import {tools} from "./tools"; const path = require('path'); const os = require("os"); const loadIniFile = require('read-ini-file'); const u = require("underscore"); require('dotenv').config() export class config{ //region FOR TESTING public static CONFIG_RAW_OVERRIDE: object | undefined; public static ENV_OVERRIDE:string | undefined; public static resetCache(){ this.CONFIG_RAW_OVERRIDE = undefined; this.ENV_OVERRIDE = undefined; this.CONFIG = undefined; this.CONFIG_RAW = undefined; } //endregion static CONFIG_FILE = "config.ini.php"; static CONFIG: config | undefined; static CONFIG_RAW: {[key: string]: string} | undefined; //region ENVIRONMENTS static ENV = { "local":"local", "staging":"staging", "live":"live", "test":"test", }; static getEnv(): string{ if(typeof this.ENV_OVERRIDE === "string"){ return this.ENV_OVERRIDE; } if( this.getHostName().indexOf("local") >= 0 || this.getHostName().indexOf("") >= 0 ){ return this.ENV.local; } if( this.getBaseDirectory().indexOf("staging") >= 0 || this.getBaseDirectory().indexOf("stage") >= 0 ){ return this.ENV.staging; } return; } public static getHostName():string{ return os.hostname(); } static getBaseDirectory(): string{ if(typeof process.env.AILAB_CONFIG_PATH !== "undefined"){ return process.env.AILAB_CONFIG_PATH; } else{ throw new Error("AILAB_CONFIG_PATH env value not set"); } // return path.join(__dirname, tools.BASE_DIR); } //endregion //region INIT static getIniFile(){ let path_to_ini = path.join(this.getBaseDirectory(),this.CONFIG_FILE); return loadIniFile.sync(path_to_ini); } static init(force_refresh = false){ if(typeof this.CONFIG === "undefined" || force_refresh){ this.CONFIG = new config(); // first load all values this.CONFIG_RAW = this.getIniFile(); if(typeof this.CONFIG_RAW === "undefined"){ throw new Error("unable to load ini values into CONFIG_RAW"); } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this.CONFIG_RAW)) { if(this.CONFIG.hasOwnProperty(key)){ this.CONFIG[key] = value; } } // then load environment specific value if(typeof this.CONFIG_RAW[this.getEnv()] !== "undefined"){ for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this.CONFIG_RAW[this.getEnv()])) { if(this.CONFIG.hasOwnProperty(key)){ this.CONFIG[key] = value; } } } this.checkCriticalConfigValues(); } } static checkCriticalConfigValues(){ if(typeof this.CONFIG === "undefined"){ throw new Error("Config file is not yet initiated"); } // check 1: check prepend db_values if empty let is_empty: string[] | string = []; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this.CONFIG)) { if(key.indexOf("db_") >= 0){ if(u.isEmpty(value)){ is_empty.push(key); } } } if(is_empty.length > 0){ is_empty = is_empty.join(", "); throw new Error("Following config properties must not be empty:"+is_empty); } // check 2: enforce staging env using staging db if(this.getEnv() === this.ENV.staging){ let db_arr = this.getConfig().db_name.split("_"); if(!db_arr.includes("staging")){ throw new Error("On staging environment, expected to use staging database"); } } return true; } //endregion //region GETTERS static getConfig(): config{ this.init(); if(typeof this.CONFIG === "undefined") throw new Error("CONFIG not yet initialized"); return this.CONFIG; } static getConfigRaw(): { [p: string]: string }{ this.init(); if(typeof this.CONFIG_RAW === "undefined") throw new Error("CONFIG RAW is not loaded"); return this.CONFIG_RAW; } static getCustomOption(option_name: string, must_have_value = false): string|number{ this.init(); // get Environment first then the default let value_to_return: string|number|undefined = undefined; // @ts-ignore if(typeof this.getConfigRaw()[this.getEnv()] !== "undefined" && typeof this.getConfigRaw()[this.getEnv()][option_name] !== "undefined"){ // @ts-ignore value_to_return = this.getConfigRaw()[this.getEnv()][option_name]; } if( typeof value_to_return === "undefined" && typeof this.getConfigRaw()[option_name] !== "undefined" ){ value_to_return = this.getConfigRaw()[option_name]; } if(typeof value_to_return === "undefined" && must_have_value){ throw new Error("unable to retrieve option_name:"+option_name+" from config"); } return value_to_return ?? ""; } //endregion [x: string]: any; public db_host: string; public db_port: number; public db_name: string; public db_user: string; public db_pass: string; public site_url: string; public site_front_url: string; public worker_url: string; public site_name: string; public site_tagline: string; public site_prefix: string; public site_shortcode: string; public site_logo_box: string; public site_logo_wide: string; public maintenance_mode: boolean; public maintenance_mode_message: string; public admin_ip: string; public verbose_log: boolean; public enable_twig_cache: boolean; public force_stop_all_workers: boolean; constructor() { this.db_host = ""; this.db_port = 3306; this.db_name = ""; this.db_user = ""; this.db_pass = ""; this.site_url = ""; this.site_front_url = ""; this.worker_url = ""; this.site_name = ""; this.site_tagline = ""; this.site_prefix = ""; this.site_shortcode = ""; this.site_logo_box = ""; this.site_logo_wide = ""; this.maintenance_mode = false; this.maintenance_mode_message = ""; this.admin_ip = ""; this.verbose_log = false; this.enable_twig_cache = false; this.force_stop_all_workers = false; } }