import { CSSProperties, ReactNode } from 'react'; import { BreadcrumbProps } from '../Breadcrumb'; /** * @title PageHeader */ export interface PageHeaderProps { className?: string | string[]; style?: CSSProperties; /** * @zh 主标题 * @en The title element */ title?: ReactNode; /** * @zh 次级标题 * @en The subtitle element */ subTitle?: ReactNode; /** * @zh 面包屑,接受面包屑的所有属性, [BreadcrumbProps](/react/components/breadcrumb) * @en The props of [Breadcrumb](/react/components/breadcrumb) component */ breadcrumb?: BreadcrumbProps; /** * @zh 返回图标,设置为 `false` 时会隐藏图标 * @en Customize back icon, if false The back icon will not be displayed */ backIcon?: ReactNode | boolean; /** * @zh 展示额外内容 * @en Customize the extra content. The extra element will be rendered to the end of the title line */ extra?: ReactNode; /** * @zh 底部内容 * @en The footer element */ footer?: ReactNode; /** * @zh 点击返回图标的回调 * @en Callback when click the back icon */ onBack?: (e: MouseEvent) => void; }