import React, { CSSProperties } from "react"; interface AlertCardProps { /** * Override the the default element * * All props provided will be merged with props that this component adds, * including `className`s being merged using emotion's `cx` function * * @default "section" */ as?: React.ReactElement | keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements; /** * color theme for alert * @default "light" */ theme?: "light" | "dark"; heading: React.ReactNode; /** * actions could be a button * or a tooltip or anything the Alert should display after the children */ actions?: React.ReactNode; /** * The content of the card, appears below the title */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Override how the `header` is rendered. You can pass either an intrinisic * jsx element as a string (like "h1") or a react element (`

`) * * If you pass a react element, props that we add are spread onto the input. * * @default "h2" */ headingAs?: React.ReactElement | keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements; /** * callback for handling the clicks on the close button. */ onClose: () => void; /** * whether or not to include the 'x' button * which calls 'onClose' */ dismissable?: boolean; /** * layout for longer content * * @default false */ extended?: boolean; className?: string; style?: CSSProperties; /** * Type of alert, this is used to determine the color and icon in the title */ type: "info" | "warn" | "error" | "success"; } export declare const AlertCard: React.FC; export {};