import type { Methods, QueryParameters, StringifyableRecord, UserAuth } from '@alwatr/type'; export type CacheStrategy = 'network_only' | 'network_first' | 'cache_only' | 'cache_first' | 'update_cache' | 'stale_while_revalidate'; export type CacheDuplicate = 'never' | 'always' | 'until_load' | 'auto'; export interface FetchOptions extends RequestInit { /** * Request URL. */ url: string; /** * A string to set request's method. * * @default 'GET' */ method?: Methods; /** * A Headers object to set request's headers. */ headers?: Record; /** * A timeout for the fetch request. * Set `0` for disable it. * * Use with cation, you will have memory leak issue in nodejs. * * @default 10_000 ms */ timeout?: number; /** * If fetch response not acceptable or timed out, it will retry the request. * * @default 3 */ retry?: number; /** * Delay before each retries. * * @default 1_000 ms */ retryDelay?: number; /** * Simple memory caching for remove duplicate/parallel requests. * * - `never`: Never use memory caching. * - `always`: Always use memory caching and remove all duplicate requests. * - `until_load`: Cache parallel requests until request completed (it will be removed after the promise resolved). * - `auto`: If CacheStorage was supported use `until_load` strategy else use `always`. * * @default 'never' */ removeDuplicate?: CacheDuplicate; /** * Strategies for caching. * * - `network_only`: Only network request without any cache. * - `network_first`: Network first, falling back to cache. * - `cache_only`: Cache only without any network request. * - `cache_first`: Cache first, falling back to network. * - `update_cache`: Like `network_only` but with update cache. * - `stale_while_revalidate`: Fastest strategy, Use cached first but always request network to update the cache. * * @default 'network_only' */ cacheStrategy?: CacheStrategy; /** * Revalidate callback for `stale_while_revalidate` cache strategy. */ revalidateCallback?: (response: Response) => void | Promise; /** * Cache storage custom name. */ cacheStorageName?: string; /** * Body as JS Object. */ bodyJson?: StringifyableRecord; /** * URL Query Parameters as JS Object. */ queryParameters?: QueryParameters; /** * Add token to Authentication bearer header. */ token?: string; /** * Add user id and token to Authentication bearer header. */ userAuth?: UserAuth; } export type StringifyableFetchOptions = Pick; //#