export interface Schema { $schema?: string; cli?: CliOptions; /** * Default project name used in commands. */ defaultProject?: string; /** * Path where new projects will be created. */ newProjectRoot?: string; projects?: Projects; schematics?: SchematicOptions; version: number; } export interface CliOptions { /** * Share anonymous usage data with the Angular Team at Google. */ analytics?: Analytics; /** * The default schematics collection to use. */ defaultCollection?: string; /** * Specify which package manager tool to use. */ packageManager?: PackageManager; /** * Control CLI specific console warnings */ warnings?: Warnings; } /** * Share anonymous usage data with the Angular Team at Google. */ export declare type Analytics = boolean | string; /** * Specify which package manager tool to use. */ export declare enum PackageManager { Cnpm = "cnpm", Npm = "npm", Pnpm = "pnpm", Yarn = "yarn" } /** * Control CLI specific console warnings */ export interface Warnings { /** * Show a warning when the global version is newer than the local one. */ versionMismatch?: boolean; } export interface Projects { } export interface SchematicOptions { "@schematics/angular:class"?: SchematicsAngularClass; "@schematics/angular:component"?: SchematicsAngularComponent; "@schematics/angular:directive"?: SchematicsAngularDirective; "@schematics/angular:module"?: SchematicsAngularModule; "@schematics/angular:pipe"?: SchematicsAngularPipe; "@schematics/angular:service"?: SchematicsAngularService; } export interface SchematicsAngularClass { /** * When true, does not create test files. */ skipTests?: boolean; } export interface SchematicsAngularComponent { /** * Specifies the change detection strategy. */ changeDetection?: ChangeDetection; /** * Specifies if the style will contain `:host { display: block; }`. */ displayBlock?: boolean; /** * Specifies if the component is an entry component of declaring module. */ entryComponent?: boolean; /** * Specifies if declaring module exports the component. */ export?: boolean; /** * Flag to indicate if a directory is created. */ flat?: boolean; /** * Specifies if the style will be in the ts file. */ inlineStyle?: boolean; /** * Specifies if the template will be in the ts file. */ inlineTemplate?: boolean; /** * Allows specification of the declaring module. */ module?: string; /** * The prefix to apply to generated selectors. */ prefix?: string; /** * The selector to use for the component. */ selector?: string; /** * Flag to skip the module import. */ skipImport?: boolean; /** * When true, does not create test files. */ skipTests?: boolean; /** * The file extension or preprocessor to use for style files. */ style?: Style; /** * Specifies the view encapsulation strategy. */ viewEncapsulation?: ViewEncapsulation; } /** * Specifies the change detection strategy. */ export declare enum ChangeDetection { Default = "Default", OnPush = "OnPush" } /** * The file extension or preprocessor to use for style files. */ export declare enum Style { Css = "css", Less = "less", Sass = "sass", Scss = "scss", Styl = "styl" } /** * Specifies the view encapsulation strategy. */ export declare enum ViewEncapsulation { Emulated = "Emulated", Native = "Native", None = "None", ShadowDom = "ShadowDom" } export interface SchematicsAngularDirective { /** * Specifies if declaring module exports the directive. */ export?: boolean; /** * Flag to indicate if a directory is created. */ flat?: boolean; /** * Allows specification of the declaring module. */ module?: string; /** * The prefix to apply to generated selectors. */ prefix?: string; /** * The selector to use for the directive. */ selector?: string; /** * Flag to skip the module import. */ skipImport?: boolean; /** * When true, does not create test files. */ skipTests?: boolean; } export interface SchematicsAngularModule { /** * Flag to control whether the CommonModule is imported. */ commonModule?: boolean; /** * Flag to indicate if a directory is created. */ flat?: boolean; /** * Allows specification of the declaring module. */ module?: string; /** * Generates a routing module. */ routing?: boolean; /** * The scope for the generated routing. */ routingScope?: RoutingScope; } /** * The scope for the generated routing. */ export declare enum RoutingScope { Child = "Child", Root = "Root" } export interface SchematicsAngularPipe { /** * Specifies if declaring module exports the pipe. */ export?: boolean; /** * Flag to indicate if a directory is created. */ flat?: boolean; /** * Allows specification of the declaring module. */ module?: string; /** * Allows for skipping the module import. */ skipImport?: boolean; /** * When true, does not create test files. */ skipTests?: boolean; } export interface SchematicsAngularService { /** * Flag to indicate if a directory is created. */ flat?: boolean; /** * When true, does not create test files. */ skipTests?: boolean; }