data). */ content?: string | ArrayBuffer; /** An object describing headers to apply to the request. */ headers?: { [key: string]: string }; /** The XMLHttpRequestResponseType to apply to the request. */ responseType?: XMLHttpRequestResponseType; /** An AbortSignal that can be monitored for cancellation. */ abortSignal?: AbortSignal; /** The time to wait for the request to complete before throwing a TimeoutError. Measured in milliseconds. */ timeout?: number; } /** Represents an HTTP response. */ export class HttpResponse { /** Constructs a new instance of {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} with the specified status code. * * @param {number} statusCode The status code of the response. */ constructor(statusCode: number); /** Constructs a new instance of {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} with the specified status code and message. * * @param {number} statusCode The status code of the response. * @param {string} statusText The status message of the response. */ constructor(statusCode: number, statusText: string); /** Constructs a new instance of {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} with the specified status code, message and string content. * * @param {number} statusCode The status code of the response. * @param {string} statusText The status message of the response. * @param {string} content The content of the response. */ constructor(statusCode: number, statusText: string, content: string); /** Constructs a new instance of {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} with the specified status code, message and binary content. * * @param {number} statusCode The status code of the response. * @param {string} statusText The status message of the response. * @param {ArrayBuffer} content The content of the response. */ constructor(statusCode: number, statusText: string, content: ArrayBuffer); constructor( public readonly statusCode: number, public readonly statusText?: string, public readonly content?: string | ArrayBuffer) { } } /** Abstraction over an HTTP client. * * This class provides an abstraction over an HTTP client so that a different implementation can be provided on different platforms. */ export abstract class HttpClient { /** Issues an HTTP GET request to the specified URL, returning a Promise that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} representing the result. * * @param {string} url The URL for the request. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} describing the response, or rejects with an Error indicating a failure. */ public get(url: string): Promise; /** Issues an HTTP GET request to the specified URL, returning a Promise that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} representing the result. * * @param {string} url The URL for the request. * @param {HttpRequest} options Additional options to configure the request. The 'url' field in this object will be overridden by the url parameter. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} describing the response, or rejects with an Error indicating a failure. */ public get(url: string, options: HttpRequest): Promise; public get(url: string, options?: HttpRequest): Promise { return this.send({ ...options, method: "GET", url, }); } /** Issues an HTTP POST request to the specified URL, returning a Promise that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} representing the result. * * @param {string} url The URL for the request. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} describing the response, or rejects with an Error indicating a failure. */ public post(url: string): Promise; /** Issues an HTTP POST request to the specified URL, returning a Promise that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} representing the result. * * @param {string} url The URL for the request. * @param {HttpRequest} options Additional options to configure the request. The 'url' field in this object will be overridden by the url parameter. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} describing the response, or rejects with an Error indicating a failure. */ public post(url: string, options: HttpRequest): Promise; public post(url: string, options?: HttpRequest): Promise { return this.send({ ...options, method: "POST", url, }); } /** Issues an HTTP DELETE request to the specified URL, returning a Promise that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} representing the result. * * @param {string} url The URL for the request. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} describing the response, or rejects with an Error indicating a failure. */ public delete(url: string): Promise; /** Issues an HTTP DELETE request to the specified URL, returning a Promise that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} representing the result. * * @param {string} url The URL for the request. * @param {HttpRequest} options Additional options to configure the request. The 'url' field in this object will be overridden by the url parameter. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} describing the response, or rejects with an Error indicating a failure. */ public delete(url: string, options: HttpRequest): Promise; public delete(url: string, options?: HttpRequest): Promise { return this.send({ ...options, method: "DELETE", url, }); } /** Issues an HTTP request to the specified URL, returning a {@link Promise} that resolves with an {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpResponse} representing the result. * * @param {HttpRequest} request An {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpRequest} describing the request to send. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves with an HttpResponse describing the response, or rejects with an Error indicating a failure. */ public abstract send(request: HttpRequest): Promise; } /** Default implementation of {@link @aspnet/signalr.HttpClient}. */ export class DefaultHttpClient extends HttpClient { private readonly logger: ILogger; /** Creates a new instance of the {@link @aspnet/signalr.DefaultHttpClient}, using the provided {@link @aspnet/signalr.ILogger} to log messages. */ public constructor(logger: ILogger) { super(); this.logger = logger; } /** @inheritDoc */ public send(request: HttpRequest): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open(request.method, request.url, true); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); // Explicitly setting the Content-Type header for React Native on Android platform. xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8"); if (request.headers) { Object.keys(request.headers) .forEach((header) => xhr.setRequestHeader(header, request.headers[header])); } if (request.responseType) { xhr.responseType = request.responseType; } if (request.abortSignal) { request.abortSignal.onabort = () => { xhr.abort(); }; } if (request.timeout) { xhr.timeout = request.timeout; } xhr.onload = () => { if (request.abortSignal) { request.abortSignal.onabort = null; } if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) { resolve(new HttpResponse(xhr.status, xhr.statusText, xhr.response || xhr.responseText)); } else { reject(new HttpError(xhr.statusText, xhr.status)); } }; xhr.onerror = () => { this.logger.log(LogLevel.Warning, `Error from HTTP request. ${xhr.status}: ${xhr.statusText}`); reject(new HttpError(xhr.statusText, xhr.status)); }; xhr.ontimeout = () => { this.logger.log(LogLevel.Warning, `Timeout from HTTP request.`); reject(new TimeoutError()); }; xhr.send(request.content || ""); }); } }