import { BaseHarnessFilters } from '@angular/cdk/testing'; import { ComponentHarness } from '@angular/cdk/testing'; import { ContentContainerComponentHarness } from '@angular/cdk/testing'; import { HarnessPredicate } from '@angular/cdk/testing'; /** A set of criteria that can be used to filter a list of `MatGridListHarness` instances. */ export declare interface GridListHarnessFilters extends BaseHarnessFilters { } /** A set of criteria that can be used to filter a list of `MatTileHarness` instances. */ export declare interface GridTileHarnessFilters extends BaseHarnessFilters { /** Text the grid-tile header should match. */ headerText?: string | RegExp; /** Text the grid-tile footer should match. */ footerText?: string | RegExp; } /** Harness for interacting with a standard `MatGridList` in tests. */ export declare class MatGridListHarness extends ComponentHarness { /** The selector for the host element of a `MatGridList` instance. */ static hostSelector: string; /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a `MatGridListHarness` * that meets certain criteria. * @param options Options for filtering which dialog instances are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options?: GridListHarnessFilters): HarnessPredicate; /** * Tile coordinator that is used by the "MatGridList" for computing * positions of tiles. We leverage the coordinator to provide an API * for retrieving tiles based on visual tile positions. */ private _tileCoordinator; /** Gets all tiles of the grid-list. */ getTiles(filters?: GridTileHarnessFilters): Promise; /** Gets the amount of columns of the grid-list. */ getColumns(): Promise; /** * Gets a tile of the grid-list that is located at the given location. * @param row Zero-based row index. * @param column Zero-based column index. */ getTileAtPosition({ row, column, }: { row: number; column: number; }): Promise; } /** Harness for interacting with a standard `MatGridTitle` in tests. */ export declare class MatGridTileHarness extends ContentContainerComponentHarness { /** The selector for the host element of a `MatGridTile` instance. */ static hostSelector: string; /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a `MatGridTileHarness` * that meets certain criteria. * @param options Options for filtering which dialog instances are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options?: GridTileHarnessFilters): HarnessPredicate; private _header; private _footer; private _avatar; /** Gets the amount of rows that the grid-tile takes up. */ getRowspan(): Promise; /** Gets the amount of columns that the grid-tile takes up. */ getColspan(): Promise; /** Whether the grid-tile has a header. */ hasHeader(): Promise; /** Whether the grid-tile has a footer. */ hasFooter(): Promise; /** Whether the grid-tile has an avatar. */ hasAvatar(): Promise; /** Gets the text of the header if present. */ getHeaderText(): Promise; /** Gets the text of the footer if present. */ getFooterText(): Promise; } /** Selectors for the various `mat-grid-tile` sections that may contain user content. */ export declare const enum MatGridTileSection { HEADER = ".mat-grid-tile-header", FOOTER = ".mat-grid-tile-footer" } export { }