import React, { CSSProperties, ReactNode, HTMLAttributes } from 'react'; import { DropdownProps } from '../Dropdown'; export interface RouteProps { path: string; breadcrumbName: string; children?: Array<{ path: string; breadcrumbName: string; }>; } /** * @title Breadcrumb */ export interface BreadcrumbProps { style?: CSSProperties; children?: ReactNode; className?: string | string[]; /** * @zh 指定分割符 * @en Custom separator * @defaultValue */ separator?: string | ReactNode; /** * @zh 直接设置下拉菜单 * @en Set drop-down menu */ routes?: RouteProps[]; /** * @zh 最多渲染的面包屑数量 * @en Max count of `Breadcrumb.Item` to show. */ maxCount?: number; /** * @zh routes 时生效,自定义渲染面包屑 * @en Custom render function for `Breadcrumb.Item` */ itemRender?: (route: RouteProps, routes: RouteProps[], paths: string[]) => ReactNode; } declare type CustomHTMLElement = Omit, 'className'>; /** * @title Breadcrumb.Item */ export interface BreadCrumbItemProps extends CustomHTMLElement { style?: CSSProperties; className?: string | string[]; prefixCls?: string; /** * @zh 下拉菜单的内容,等同于下拉菜单组件的 droplist 属性 * @en The dropdown menu */ droplist?: DropdownProps['droplist']; /** * @zh 下拉菜单的属性 [DropdownProps](/react/components/dropdown) * @en The dropdown props [DropdownProps](/react/components/dropdown) */ dropdownProps?: DropdownProps; /** * @zh 超链接地址 * @en href * @version 2.40.0 */ href?: string; /** * @zh 点击回调 * @en click callback * @version 2.40.0 */ onClick?: (e: any) => void; /** * @zh 标签名,可以是 html 标签或是组件 * @en Configure the outermost label, which can be an html label or a component * @version 2.40.0 * @defaultValue div */ tagName?: string | React.FC | React.ComponentClass; } export {};