/// import React$1, { FC, ReactNode, Dispatch, CSSProperties, MouseEvent, LegacyRef, ReactChild, ChangeEvent, ReactElement, MutableRefObject, VFC, SetStateAction, Ref, FocusEvent, MouseEventHandler, RefObject } from 'react'; import { Mode } from 'react-hook-form'; declare type Aria = { expanded?: boolean; haspopup?: boolean | 'dialog' | 'menu' | 'listbox' | 'tree' | 'grid'; hidden?: boolean; label?: string; }; declare type PropsWithChildren = Props & { children?: ReactNode; }; declare type PropsWithoutChildren = Props & { children?: never; }; declare type ComponentWithChildren = FC>; declare type ComponentWithoutChildren = FC>; declare type DefinitionListItem = { description?: ReactNode; id: string; term?: ReactNode; }; declare type DefinitionListProps = { className?: string; hasBottomBorder?: boolean; isVisible?: boolean; items?: DefinitionListItem[]; theme?: Themes; }; declare type ProductDefinitionListItem = DefinitionListItem & { isExpandable?: boolean; }; declare type UpSellProduct = { image?: { altText?: string; small?: string; }; name?: string; url?: string; }; declare type Product$1 = { cartDisclaimer?: string; definitionList?: ProductDefinitionListItem[]; description?: string; flyinPanel?: React.ReactNode; id?: string; image?: { altText?: string; sizes?: { large?: string; medium?: string; small?: string; }; }; imageSize?: string; productName: string; sku: string; upSellProduct?: UpSellProduct; variantOptions?: Variant$1[]; }; declare type Themes = 'dark' | 'light'; declare type Slide$2 = { altText?: string; className?: string; copy?: string; id?: string; sizes?: { large?: string; medium?: string; small?: string; xLarge?: string; xSmall?: string; }; theme?: Themes; __typename?: string; title?: string; url?: string; }; declare type Variant$1 = { alternateAction?: { url?: string; label?: string; openInANewWindow?: boolean; isDisabled?: boolean; }; cartDisclaimer?: string; disableOutOfStockFeature?: boolean; hasAgeVerificationRequirement?: boolean; id?: string; isInStock: boolean; isSellable?: boolean; image?: { altText?: string; sizes?: { large?: string; medium?: string; small?: string; }; }; price: string; slides?: Slide$2[]; size: string; sku: string; tracking?: any; }; declare type BreakpointNames = 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'x2l' | 'x3l' | 'x4l'; declare type ViewportNames = BreakpointNames | 'xs only' | 'xs to sm only' | 'xs to md only' | 'xs to xl only' | 'sm only' | 'md only' | 'lg only' | 'lg to xl only' | 'lg to x2l only' | 'xl only'; declare type AddToCartActionType = 'fail' | 'fetching' | 'success'; declare type AddToCartAction = { type: AddToCartActionType; payload?: string; }; declare type OnAddToCartClick = (sku: string, addToCartDispatch: Dispatch) => any; declare type AddToCartContextProps = { /** A callback function that takes `sku`, `addToCartDispatch`, `ADD_TO_CART_ACTION_TYPES` as arguments. See [AddToCartButton.onClick.js mock](https://github.com/aesop/aesop-gel/tree/develop/src/components/AddToCartButton/__mocks__/AddToCartButton.onClick.js) for an example. ___Required___ */ onClick?: OnAddToCartClick; }; declare type AddToCartContextProviderType = ComponentWithChildren; type index_d$b_Aria = Aria; type index_d$b_ComponentWithChildren<_0> = ComponentWithChildren<_0>; type index_d$b_ComponentWithoutChildren<_0> = ComponentWithoutChildren<_0>; type index_d$b_Themes = Themes; type index_d$b_BreakpointNames = BreakpointNames; type index_d$b_ViewportNames = ViewportNames; type index_d$b_OnAddToCartClick = OnAddToCartClick; declare namespace index_d$b { export { index_d$b_Aria as Aria, index_d$b_ComponentWithChildren as ComponentWithChildren, index_d$b_ComponentWithoutChildren as ComponentWithoutChildren, Product$1 as Product, index_d$b_Themes as Themes, Variant$1 as Variant, index_d$b_BreakpointNames as BreakpointNames, index_d$b_ViewportNames as ViewportNames, index_d$b_OnAddToCartClick as OnAddToCartClick, }; } declare type AccordionItem = { content: ReactNode; heading: string; id: string; }; declare type AccordionProps = { changeTrackingFn?: (node: string[]) => void; className?: string; id?: string; items?: AccordionItem[]; theme?: Themes; wrapperClass?: string; }; declare const Accordion: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type AddToCartButtonProps = { className?: string; copy?: { cartAction?: string; postTaxPrice?: string; screenReaderText?: string; updateNotification?: string; outOfStock?: { label?: string; title?: string; }; }; dataTestRef: string; isEnabled?: boolean; isFullWidth?: boolean; theme?: Themes; }; declare type AddToCartButtonType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const AddToCartButton: AddToCartButtonType; declare type AlertProps = { className?: string; theme?: Themes; copy?: string; severity: 'success'; }; declare type AlertType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const Alert: AlertType; declare type ImageProps = { altText?: string; className?: string; cta?: { openInANewWindow?: boolean; url?: string; }; height?: string; id?: string; isFullBleedImage?: boolean; isLazyLoaded?: boolean; sizes?: { large?: string; medium?: string; small?: string; xLarge?: string; xSmall?: string; }; style?: CSSProperties; type?: 'componentFullBleedImage' | 'componentSquareImage'; theme?: Themes; width?: string; }; declare type ControlsProps = { captions?: { isActive?: boolean; onToggleClick?: () => void; shouldShowToggleButton?: boolean; copy?: { toggleButtonTitleOn?: string; toggleButtonTitleOff?: string; }; }; className?: string; copy?: { closeButtonTitle?: string; muteButtonTitle?: string; pauseButtonTitle?: string; playButtonTitle?: string; unmuteButtonTitle?: string; }; hasActiveVideo?: boolean; hasAllowAudio?: boolean; hasPlayInFullScreen?: boolean; isMobileOrTablet?: boolean; isMuted?: boolean; isPlaying?: boolean; onAudioButtonClick?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onCloseButtonClick?: (event?: MouseEvent) => void; onPlayPauseButtonClick?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; progress?: number; }; declare type PosterProps = { className?: string; copy?: { playButtonTitle?: string; altText?: string; }; isActive?: boolean; onClick?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; sizes?: { small?: string; medium?: string; large?: string; xLarge?: string; xSmall?: string; }; }; declare type VideoProps = Pick & { captions?: { copy?: ControlsProps['captions']['copy']; fileUrl?: string; isActiveOnLoad?: boolean; languageCode?: string; languageLabel?: string; shouldShowToggleButton?: boolean; }; className?: string; fallbackImage?: { className?: string; copy?: { altText?: string; }; sizes?: { large?: string; medium?: string; small?: string; }; }; hasAllowAudio?: boolean; hasAutoplay?: boolean; hasControls?: boolean; hasLoop?: boolean; hasNativeControls?: boolean; hasPlayInFullScreen?: boolean; hasSpanContent?: boolean; id?: string; isBackground?: boolean; isInMediaBlock?: boolean; /** `isFullWidth` is set true by default and this will allow videos to display at the correct aspect ratio. In the event that a different, more fluid ratio is required, set this prop to false, this will collapse the height of the Video, but it will react to the height of the surrounding element. */ isFullWidth?: boolean; /** This prop negates the 16:9 aspect ratio on tablet so Full Width Hero Videos fill any available space. */ isHeroFullWidth?: boolean; isHeroFullWidthMobile?: boolean; isScrollBasedVideo?: boolean; poster?: PosterProps; sizes?: { large?: string; medium?: string; small?: string; xLarge?: string; xSmall?: string; }; }; declare type Font$2 = 'Suisse' | 'Zapf'; declare type VerticalPadding$3 = 'none' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'; declare type GridBlocksType$1 = { id: string; headline?: string; bodyCopy?: ReactNode; link?: { hasTargetInNewWindow?: boolean; onClick?: () => void; text?: string; type?: string; url: string; }; mediaType?: 'image' | 'video'; backgroundImage?: ImageProps; backgroundColour?: string; backgroundVideo?: VideoProps; theme?: Themes; gradientOverlay?: number; }; declare type AssetGridProps = { backgroundColour?: string; className?: string; description?: ReactNode; eyebrow?: string; gridBlocks?: GridBlocksType$1[]; id?: string; paddingTop?: VerticalPadding$3; paddingBottom?: VerticalPadding$3; title?: string; titleFont?: Font$2; }; declare const AssetGrid: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type ProgressColor = 'orange' | 'green' | 'blue'; declare type AudioCopy = { downloadLabel?: string; downloadTitle?: string; loading?: string; pause?: string; play?: string; screenReaderText?: string; seekBackward?: string; seekForward?: string; }; declare type AudioProps = { audioUrl?: string; artistName?: string; className?: string; copy?: AudioCopy; hasAutoPlay?: boolean; hasDownload?: boolean; id?: string; progressColor?: ProgressColor; screenReaderText?: string; trackTitle?: string; }; declare type AudioType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const Audio: AudioType; declare type BodyCopyProps = { childrenClassNames?: { eyebrow?: string; heading?: string; subHeading?: string; }; className?: string; content?: ReactNode; copy?: ReactNode; eyebrow?: string; hasFlushHeading?: boolean; hasSerifFontHeading?: boolean; heading?: string; id?: string; isHeroArticle?: boolean; subHeading?: string; theme?: Themes; }; declare const BodyCopy: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type BreadcrumbItem = { label: string; id: string; url: string; title: string; dataTestRef?: string; }; declare type BreadcrumbsProps = { className?: string; items?: BreadcrumbItem[]; onHyperlinkClick?: (item: BreadcrumbItem) => void; theme?: Themes; }; declare type BreadcrumbsType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const Breadcrumbs$1: BreadcrumbsType; declare type ButtonBehaviourType = 'button' | 'reset' | 'submit'; declare type ButtonProps = { aria?: Pick; children?: ReactNode; className?: string; dataTestId?: string; dataTestRef?: string; id?: string; isAlternate?: boolean; isEnabled?: boolean; isInline?: boolean; isLoading?: boolean; loadingScreenReaderText?: string; onClick?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseEnter?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; tabIndex?: number; theme?: Themes; title?: string; type?: ButtonBehaviourType; }; declare const Button: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type BynderWidgetCopy = { screenReaderText?: string; }; declare type BynderWidgetProps = { copy?: BynderWidgetCopy; className?: string; heading: string; id: string; screenReaderText?: string; theme?: Themes; }; declare type BynderWidgetType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const BynderWidget: BynderWidgetType; declare type TextAlign = 'center' | 'left' | 'right'; declare type LinkStyle = 'External Button Link' | 'External No Icon Button Link' | 'External No Icon Link' | 'External Text Link' | 'Internal Button Link' | 'Internal No Icon Button Link' | 'Internal No Icon Link' | 'Internal Text Link'; declare type HyperlinkProps = { aria?: Pick; children: ReactNode; className?: string; dataTestId?: string; dataTestRef?: string; hasTargetInNewWindow?: boolean; hasTargetInParentFrame?: boolean; id?: string; isAlternate?: boolean; isDownload?: boolean; kind?: LinkStyle; onClick?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; onMouseEnter?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; /** @deprecated use `kind` instead */ style?: LinkStyle; tabIndex?: number; textAlign?: TextAlign; theme?: Themes; title?: string; url: string; }; declare type CarouselIntroductionProps = { carouselType?: CarouselType; copyLocation?: CopyLocation; cta?: { style?: LinkStyle; title?: string; url?: string; text?: string; }; description?: ReactNode; eyebrow?: string; heading?: string; theme?: Themes; titleFont?: FontType; totalProductsCount?: number; }; declare type Slide$1 = { carouselBadge?: string; caption?: string; description?: string; heading?: string; id?: string; isLoading?: boolean; image: ImageProps; subHeading?: string; url?: string; }; declare type CarouselType = 'content' | 'commerce' | 'insider'; declare type CopyLocation = 'left' | 'top'; declare type FontType = 'Suisse' | 'Zapf'; declare type CarouselProps = { autoplaySpeed?: number; carouselType?: CarouselType; copyLocation?: CopyLocation; className?: string; dataTestId?: string; hasAutoplay?: boolean; hasFlushPagination?: boolean; hasFullWidthSlides?: boolean; hasShowCaption?: boolean; hasSlideCounter?: boolean; id?: string; initialSlideIndex?: number; introduction?: Omit; isCompact?: boolean; onNextAndPrevClick?: () => void; screenReaderText?: string; slides?: Slide$1[]; slideRefs?: LegacyRef[]; titleFont?: FontType; theme?: Themes; }; declare const Carousel: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type CheckboxProps = { checkboxClassName?: string; className?: string; dataTestId?: string; dataTestRef?: string; description?: ReactChild; errorMessage?: string; id?: string; /** will be overriden by `isCheckedControlled` if `isCheckedControlled` is provided*/ isChecked?: boolean; /** will override `isChecked` if provided */ isCheckedControlled?: boolean; isEnabled?: boolean; label: ReactChild; labelClassName?: string; name?: string; onBlur?: (event: React.FocusEvent) => void; onChange?: (event: ChangeEvent) => void; onFocus?: (event: React.FocusEvent) => void; theme?: Themes; wrapperClassName?: string; }; declare const Checkbox: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type Wrapper = (children: ReactNode) => ReactElement; declare type ConditionalWrapperProps = { /** * If the condition is false, this functional component will be used instead of simply returning the children unwrapped. */ alternateWrapper?: Wrapper; /** * If this boolean prop resolves to true the children prop will be wrapped in the wrapper prop. */ condition: boolean; /** * A functional component that receives the children prop as an argument, `children =>
` */ wrapper: Wrapper; }; declare type ConditionalWrapperType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const ConditionalWrapper: ConditionalWrapperType; declare type Image$2 = Pick; declare type Article$1 = { articleRef?: MutableRefObject; category?: string; horizontalThumbnail?: Image$2; id?: string; longTitle?: string; onClick?: () => void; readingTime?: string; uri?: string; verticalThumbnail?: Image$2; }; declare type ContentHubArticleProps = Article$1 & { className?: string; dataTestRef: string; isHorizontal?: boolean; isInFirstGroup?: boolean; isMenuItem?: boolean; isReadMore?: boolean; }; declare type ContentHubArticleType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const ContentHubArticle: ContentHubArticleType; declare type ListArticle = Article$1 & { mobileArticleRef?: MutableRefObject; }; declare type ContentHubArticleListProps = { articles?: ListArticle[]; className?: string; isFirstGroup?: boolean; pattern?: 0 | 1; }; declare type ContentHubArticleListType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const ContentHubArticleList: ContentHubArticleListType; declare type VerticalPadding$2 = 'none' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'; declare type Font$1 = 'Suisse' | 'Zapf'; declare type GridBlocksType = { id: string; headline?: string; bodyCopy?: ReactNode; link?: { hasTargetInNewWindow?: boolean; onClick?: () => void; text?: string; type?: string; url: string; }; backgroundColor?: string; theme?: Themes; }; declare type CopyGridProps = { backgroundColor?: string; className?: string; gridBlocks?: GridBlocksType[]; headline?: string; headlineFont?: Font$1; paddingTop?: VerticalPadding$2; paddingBottom?: VerticalPadding$2; theme?: Themes; }; declare const CopyGrid: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type DateSelectorProps = { className?: string; copy?: { day?: string; month?: string; /** `['January', 'February', etc ]` */ monthLabels?: string[]; year?: string; }; isEnabled?: boolean; /** Maximum number of years to show in the year dropdown */ maxYears?: number; name?: string; onChange?: (date: string) => void; theme?: Themes; /** An ISO data, e.g. 2021-09-20 */ value?: string; }; declare type DateSelectorType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const DateSelector$1: DateSelectorType; declare const DefinitionList: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type DialogBannerProps = { className?: string; copy?: { closeButtonTitle?: string; }; cta?: { dataTestRef?: string; id?: string; openInANewWindow?: boolean; text?: string; title?: string; url: string; }; hasCloseButton?: boolean; isVisible?: boolean; message: string; onClose: () => void; position?: 'top' | 'bottom'; theme?: 'dark' | 'black'; heading: string; }; declare type DialogBannerType = VFC; declare const DialogBanner: DialogBannerType; declare type MediaType = 'video' | 'image' | 'scrollbasedvideo'; declare type MediaBlockProps = { altText?: string; caption?: ReactNode; fallbackImage?: VideoProps['fallbackImage']; heading?: string; link?: { hasTargetInNewWindow?: boolean; text?: string; type?: string; url: string; }; poster?: VideoProps['poster']; type?: MediaType; theme?: Themes; sizes: { large?: string; medium?: string; small?: string; xLarge?: string; xSmall?: string; }; }; declare type DoubleMediaProps = { className?: string; mediaOne?: MediaBlockProps; mediaTwo?: MediaBlockProps; theme?: Themes; }; declare const DoubleMedia: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type ImageSectionProps = { className?: string; image?: ImageProps; }; declare type TextSectionProps = { id?: string; tabIndex?: number; text?: ReactNode; theme?: Themes; }; declare type FiftyFiftyFloatingTextProps = { backgroundImages?: { image?: ImageSectionProps['image']; }[]; id?: string; textTransition?: number; textBlocks?: { text?: TextSectionProps['text']; }[]; theme?: Themes; }; declare const FiftyFiftyFloatingText: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type FigureProps = { caption?: string; className?: string; hasCaptionBorder?: boolean; hasCaptionOffset?: boolean; id?: string; theme?: string; foo?: boolean; }; declare type FigureType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const Figure: FigureType; declare type FlyinPanelProps = { children: React.ReactNode; className?: string; copy?: { close?: string; }; heading?: string; isVisible?: boolean; onClose: () => void; theme?: Themes; }; declare type FlyinPanelType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const FlyinPanel: FlyinPanelType; declare type Link$2 = { id?: string; clickCallback?: () => void; openInANewWindow?: boolean; text: string; url: string; }; declare type FooterBlockProps = { className?: string; copy?: ReactNode; heading?: string; headingClassName?: string; isVisibleOnTabletAndMobile?: boolean; links?: Link$2[]; listClassName?: string; listItemClassName?: string; theme?: Themes; }; declare type FooterBlockType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const FooterBlock: FooterBlockType; declare type BackgroundElementProps = { className?: string; image?: ImageProps; mediaType?: 'image' | 'video'; video?: VideoProps; }; declare type FullscreenSectionProps = { text?: ReactNode; theme?: Themes; }; declare type FullWidthHeroScrollProps = { backgroundImage?: BackgroundElementProps['image']; backgroundMediaType?: BackgroundElementProps['mediaType']; backgroundVideo?: BackgroundElementProps['video']; copy?: BodyCopyProps['copy']; cta?: { englishLabel?: string; onClick?: () => void; text?: string; url?: string; }; eyebrow?: string; hasSerifFontHeading?: boolean; hasTopOffset?: boolean; heading?: string; id?: string; textBlocks?: { text?: FullscreenSectionProps['text']; }[]; theme?: Themes; }; declare const FullWidthHeroScroll: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type TrackingCallback = { desktop: { desktopMenuItemClickOrHover: (menuItemTrackingProps: MenuItemTrackingWithAction) => void; desktopCategoryItemClickOrHover: (categoryItemTrackingProps: CategoryItemTrackingWithAction) => void; }; tablet: { tabletMenuItemClick: (tabletMenuItemTrackingProps: MenuItemTrackingWithAction) => void; tabletCategoryItemClick: (tabletCategoryItemTrackingProps: CategoryItemTrackingWithAction) => void; }; mobile: { mobileMenuItemClick: (mobileMenuItemTrackingProps: MenuItemTrackingWithMobileAction) => void; mobileCategoryItemClick: (mobileCategoryItemTrackingProps: CategoryItemTrackingWithMobileAction) => void; }; common: { promotionCardClick: (promotionCardTrackingProps: PromotionCardClickTracking) => void; promotionCardImpression: (promotionCardTrackingProps: PromotionCardImpressionTracking) => void; }; }; declare type PromotionCardImpressionTracking = { id: string; creative: string; position: string; isVisible: boolean; }; declare type PromotionCardClickTracking = PromotionCardImpressionTracking & { englishLabel: string; }; declare type MenuType = 'Shop' | 'Read' | 'Stores' | 'Search' | 'Menu' | 'Custom Link'; declare type CategoryItemTracking = { menuCategory: string; menuLabel: string; menuSection: 'Panel 1' | 'Panel 2' | 'Navbar'; menuSubnav: string; menuText?: string; menuType: MenuType; menuUrl?: string; }; declare type MenuItemTracking = { menuCategory: string; menuLabel: string; menuText?: string; menuType: MenuType; menuUrl?: string; menuSection: 'Panel 1' | 'Navbar'; }; declare type DesktopAndTabletTrackingActions = { action: 'Open' | 'Close' | 'Click' | 'Hover'; }; declare type MobileTrackingActions = { action: 'Open' | 'Close' | 'Click' | 'Hover' | 'Expand' | 'Collapse' | 'Back'; }; declare type CategoryItemTrackingWithAction = CategoryItemTracking & DesktopAndTabletTrackingActions; declare type CategoryItemTrackingWithMobileAction = CategoryItemTracking & MobileTrackingActions; declare type MenuItemTrackingWithAction = MenuItemTracking & DesktopAndTabletTrackingActions; declare type MenuItemTrackingWithMobileAction = MenuItemTracking & MobileTrackingActions; declare type CollectionImage = { id?: string; altText: string; creative?: string; sizes: { medium?: string; large?: string; small?: string; }; }; declare type Clickable = { dataTestRef?: string; id: string; shouldDisplayHeading?: boolean; label: string; title: string; url?: string; }; declare type Trigger = Clickable & { onClick: () => void; type: 'trigger'; count?: number; component?: () => ReactElement; isLegacyMenu?: boolean; }; declare type Link$1 = Clickable & { alternateLabel?: string; hasTargetInNewWindow?: boolean; isExternal?: boolean; onClick?: () => void; menuSubnav?: string; menuType?: 'Shop' | 'Read'; panel?: 'Panel 1' | 'Panel 2'; type?: 'link'; url: string; }; declare type Promotion = Clickable & { heading: string; image?: CollectionImage; type: 'promotion'; url: string; }; declare type Article = Clickable & { image?: CollectionImage; isVisible?: boolean; metaDuration?: string; metaLabel?: string; menuSubnav?: string; menuType: 'Shop' | 'Read'; panel: 'Panel 1' | 'Panel 2'; type: 'article'; url: string; }; declare type Read = Clickable & { articles: Article[]; articlesListHeading?: string; backLabel?: string; backgroundColor?: string; baseUrl?: string; image?: CollectionImage; items: (Link$1 | NestedCollection)[]; topLevelCollectionLabel?: string; type: 'read-collection'; }; declare type Actions = { account: ((Link$1 & { recentOrders?: { url?: string; title?: string; label?: string; }; }) | Trigger) & { isAuthenticated?: boolean; }; cart: Trigger; cabinet: Link$1; logo: Link$1; shop: Omit & { onClick?: () => void; }; support: Trigger; menu: Omit & { closeLabel: string; closeTitle: string; onClick?: () => void; }; search: Trigger; stores: Trigger; }; declare type NotableNestedCollection = Clickable & { items: Link$1[]; type: 'notable-nested-collection'; }; declare type NestedCollection = Clickable & { items: Link$1[]; type: 'nested-collection'; }; declare type Collection = Clickable & { backLabel?: string; backgroundColor?: string; image?: CollectionImage; items: (Link$1 | NestedCollection | NotableNestedCollection)[]; promotion?: Promotion; topLevelCollectionLabel?: string; type: 'collection'; }; declare type GlobalNavigationType = ComponentWithChildren; declare type GlobalNavigationStateContextProviderProps = { activeCollectionId?: string; isOpen?: boolean; }; declare type GlobalNavigationStateContextProviderType = ComponentWithChildren; declare type ActiveViewTypes = 'none' | 'mobile' | 'tablet' | 'desktop'; declare type StickyNavType = { isFixed: boolean; isHidden: boolean; offsetTop: number; }; declare type GlobalNavigationStateContextType = { activeCollectionId: string; activeView: ActiveViewTypes; isOpen: boolean; menuCategoryLabel: string; menuType: MenuType; setActiveCollectionId: (id: string) => void; setIsOpen: Dispatch>; setMenuCategoryLabel: (categoryLabel: string) => void; setMenuType: (menuType: MenuType) => void; setStickyNavProps: Dispatch>; stickyNavProps: StickyNavType; }; declare type UseGlobalNavigationStateContext = () => GlobalNavigationStateContextType; declare type GlobalNavigationContextType = { actions: Actions; className?: string; collections: Collection[]; customLinks?: Link$1[]; isVisuallyObstructed?: boolean; isOpenSearchBackToMenu?: boolean; /** User created on Navigation close event callback */ onClose?: () => void; /** User created on Navigation open event callback */ onOpen?: () => void; read: Read; theme?: Themes; isLegacyMenu?: boolean; trackingCallbacks: TrackingCallback; isWishlistEnabled?: boolean; }; declare type GlobalNavigationContextProviderProps = { value: GlobalNavigationContextType; }; declare type GlobalNavigationContextProviderType = ComponentWithChildren; declare type DesktopViewProps = { className?: string; }; declare type DesktopViewType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare type DesktopViewContextType = { closedClassName?: string; closedLogoTheme?: Themes; openClassName?: string; }; declare type DesktopViewContextProviderType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const DesktopViewContextProvider: DesktopViewContextProviderType; declare type MobileViewContextProviderProps = { closedClassName?: string; closedTheme?: Themes; openClassName?: string; }; declare type MobileViewContextProviderType = ComponentWithChildren; declare type MobileViewProps = { className?: string; }; declare type MobileViewType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const MobileViewContextProvider: MobileViewContextProviderType; declare type TabletViewProps = { className?: string; }; declare type TabletViewType = ComponentWithChildren; declare type TabletViewContextProviderProps = { closedClassName?: string; closedLogoTheme?: Themes; openClassName?: string; }; declare type TabletViewContextProviderType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const TabletViewContextProvider: TabletViewContextProviderType; declare const GlobalNavigation: GlobalNavigationType; declare const GlobalNavigationStateContextProvider: GlobalNavigationStateContextProviderType; declare const useGlobalNavigationStateContext: UseGlobalNavigationStateContext; declare const GlobalNavigationContextProvider: GlobalNavigationContextProviderType; declare const DesktopView: DesktopViewType; declare const MobileView: MobileViewType; declare const TabletView: TabletViewType; declare type GoogleMapProps = { center: { lat?: number; lng?: number; }; className?: string; copy?: { directions?: string; screenReaderText?: string; storeLocator?: { label?: string; message?: string; title?: string; url?: string; }; openingHours?: { alternateHoursNote?: string; heading?: string; }; }; customMarker?: { lat?: number; lng?: number; type?: 'PIN' | 'PLACE'; }; hasMarkerIndexes?: boolean; id?: string; initialZoom?: number; places?: { lat?: number; lng?: number; id?: string; storeName?: string; storeType?: string; address?: string; phoneNumber?: string; openingHours?: any[]; }[]; theme?: Themes; }; declare type GoogleMapType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const GoogleMap: GoogleMapType; declare type HeadingLevels = '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6'; declare type HeadingSizes = 'xXSmall' | 'xSmall' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xLarge'; declare type HeadingProps = { className?: string; dataTestRef?: string; hasMediumWeightFont?: boolean; hasSerifFont?: boolean; id?: string; isFlush?: boolean; level: HeadingLevels; size: HeadingSizes; theme?: Themes; }; declare type HeadingType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const Heading: HeadingType; declare type HeroBannerMediaAnchorPoints = 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'top'; declare type HeroBannerVariations = 'article-header' | 'default' | 'fifty-fifty' | 'full-display' | 'landing-header' | 'wide-header'; declare type HeroBannerCopy = { description?: ReactNode; eyebrow?: string; heading?: string; subHeading?: string; }; declare type HeroBannerProps = { backgroundColor?: string; className?: string; containMedia?: HeroBannerMediaAnchorPoints; content?: ReactNode; copy?: HeroBannerCopy; foregroundImage?: ReactElement; foregroundImageLink?: { onClick?: () => void; url?: string; title?: string; }; hasSerifFontHeading?: boolean; hasTopOffset?: boolean; media: ReactElement; theme?: Themes; variation?: HeroBannerVariations; }; declare const HeroBanner: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type HiddenViewports = 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl'; declare type HiddenProps = { children: React.ReactNode; /** An array of strings representing viewports that the children components * will be unmounted on. 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl'. */ when: HiddenViewports[]; }; declare type HiddenType = ComponentWithChildren; /** * The Hidden component will unmount children components given they meet * the breakpoint criteria of the `sm`, `me`, `lg` and/or `xl` in the `when` prop. * @param children * @param when - 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' */ declare const Hidden: HiddenType; declare const Hyperlink: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type SvgName = '' | 'aesop' | 'chevron' | 'close' | 'downArrow' | 'download' | 'muted' | 'pause' | 'play' | 'plusAndCloseWithCircle' | 'rightArrow' | 'rightUpArrow' | 'scrolldown' | 'search' | 'seek' | 'success' | 'heart' | 'unmuted' | 'warning'; declare type IconProps = { aria?: Pick; className?: string; dataRef?: string; height?: number; isActive?: boolean; name: SvgName; tabIndex?: number; theme?: Themes; title?: string; width?: number; }; declare type IconType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const Icon: IconType; declare type IconLinkProps = { altText?: string; className?: string; dataTestRef?: string; hasTargetInNewWindow?: boolean; height?: number; icon?: { sizes: ImageProps['sizes']; }; iconImageClassName?: string; onClick?: () => void; target?: string; width?: number; }; declare type IconLinkType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const IconLink: IconLinkType; declare const Image$1: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type Slide = { caption?: string; id?: string; image: ImageProps; }; declare type ImageCarouselProps = { autoplaySpeed?: number; className?: string; hasAutoplay?: boolean; hasFlushPagination?: boolean; isCompact?: boolean; slides?: Slide[]; theme?: Themes; }; declare type ImageCarouselType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const ImageCarousel: ImageCarouselType; declare type ListItem = { content: React.ReactNode; id: string; }; declare type ListProps = { className?: string; items?: ListItem[]; listItemClassName?: string; theme?: Themes; }; declare type KitListProps = { className?: string; isVisible?: boolean; items: ListItem[]; theme?: Themes; }; /** @TODO replace the `any` in the forwardRef type * Following our forwardRef tyings, this first value should be HTMLUListElement (based on typeof List) * However, due to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58469229/react-with-typescript-generics-while-using-react-forwardref/58473012 * this does not work, and if List's return type changes, this static type will break */ declare const KitList: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type LinkButtonGroupProps = { children?: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[] /** @TODO figure out how to efficiently allow only Button an Hyperlink */; className?: string; hasFitContent?: boolean; isFlush?: boolean; isFullWidth?: boolean; textAlign?: 'center' | 'left' | 'right'; theme?: Themes; }; declare type LinkButtonGroupType = (props: LinkButtonGroupProps) => ReactElement | null; declare const LinkButtonGroup: LinkButtonGroupType; declare const List$1: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type LoadingSizes = 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'ultra'; declare type LoadingProps = { align?: 'start' | 'center' | 'end'; centerVertical?: boolean; className?: string; isLoading: boolean; screenReaderText?: string; shouldFillSpace?: boolean; size?: LoadingSizes; theme?: Themes; }; declare type LoadingType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const Loading: LoadingType; declare type LoadMoreButtonProps = { className?: string; copy?: { actionLabel?: string; screenReaderText?: string; }; dataTestRef: string; isEnabled?: boolean; screenReaderText?: string; }; declare type LoadMoreButtonType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const LoadMoreButton: LoadMoreButtonType; declare type ContentCopy = { description?: React.ReactNode; eyebrow?: string; heading?: string; subHeading?: string; }; declare type ContainMedia = 'center' | 'left' | 'right'; declare type ForegroundImageLink = { onClick?: () => void; url: string; title: string; }; declare type MediaWithContentProps = { backgroundColor?: string; className?: string; containMedia?: ContainMedia; content?: React.ReactNode; copy: ContentCopy; foregroundImage?: JSX.Element; foregroundImageLink?: ForegroundImageLink; hasFullWidthImage?: boolean; hasSerifFontHeading?: boolean; isReverse?: boolean; media: JSX.Element; theme?: Themes; }; declare const MediaWithContent: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type ModalBodyCopy = { copy?: { close?: string; }; }; declare type ModalAndModalBodyProps = { aria?: { label?: string; }; className?: string; classNameModalBody?: string; isFullScreen?: boolean; isVisible: boolean; onClose: () => void; theme?: Themes; topLeftChildren?: ReactChild; }; declare type ModalProps = ModalAndModalBodyProps & ModalBodyCopy; declare type ModalType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const Modal: ModalType; declare type Link = Pick & { text: string; }; declare type NavigationBarProps = { childLinks?: Link[]; className?: string; parentLink?: Link; selectedUrl?: string; }; declare type NavigationBarType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const NavigationBar: NavigationBarType; declare type NotificationModalProps = { backgroundColor?: string; className?: string; notificationMessage?: string; }; declare type NotificationModalType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const NotificationModal: NotificationModalType; declare type TransitionTypeLabel = 'fade' | 'fadeDelay' | 'fadeIn' | 'shiftInDown' | 'shiftInLeft' | 'shiftInUp' | 'slideDown' | 'slideDownBounce' | 'slideLeft' | 'slideRight' | 'slowFade' | 'fixed' | 'zoom' | 'zoomDelay'; declare type TransitionProps = { children: JSX.Element; isActive?: boolean; isActiveOnMount?: boolean; shouldMountOnEnter?: boolean; shouldUnmountOnExit?: boolean; type?: TransitionTypeLabel; }; declare type TransitionType = (props: TransitionProps) => ReactElement | null; declare type OverlayProps = { className?: string; isVisible?: boolean; onClose: () => void; type?: TransitionTypeLabel; }; declare type OverlayType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const Overlay: OverlayType; declare type ParagraphProps = { className?: string; hasSerifFont?: boolean; isFlush?: boolean; isHero?: boolean; isLarge?: boolean; theme?: Themes; }; declare type ParagraphType = ComponentWithChildren; declare type ParagraphSetProps = { className?: string; isLarge?: boolean; theme?: Themes; }; declare type ParagraphSetType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const Paragraph: ParagraphType; declare const ParagraphSet: ParagraphSetType; declare type PasswordInputProps = { buttonLabels?: { ariaHideLabel?: string; ariaShowLabel?: string; hideLabel?: string; showLabel?: string; }; className?: string; dataTestId?: string; dataTestRef?: string; errorMessage?: string; id?: string; isEnabled?: boolean; label?: string; name: string; onBlur?: (e: React.ChangeEvent) => void; onChange?: (e: React.ChangeEvent) => void; theme?: Themes; }; declare type PasswordInputType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const PasswordInput: PasswordInputType; declare type PersonalInfoSummaryProps = { className?: string; theme?: Themes; prefixOptions?: { value: string; text: string; }[]; shouldShowPrefix?: boolean; shouldHaveNameSpace?: boolean; shouldSwapFullNameOrder?: boolean; userDetails?: { suffix?: string; prefix?: string; firstName?: string; lastName?: string; dateOfBirth?: string; email?: string; }; }; declare type PersonalInfoSummaryType = VFC; declare const PersonalInfoSummary: PersonalInfoSummaryType; declare type HorizontalPadding = 'none' | 'small'; declare type VerticalPadding$1 = 'none' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'; declare type PodiumProps = { backgroundColor?: string; children?: React.ReactNode; className?: string; 'data-test-ref'?: string; horizontalPadding?: HorizontalPadding; id?: string; isActive?: boolean; isActiveOnMount?: boolean; isHorizontalFlushOnLarge?: boolean; isHorizontalFlushOnMedium?: boolean; isHorizontalFlushOnSmall?: boolean; paddingBottom?: VerticalPadding$1; paddingLeft?: HorizontalPadding; paddingRight?: HorizontalPadding; paddingTop?: VerticalPadding$1; theme?: Themes; transition?: TransitionTypeLabel; verticalPadding?: VerticalPadding$1; }; declare const Podium: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type Media = { sizes?: { xSmall?: string; small?: string; medium?: string; large?: string; xLarge?: string; }; }; declare type Image = Media & { altText?: string; }; declare type Video$1 = Media & { fallbackImage?: { copy?: { altText?: string; }; sizes?: { large?: string; medium?: string; small?: string; }; }; }; declare type AddToCartCopy = { cartAction?: string; updateNotification?: string; outOfStock?: { label?: string; title?: string; }; }; declare type Background = 'Colour' | 'Image' | 'Video'; declare type State = { background?: Background; backgroundColour?: string; backgroundImage?: Image; backgroundVideo?: Video$1; copy?: ReactNode; eyebrow?: string; foregroundImage?: Image; hasSerifFont?: boolean; theme?: Themes; title?: string; }; declare type ClosedState = State & { id?: string; openButtonText?: string; }; declare type OpenState = State & { closeButtonText?: string; cta?: { text?: string; url?: string; }; product: { variants: Variant$1[]; }; }; declare type VisualState = 'compressed' | 'default' | 'expanded'; declare type ProductAccordionItem = { closedState?: ClosedState; id?: string; isCompressed?: boolean; isExpanded?: boolean; onPromoClick?: () => void; openState?: OpenState; theme?: Themes; visualState?: VisualState; }; declare type Product = ProductAccordionItem & { handleAddToCart: OnAddToCartClick; }; declare type ProductAccordionProps = { className?: string; id?: string; addToCartCopy?: AddToCartCopy; openIndex?: string; products: Product[]; }; declare type ProductAccordionType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const ProductAccordion: ProductAccordionType; declare type ProductCommerceProps = { className?: string; copy?: { addToCart?: { cartAction?: string; updateNotification?: string; outOfStock?: { label?: string; title?: string; }; }; screenReaderText?: string; size?: string; }; cta?: { text?: string; url?: string; }; description?: React.ReactNode; eyebrow?: string; heading?: string; id?: string; isActive?: boolean; onCtaClick?: () => void; size?: string; theme?: Themes; }; declare const ProductCommerce: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type ContentSide = 'Left' | 'Right'; declare type VerticalPadding = 'none' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'; declare type Font = 'suisse' | 'zapf'; declare type ProductCommerceCardProps = { id?: string; className?: string; productQuantity?: number; productsContainer?: ReactNode; headline?: string; headlineFontStyle?: Font; eyebrow?: string; copy?: React.ReactNode; backgroundColor?: string; contentSide?: ContentSide; theme?: Themes; paddingTop?: VerticalPadding; paddingBottom?: VerticalPadding; asset?: ImageProps | VideoProps; isImage?: boolean; }; declare const ProductCommerceCards: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type ProductDetailBodyCopy = { addToCart?: { cartAction?: string; updateNotification?: string; outOfStock?: { label?: string; title?: string; }; }; size?: { singular?: string; plural?: string; }; upSellProductLabel?: string; flyinPanelHeading?: string; }; declare type Breadcrumbs = { items?: BreadcrumbItem[]; theme?: Themes; }; declare type ProductDetailHeaderProps = { AddToCabinetButton?: React.ReactNode; breadcrumbs?: Breadcrumbs; className?: string; copy?: ProductDetailBodyCopy; onBreadcrumbClick?: (item: BreadcrumbItem, selectedVariant: Variant$1) => void; onFlyinOpenCloseClick?: (flyinStatus: 'open' | 'close', selectedVariant: Variant$1) => void; onUpsellClick?: () => void; onUpsellScrollIntoView?: () => void; paymentWidget?: React.ReactNode; backInStockNotification?: React.ReactNode; theme?: Themes; }; declare type ProductDetailHeaderType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const ProductDetailHeader: ProductDetailHeaderType; declare type ProductExtractProps = { dataTestRef: string; className?: string; hasBottomBorder?: boolean; hasTopMargin?: boolean; imageSize?: 'small' | 'medium'; isVisible?: boolean; itemNum?: number; theme?: Themes; onHyperlinkClick?: () => void; product?: { image?: ImageProps; name?: string; url?: string; }; works?: string; }; declare const ProductExtract: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type Copy = { addToCart?: { cartAction?: string; outOfStock?: { label?: string; title?: string; }; updateNotification?: string; }; viewMore?: string; }; declare type CallToAction = { clickFunction?: () => void; text?: string; url?: string; }; declare type ProductGridItemProps = { className?: string; copy?: Copy; cta?: CallToAction; hasCarousel?: boolean; topRow?: React.ReactNode; hasViewMore?: boolean; id?: string; info?: string; onCtaClick?: () => void; slides?: Slide$2[]; /** if provided, will pass this as `hasTargetInParentFrame` to `Hyperlinks` within `ProductGridItem` */ targetParentFrameForLinks?: boolean; theme?: Themes; url?: string; }; declare const ProductGridItem: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type QuoteProps = { author: string; className?: string; content: string; theme?: Themes; }; declare const Quote: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type RadioProps = { className?: string; dataTestRef?: string; dataTestId?: string; onChange: (event: ChangeEvent) => void; optionLabel: string; optionValue: string; name: string; value?: string; theme?: Themes; }; declare type RadioGroupProps = { className?: string; dataTestRef?: string; errorMessage?: string; name: string; onChange: (event: ChangeEvent) => void; options?: { label?: string; value?: string; }[]; theme?: Themes; value?: string; }; declare type RadioType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare type RadioGroupType = ComponentWithoutChildren & { Radio: RadioType; }; declare const RadioGroup: RadioGroupType; declare type RatingProps = { className?: string; dataTestRef?: string; errorMessage?: string; max?: number; name: string; onChange: (event: ChangeEvent) => void; theme?: Themes; value?: string; }; declare type RatingType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const Rating: RatingType; declare type ReadMoreProps = { articles: Article$1[]; className?: string; }; declare type ReadMoreType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const ReadMore: ReadMoreType; declare type ScreenReaderOnlyProps = { as?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements; className?: string; }; declare type ScreenReaderOnlyType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const ScreenReaderOnly: ScreenReaderOnlyType; declare type MessageProps = { className?: string; copy: string; heading: string; id?: string; link?: { title: string; url: string; }; theme?: Themes; }; declare type SecondaryMessageProps = { className?: string; id?: string; items?: [MessageProps?, MessageProps?]; theme?: Themes; }; declare type SecondaryMessageType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const SecondaryMessage: SecondaryMessageType; declare type SectionHeadingProps = { childrenClassNames?: { eyebrow?: string; heading?: string; subHeading?: string; }; className?: string; eyebrow?: string; hasSerifFontHeading?: boolean; heading?: string; id?: string; isFlush?: boolean; isOffsetPageHeading?: boolean; isHeroHeading?: boolean; isPageHeading?: boolean; subHeading?: ReactNode; theme?: Themes; titleFont?: 'Suisse' | 'Zapf'; }; declare type SectionHeadingType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const SectionHeading: SectionHeadingType; declare type SelectOption = { id?: string; label?: string; value?: string; }; declare type SelectProps = { className?: string; dataTestRef?: string; errorMessage?: string; isBlock?: boolean; isEnabled?: boolean; label?: string; name: string; onBlur?: (event: React.FocusEvent) => void; onChange: (event: React.ChangeEvent) => void; onFocus?: (event: React.FocusEvent) => void; options: SelectOption[]; theme?: Themes; value?: string; }; declare const Select$1: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type HoursListItem = { dayName?: string; hours?: string | string[]; id?: string; isAlternate?: boolean; }; declare type StoreHoursListProps = { alternateHoursNote?: string; className?: string; heading?: string; hoursList?: HoursListItem[]; theme?: Themes; }; declare type StoreHoursListType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare type StoreDetailCopy = { location?: string; email?: string; phone?: string; facialAppointments?: string; facialAppointmentsLink?: string; openingHours?: string; clickAndCollectSansSerif?: string; }; declare type StoreDetailHeaderProps = { alternateHoursNote?: string; className?: string; copy?: StoreDetailCopy; facialAppointments?: boolean; facialAppointmentsLink?: string; email?: string; location?: string; onLocationClick?: () => void; onFacialAppointmentClick?: () => void; openingHours?: HoursListItem[]; phone?: string; storeName: string; storeType?: string; theme?: Themes; hasCnC?: boolean; storePageCallout?: string[]; cncAvailable?: string[]; }; declare type StoreDetailHeaderType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const StoreDetailHeader: StoreDetailHeaderType; declare const StoreHoursList: StoreHoursListType; declare type SubNavLink = { children: string /** @TODO change this prop api to content or text */; id?: string; hasTargetInNewWindow?: boolean; style?: LinkStyle; url: string; onClick?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; }; declare type SubNavProps = { className?: string; id: string; isSelect?: boolean; links: SubNavLink[]; heading?: string; headingClassName?: string; theme?: Themes; onSelectCallback?: (event: React.ChangeEvent) => void; }; declare const SubNav: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type Column = { key: string; title: string; }; declare type CommonTableProps = { caption?: string; className?: string; dataTestRef?: string; }; declare type TableProps = CommonTableProps & ({ children: ReactNode; columns?: never; rows?: never; } | { children?: never; columns?: Column[]; rows?: any[]; }); declare const Table: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type TextareaProps = { className?: string; dataTestRef?: string; defaultValue?: string; id: string; inputRef?: Ref; isEnabled?: boolean; maxLength?: number; name?: string; onBlur?: (event: FocusEvent) => void; onChange?: (event: ChangeEvent) => void; rows?: number; textareaClassName?: string; theme?: Themes; value?: string; }; declare type TextareaType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const Textarea: TextareaType; declare type TextareaV2Props = { classNames?: { errorMessage?: string; textarea?: string; label?: string; wrapper?: string; }; dataTestRef?: string; errorMessage?: string; id?: string; isEnabled?: boolean; label: string; maxLength?: number; name?: string; onBlur?: (event: FocusEvent) => void; onChange?: (event: ChangeEvent) => void; rows?: number; theme?: Themes; value?: string; }; declare const TextareaV2: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type TextInputProps = { 'data-test-ref'?: string; className?: string; defaultValue?: string; hasContent?: boolean; hasError?: boolean; /** @deprecated no underlying functionality */ hasValidation?: boolean; id: string; inputClassName?: string; inputRef?: Ref; isEnabled?: boolean; label?: string; max?: number; maxLength?: number; min?: number; name?: string; onBlur?: (event: FocusEvent) => void; onChange?: (event: ChangeEvent) => void; onFocus?: (event: ChangeEvent) => void; prefixElement?: ReactElement; theme?: Themes; type?: 'text' | 'password' | 'email' | 'number' | 'tel' | 'search'; value?: string; }; declare type TextInputType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const TextInput: TextInputType; declare type TextInputV2Props = { autoComplete?: string; classNames?: { errorMessage?: string; input?: string; label?: string; wrapper?: string; }; dataTestId?: string; dataTestRef?: string; errorMessage?: string; id?: string; isEnabled?: boolean; label: string; max?: number; maxLength?: number; min?: number; name?: string; onBeforeInput?: (e: React.ChangeEvent) => void; onBlur?: (event: React.FocusEvent) => void; onChange?: (event: ChangeEvent) => void; onCopyCapture?: (e: React.ClipboardEvent) => void; onFocus?: (event: React.FocusEvent) => void; onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => void; onPasteCapture?: (e: React.ClipboardEvent) => void; pattern?: string; theme?: Themes; type?: 'text' | 'password' | 'email' | 'number' | 'tel' | 'search'; /** `valueControlled` takes precedence over `value` prop */ value?: string; /** `valueControlled` takes precedence over `value` prop */ valueControlled?: string; }; declare const TextInputV2: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type TextOverFullWidthAssetProps = { backgroundImage?: ImageProps; backgroundVideo?: VideoProps; className?: string; content: ReactNode; copyHeight?: 'Top' | 'Bottom'; copySide?: 'Left' | 'Right'; mediaType: 'Image' | 'Video'; }; declare type TextOverFullWidthAssetType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const TextOverFullWidthAsset: TextOverFullWidthAssetType; declare const Transition: TransitionType; declare type TwoColumnLayoutProps = { childrenClassNames?: { sidebar?: string; content?: string; }; className?: string; content: React.ReactNode; hasFullWidthContent?: boolean; id?: string; isFlushOnSmall?: boolean; isReversed?: boolean; sidebar?: React.ReactNode; theme?: Themes; }; declare type TwoColumnLayoutType = ComponentWithoutChildren; declare const TwoColumnLayout: TwoColumnLayoutType; /** * Not using HyperlinkType as url is not required here * @TODO openInANewWindow needs to be updated */ declare type HyperlinkItem = { id: string; text: string; style?: LinkStyle; url?: string; openInANewWindow?: boolean; onClick?: () => void; }; declare type List = { id: string; heading?: string; subHeading?: string; items?: HyperlinkItem[]; }; declare type TwoColumnListProps = { className?: string; leftColumn: List[]; rightColumn: List[]; theme?: Themes; }; declare const TwoColumnList: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare const Video: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent & { captions?: { copy?: { toggleButtonTitleOn?: string; toggleButtonTitleOff?: string; }; fileUrl?: string; isActiveOnLoad?: boolean; languageCode?: string; languageLabel?: string; shouldShowToggleButton?: boolean; }; className?: string; fallbackImage?: { className?: string; copy?: { altText?: string; }; sizes?: { large?: string; medium?: string; small?: string; }; }; hasAllowAudio?: boolean; hasAutoplay?: boolean; hasControls?: boolean; hasLoop?: boolean; hasNativeControls?: boolean; hasPlayInFullScreen?: boolean; hasSpanContent?: boolean; id?: string; isBackground?: boolean; isInMediaBlock?: boolean; isFullWidth?: boolean; isHeroFullWidth?: boolean; isHeroFullWidthMobile?: boolean; isScrollBasedVideo?: boolean; poster?: PosterProps; sizes?: { large?: string; medium?: string; small?: string; xLarge?: string; xSmall?: string; }; } & React$1.RefAttributes>; declare const index_d$a_Accordion: typeof Accordion; declare const index_d$a_AddToCartButton: typeof AddToCartButton; declare const index_d$a_Alert: typeof Alert; declare const index_d$a_AssetGrid: typeof AssetGrid; declare const index_d$a_Audio: typeof Audio; declare const index_d$a_BodyCopy: typeof BodyCopy; declare const index_d$a_Button: typeof Button; declare const index_d$a_BynderWidget: typeof BynderWidget; declare const index_d$a_Carousel: typeof Carousel; declare const index_d$a_Checkbox: typeof Checkbox; declare const index_d$a_ConditionalWrapper: typeof ConditionalWrapper; declare const index_d$a_ContentHubArticle: typeof ContentHubArticle; declare const index_d$a_ContentHubArticleList: typeof ContentHubArticleList; declare const index_d$a_CopyGrid: typeof CopyGrid; declare const index_d$a_DefinitionList: typeof DefinitionList; declare const index_d$a_DialogBanner: typeof DialogBanner; declare const index_d$a_DoubleMedia: typeof DoubleMedia; declare const index_d$a_FiftyFiftyFloatingText: typeof FiftyFiftyFloatingText; declare const index_d$a_Figure: typeof Figure; declare const index_d$a_FlyinPanel: typeof FlyinPanel; declare const index_d$a_FooterBlock: typeof FooterBlock; declare const index_d$a_FullWidthHeroScroll: typeof FullWidthHeroScroll; declare const index_d$a_GlobalNavigation: typeof GlobalNavigation; declare const index_d$a_DesktopView: typeof DesktopView; declare const index_d$a_DesktopViewContextProvider: typeof DesktopViewContextProvider; declare const index_d$a_MobileView: typeof MobileView; declare const index_d$a_MobileViewContextProvider: typeof MobileViewContextProvider; declare const index_d$a_TabletView: typeof TabletView; declare const index_d$a_TabletViewContextProvider: typeof TabletViewContextProvider; declare const index_d$a_GlobalNavigationContextProvider: typeof GlobalNavigationContextProvider; declare const index_d$a_GlobalNavigationStateContextProvider: typeof GlobalNavigationStateContextProvider; declare const index_d$a_useGlobalNavigationStateContext: typeof useGlobalNavigationStateContext; declare const index_d$a_GoogleMap: typeof GoogleMap; declare const index_d$a_Heading: typeof Heading; declare const index_d$a_HeroBanner: typeof HeroBanner; declare const index_d$a_Hidden: typeof Hidden; declare const index_d$a_Hyperlink: typeof Hyperlink; declare const index_d$a_Icon: typeof Icon; declare const index_d$a_IconLink: typeof IconLink; declare const index_d$a_ImageCarousel: typeof ImageCarousel; declare const index_d$a_KitList: typeof KitList; declare const index_d$a_LinkButtonGroup: typeof LinkButtonGroup; declare const index_d$a_Loading: typeof Loading; declare const index_d$a_LoadMoreButton: typeof LoadMoreButton; declare const index_d$a_MediaWithContent: typeof MediaWithContent; declare const index_d$a_Modal: typeof Modal; declare const index_d$a_NavigationBar: typeof NavigationBar; declare const index_d$a_NotificationModal: typeof NotificationModal; declare const index_d$a_Overlay: typeof Overlay; declare const index_d$a_Paragraph: typeof Paragraph; declare const index_d$a_ParagraphSet: typeof ParagraphSet; declare const index_d$a_PasswordInput: typeof PasswordInput; declare const index_d$a_PersonalInfoSummary: typeof PersonalInfoSummary; declare const index_d$a_Podium: typeof Podium; declare const index_d$a_ProductAccordion: typeof ProductAccordion; declare const index_d$a_ProductCommerce: typeof ProductCommerce; declare const index_d$a_ProductCommerceCards: typeof ProductCommerceCards; declare const index_d$a_ProductDetailHeader: typeof ProductDetailHeader; declare const index_d$a_ProductExtract: typeof ProductExtract; declare const index_d$a_ProductGridItem: typeof ProductGridItem; declare const index_d$a_Quote: typeof Quote; declare const index_d$a_RadioGroup: typeof RadioGroup; declare const index_d$a_Rating: typeof Rating; declare const index_d$a_ReadMore: typeof ReadMore; declare const index_d$a_ScreenReaderOnly: typeof ScreenReaderOnly; declare const index_d$a_SecondaryMessage: typeof SecondaryMessage; declare const index_d$a_SectionHeading: typeof SectionHeading; declare const index_d$a_StoreDetailHeader: typeof StoreDetailHeader; declare const index_d$a_StoreHoursList: typeof StoreHoursList; declare const index_d$a_SubNav: typeof SubNav; declare const index_d$a_Table: typeof Table; declare const index_d$a_Textarea: typeof Textarea; declare const index_d$a_TextareaV2: typeof TextareaV2; declare const index_d$a_TextInput: typeof TextInput; declare const index_d$a_TextInputV2: typeof TextInputV2; declare const index_d$a_TextOverFullWidthAsset: typeof TextOverFullWidthAsset; declare const index_d$a_Transition: typeof Transition; declare const index_d$a_TwoColumnLayout: typeof TwoColumnLayout; declare const index_d$a_TwoColumnList: typeof TwoColumnList; declare const index_d$a_Video: typeof Video; declare namespace index_d$a { export { index_d$a_Accordion as Accordion, index_d$a_AddToCartButton as AddToCartButton, index_d$a_Alert as Alert, index_d$a_AssetGrid as AssetGrid, index_d$a_Audio as Audio, index_d$a_BodyCopy as BodyCopy, Breadcrumbs$1 as Breadcrumbs, index_d$a_Button as Button, index_d$a_BynderWidget as BynderWidget, index_d$a_Carousel as Carousel, index_d$a_Checkbox as Checkbox, index_d$a_ConditionalWrapper as ConditionalWrapper, index_d$a_ContentHubArticle as ContentHubArticle, index_d$a_ContentHubArticleList as ContentHubArticleList, index_d$a_CopyGrid as CopyGrid, DateSelector$1 as DateSelector, index_d$a_DefinitionList as DefinitionList, index_d$a_DialogBanner as DialogBanner, index_d$a_DoubleMedia as DoubleMedia, index_d$a_FiftyFiftyFloatingText as FiftyFiftyFloatingText, index_d$a_Figure as Figure, index_d$a_FlyinPanel as FlyinPanel, index_d$a_FooterBlock as FooterBlock, index_d$a_FullWidthHeroScroll as FullWidthHeroScroll, index_d$a_GlobalNavigation as GlobalNavigation, index_d$a_DesktopView as DesktopView, index_d$a_DesktopViewContextProvider as DesktopViewContextProvider, index_d$a_MobileView as MobileView, index_d$a_MobileViewContextProvider as MobileViewContextProvider, index_d$a_TabletView as TabletView, index_d$a_TabletViewContextProvider as TabletViewContextProvider, index_d$a_GlobalNavigationContextProvider as GlobalNavigationContextProvider, index_d$a_GlobalNavigationStateContextProvider as GlobalNavigationStateContextProvider, index_d$a_useGlobalNavigationStateContext as useGlobalNavigationStateContext, index_d$a_GoogleMap as GoogleMap, index_d$a_Heading as Heading, index_d$a_HeroBanner as HeroBanner, index_d$a_Hidden as Hidden, index_d$a_Hyperlink as Hyperlink, index_d$a_Icon as Icon, index_d$a_IconLink as IconLink, Image$1 as Image, index_d$a_ImageCarousel as ImageCarousel, index_d$a_KitList as KitList, index_d$a_LinkButtonGroup as LinkButtonGroup, List$1 as List, index_d$a_Loading as Loading, index_d$a_LoadMoreButton as LoadMoreButton, index_d$a_MediaWithContent as MediaWithContent, index_d$a_Modal as Modal, index_d$a_NavigationBar as NavigationBar, index_d$a_NotificationModal as NotificationModal, index_d$a_Overlay as Overlay, Paragraph as P, index_d$a_Paragraph as Paragraph, index_d$a_ParagraphSet as ParagraphSet, index_d$a_PasswordInput as PasswordInput, index_d$a_PersonalInfoSummary as PersonalInfoSummary, index_d$a_Podium as Podium, ProductAccordion as HorizontalProductDisplayAccordion, index_d$a_ProductAccordion as ProductAccordion, index_d$a_ProductCommerce as ProductCommerce, index_d$a_ProductCommerceCards as ProductCommerceCards, index_d$a_ProductDetailHeader as ProductDetailHeader, index_d$a_ProductExtract as ProductExtract, index_d$a_ProductGridItem as ProductGridItem, index_d$a_Quote as Quote, index_d$a_RadioGroup as RadioGroup, index_d$a_Rating as Rating, index_d$a_ReadMore as ReadMore, index_d$a_ScreenReaderOnly as ScreenReaderOnly, index_d$a_SecondaryMessage as SecondaryMessage, index_d$a_SectionHeading as SectionHeading, Select$1 as Select, index_d$a_StoreDetailHeader as StoreDetailHeader, index_d$a_StoreHoursList as StoreHoursList, index_d$a_SubNav as SubNav, index_d$a_Table as Table, index_d$a_Textarea as Textarea, index_d$a_TextareaV2 as TextareaV2, index_d$a_TextInput as TextInput, index_d$a_TextInputV2 as TextInputV2, index_d$a_TextOverFullWidthAsset as TextOverFullWidthAsset, index_d$a_Transition as Transition, index_d$a_TwoColumnLayout as TwoColumnLayout, index_d$a_TwoColumnList as TwoColumnList, index_d$a_Video as Video, }; } declare type FieldValidation = { isRequired?: { message: string; }; maxLength?: { value: number; message: string; }; isSameAs?: { fieldName: string; message: string; }; pattern?: { value: string; message: string; }; }; declare type CheckBox = { type: 'Checkbox'; }; declare type DateSelector = { type: 'DateSelector'; } & Pick; declare type Select = { type: 'Select'; } & Pick; declare type TextField = { type: 'TextField'; subtype?: TextInputV2Props['type']; }; declare type FieldSchema = { /** An initial value for the field. The value in `defaultValues` prop for the same field will take precedence */ defaultValue?: string; onChange?: (data: any) => void; /** The field's HTML id attribute */ id?: string; isEnabled?: boolean; /** The field's label, often used for accessibility */ label?: string; /** An identifier of the field to the form */ name: string; /** Contains properties relating to the field's appearance */ styling?: { /** Corresponds to the css `flex` property. Can be a value of 1, 2 or 3 */ flex?: number; }; /** Passed to fields as `dataTestRef` */ testRef?: string; /** Contains validation rules for the form field */ validation?: FieldValidation; } & (CheckBox | DateSelector | Select | TextField); declare type FormFieldsRow = FieldSchema[]; declare type FormSchema = FormFieldsRow[]; declare type DynamicFormProps = { children?: ReactNode; className?: string; defaultValues?: Record; formName?: string; formSchema?: FormSchema; onSubmit: (formData: Record) => void; theme?: Themes; validationMode?: Mode; }; declare const DynamicForm: React$1.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; declare type BreakpointValue = { minWidth?: number; maxWidth?: number; }; declare const BREAKPOINTS: Map; declare const GREY_60 = "#b3ada5"; declare const HIGHLIGHT_GREEN = "#007544"; declare const HIGHLIGHT_BLUE = "#114094"; declare const HIGHLIGHT_ORANGE = "#c67330"; declare const colors_d_GREY_60: typeof GREY_60; declare const colors_d_HIGHLIGHT_GREEN: typeof HIGHLIGHT_GREEN; declare const colors_d_HIGHLIGHT_BLUE: typeof HIGHLIGHT_BLUE; declare const colors_d_HIGHLIGHT_ORANGE: typeof HIGHLIGHT_ORANGE; declare namespace colors_d { export { colors_d_GREY_60 as GREY_60, colors_d_HIGHLIGHT_GREEN as HIGHLIGHT_GREEN, colors_d_HIGHLIGHT_BLUE as HIGHLIGHT_BLUE, colors_d_HIGHLIGHT_ORANGE as HIGHLIGHT_ORANGE, }; } declare const CLUSTER_IMAGE_PATH = "./assets/Map-cluster-icon.svg"; declare const DIRECTIONS_URL_PREFIX = "https://www.google.com/maps?saddr=Current+Location&daddr="; declare const MARKER_TYPE: { PIN: string; PLACE: string; }; declare const googleMaps_d_CLUSTER_IMAGE_PATH: typeof CLUSTER_IMAGE_PATH; declare const googleMaps_d_DIRECTIONS_URL_PREFIX: typeof DIRECTIONS_URL_PREFIX; declare const googleMaps_d_MARKER_TYPE: typeof MARKER_TYPE; declare namespace googleMaps_d { export { googleMaps_d_CLUSTER_IMAGE_PATH as CLUSTER_IMAGE_PATH, googleMaps_d_DIRECTIONS_URL_PREFIX as DIRECTIONS_URL_PREFIX, googleMaps_d_MARKER_TYPE as MARKER_TYPE, }; } declare const A = "a"; declare const html_d_A: typeof A; declare namespace html_d { export { html_d_A as A, }; } declare const EXTERNAL_BUTTON_LINK = "External Button Link"; declare const EXTERNAL_NO_ICON_BUTTON_LINK = "External No Icon Button Link"; declare const EXTERNAL_NO_ICON_TEXT_LINK = "External No Icon Link"; declare const EXTERNAL_TEXT_LINK = "External Text Link"; declare const INTERNAL_BUTTON_LINK = "Internal Button Link"; declare const INTERNAL_NO_ICON_BUTTON_LINK = "Internal No Icon Button Link"; declare const INTERNAL_NO_ICON_TEXT_LINK = "Internal No Icon Link"; declare const INTERNAL_TEXT_LINK = "Internal Text Link"; declare const hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_EXTERNAL_BUTTON_LINK: typeof EXTERNAL_BUTTON_LINK; declare const hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_EXTERNAL_NO_ICON_BUTTON_LINK: typeof EXTERNAL_NO_ICON_BUTTON_LINK; declare const hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_EXTERNAL_NO_ICON_TEXT_LINK: typeof EXTERNAL_NO_ICON_TEXT_LINK; declare const hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_EXTERNAL_TEXT_LINK: typeof EXTERNAL_TEXT_LINK; declare const hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_INTERNAL_BUTTON_LINK: typeof INTERNAL_BUTTON_LINK; declare const hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_INTERNAL_NO_ICON_BUTTON_LINK: typeof INTERNAL_NO_ICON_BUTTON_LINK; declare const hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_INTERNAL_NO_ICON_TEXT_LINK: typeof INTERNAL_NO_ICON_TEXT_LINK; declare const hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_INTERNAL_TEXT_LINK: typeof INTERNAL_TEXT_LINK; declare namespace hyperlinkStyleTypes_d { export { hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_EXTERNAL_BUTTON_LINK as EXTERNAL_BUTTON_LINK, hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_EXTERNAL_NO_ICON_BUTTON_LINK as EXTERNAL_NO_ICON_BUTTON_LINK, hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_EXTERNAL_NO_ICON_TEXT_LINK as EXTERNAL_NO_ICON_TEXT_LINK, hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_EXTERNAL_TEXT_LINK as EXTERNAL_TEXT_LINK, hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_INTERNAL_BUTTON_LINK as INTERNAL_BUTTON_LINK, hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_INTERNAL_NO_ICON_BUTTON_LINK as INTERNAL_NO_ICON_BUTTON_LINK, hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_INTERNAL_NO_ICON_TEXT_LINK as INTERNAL_NO_ICON_TEXT_LINK, hyperlinkStyleTypes_d_INTERNAL_TEXT_LINK as INTERNAL_TEXT_LINK, }; } declare const ENTER = 13; declare const ESCAPE = 27; declare const TAB = 9; declare const keyboardCodes_d_ENTER: typeof ENTER; declare const keyboardCodes_d_ESCAPE: typeof ESCAPE; declare const keyboardCodes_d_TAB: typeof TAB; declare namespace keyboardCodes_d { export { keyboardCodes_d_ENTER as ENTER, keyboardCodes_d_ESCAPE as ESCAPE, keyboardCodes_d_TAB as TAB, }; } declare const AESOP = "Aesop"; declare const labels_d_AESOP: typeof AESOP; declare namespace labels_d { export { labels_d_AESOP as AESOP, }; } declare const LOCATION_TYPES: { DEPARTMENT_STORE: string; SIGNATURE_STORE: string; STOCKIST: string; }; declare const stores_d_LOCATION_TYPES: typeof LOCATION_TYPES; declare namespace stores_d { export { stores_d_LOCATION_TYPES as LOCATION_TYPES, }; } declare const ADDRESS_COMPANY = "ADDRESS_COMPANY"; declare const ADDRESS_COUNTRY = "ADDRESS_COUNTRY"; declare const ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE = "ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE"; declare const ADDRESS_LINE_1 = "ADDRESS_LINE_1"; declare const ADDRESS_LINE_2 = "ADDRESS_LINE_2"; declare const ADDRESS_PHONE_NUMBER = "ADDRESS_PHONE_NUMBER"; declare const ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE = "ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE"; declare const ADDRESS_REGION = "ADDRESS_REGION"; declare const ADDRESS_TOWN = "ADDRESS_TOWN"; declare const ADD_TO_CART_LARGE_CTA = "ADD_TO_CART_LARGE_CTA"; declare const ADD_TO_CART_SMALL_CTA = "ADD_TO_CART_SMALL_CTA"; declare const ADD_TO_CART_TEST = "ADD_TO_CART_TEST"; declare const CART_CHECKOUT_CTA = "CART_CHECKOUT_CTA"; declare const CART_CLOSE = "CART_CLOSE"; declare const CART_HEADING = "CART_HEADING"; declare const CART_PROMO_AMOUNT = "CART_PROMO_AMOUNT"; declare const CART_PROMO_CTA = "CART_PROMO_CTA"; declare const CART_PROMO_INPUT = "CART_PROMO_INPUT"; declare const CHECKOUT_BILLING_SAME_SHIPPING = "CHECKOUT_BILLING_SAME_SHIPPING"; declare const CHECKOUT_BILLING_TAX = "CHECKOUT_BILLING_TAX"; declare const CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_EMAIL = "CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_EMAIL"; declare const CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME = "CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME"; declare const CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_GUEST_BUTTON = "CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_GUEST_BUTTON"; declare const CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME = "CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME"; declare const CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_PASSWORD = "CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_PASSWORD"; declare const CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_PREFIX = "CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_PREFIX"; declare const CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_SUBMIT = "CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_SUBMIT"; declare const CHECKOUT_GIFT = "CHECKOUT_GIFT"; declare const CHECKOUT_GIFT_INSTRUCTIONS = "CHECKOUT_GIFT_INSTRUCTIONS"; declare const CHECKOUT_GIFT_INSTRUCTIONS_CHECKBOX = "CHECKOUT_GIFT_INSTRUCTIONS_CHECKBOX"; declare const CHECKOUT_GIFT_MESSAGE = "CHECKOUT_GIFT_MESSAGE"; declare const CHECKOUT_GIFT_MESSAGE_CHECKBOX = "CHECKOUT_GIFT_MESSAGE_CHECKBOX"; declare const CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CARD = "CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CARD"; declare const CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CARD_HOLDER = "CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CARD_HOLDER"; declare const CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CVC = "CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CVC"; declare const CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_EXPIRATION = "CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_EXPIRATION"; declare const CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GIFTCARD_CODE = "CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GIFTCARD_CODE"; declare const CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GIFTCARD_PIN = "CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GIFTCARD_PIN"; declare const CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_METHOD = "CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_METHOD"; declare const CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_SUBMIT = "CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_SUBMIT"; declare const CHECKOUT_REVIEW_SUBMIT = "CHECKOUT_REVIEW_SUBMIT"; declare const CHECKOUT_REVIEW_TOS_CHECKBOX = "CHECKOUT_REVIEW_TOS_CHECKBOX"; declare const CHECKOUT_REVIEW_TOTAL = "CHECKOUT_REVIEW_TOTAL"; declare const CHECKOUT_SAMPLES_RADIO = "CHECKOUT_SAMPLES_RADIO"; declare const CHECKOUT_SAMPLES_SUBMIT = "CHECKOUT_SAMPLES_SUBMIT"; declare const CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_METHOD = "CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_METHOD"; declare const CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_SUBMIT = "CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_SUBMIT"; declare const CONFIRMATION_ACCOUNT_BUTTON = "CONFIRMATION_ACCOUNT_BUTTON"; declare const CONTENT_HUB_LOAD_MORE_BUTTON = "CONTENT_HUB_LOAD_MORE_BUTTON"; declare const FOOTER_LINK = "FOOTER_LINK"; declare const NAV_CART = "NAV_CART"; declare const NAV_LOGIN = "NAV_LOGIN"; declare const NAV_LOGO = "NAV_LOGO"; declare const NAV_READ = "NAV_READ"; declare const NAV_SEARCH = "NAV_SEARCH"; declare const NAV_SHOP = "NAV_SHOP"; declare const NAV_SHOP_1 = "NAV_SHOP_1"; declare const NAV_SHOP_2 = "NAV_SHOP_2"; declare const NAV_SHOP_PRODUCT_CTA = "NAV_SHOP_PRODUCT_CTA"; declare const NAV_SHOP_PRODUCT_RADIO = "NAV_SHOP_PRODUCT_RADIO"; declare const NAV_VISIT = "NAV_VISIT"; declare const NAV_VISIT_CHECKBOX = "NAV_VISIT_CHECKBOX"; declare const NAV_VISIT_INPUT = "NAV_VISIT_INPUT"; declare const test_refs_d_ADDRESS_COMPANY: typeof ADDRESS_COMPANY; declare const test_refs_d_ADDRESS_COUNTRY: typeof ADDRESS_COUNTRY; declare const test_refs_d_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE: typeof ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE; declare const test_refs_d_ADDRESS_LINE_1: typeof ADDRESS_LINE_1; declare const test_refs_d_ADDRESS_LINE_2: typeof ADDRESS_LINE_2; declare const test_refs_d_ADDRESS_PHONE_NUMBER: typeof ADDRESS_PHONE_NUMBER; declare const test_refs_d_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE: typeof ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE; declare const test_refs_d_ADDRESS_REGION: typeof ADDRESS_REGION; declare const test_refs_d_ADDRESS_TOWN: typeof ADDRESS_TOWN; declare const test_refs_d_ADD_TO_CART_LARGE_CTA: typeof ADD_TO_CART_LARGE_CTA; declare const test_refs_d_ADD_TO_CART_SMALL_CTA: typeof ADD_TO_CART_SMALL_CTA; declare const test_refs_d_ADD_TO_CART_TEST: typeof ADD_TO_CART_TEST; declare const test_refs_d_CART_CHECKOUT_CTA: typeof CART_CHECKOUT_CTA; declare const test_refs_d_CART_CLOSE: typeof CART_CLOSE; declare const test_refs_d_CART_HEADING: typeof CART_HEADING; declare const test_refs_d_CART_PROMO_AMOUNT: typeof CART_PROMO_AMOUNT; declare const test_refs_d_CART_PROMO_CTA: typeof CART_PROMO_CTA; declare const test_refs_d_CART_PROMO_INPUT: typeof CART_PROMO_INPUT; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_BILLING_SAME_SHIPPING: typeof CHECKOUT_BILLING_SAME_SHIPPING; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_BILLING_TAX: typeof CHECKOUT_BILLING_TAX; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_EMAIL: typeof CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_EMAIL; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME: typeof CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_GUEST_BUTTON: typeof CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_GUEST_BUTTON; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME: typeof CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_PASSWORD: typeof CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_PASSWORD; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_PREFIX: typeof CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_PREFIX; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_SUBMIT: typeof CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_SUBMIT; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_GIFT: typeof CHECKOUT_GIFT; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_GIFT_INSTRUCTIONS: typeof CHECKOUT_GIFT_INSTRUCTIONS; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_GIFT_INSTRUCTIONS_CHECKBOX: typeof CHECKOUT_GIFT_INSTRUCTIONS_CHECKBOX; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_GIFT_MESSAGE: typeof CHECKOUT_GIFT_MESSAGE; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_GIFT_MESSAGE_CHECKBOX: typeof CHECKOUT_GIFT_MESSAGE_CHECKBOX; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CARD: typeof CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CARD; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CARD_HOLDER: typeof CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CARD_HOLDER; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CVC: typeof CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CVC; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_EXPIRATION: typeof CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_EXPIRATION; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GIFTCARD_CODE: typeof CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GIFTCARD_CODE; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GIFTCARD_PIN: typeof CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GIFTCARD_PIN; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_METHOD: typeof CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_METHOD; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_SUBMIT: typeof CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_SUBMIT; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_REVIEW_SUBMIT: typeof CHECKOUT_REVIEW_SUBMIT; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_REVIEW_TOS_CHECKBOX: typeof CHECKOUT_REVIEW_TOS_CHECKBOX; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_REVIEW_TOTAL: typeof CHECKOUT_REVIEW_TOTAL; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_SAMPLES_RADIO: typeof CHECKOUT_SAMPLES_RADIO; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_SAMPLES_SUBMIT: typeof CHECKOUT_SAMPLES_SUBMIT; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_METHOD: typeof CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_METHOD; declare const test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_SUBMIT: typeof CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_SUBMIT; declare const test_refs_d_CONFIRMATION_ACCOUNT_BUTTON: typeof CONFIRMATION_ACCOUNT_BUTTON; declare const test_refs_d_CONTENT_HUB_LOAD_MORE_BUTTON: typeof CONTENT_HUB_LOAD_MORE_BUTTON; declare const test_refs_d_FOOTER_LINK: typeof FOOTER_LINK; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_CART: typeof NAV_CART; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_LOGIN: typeof NAV_LOGIN; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_LOGO: typeof NAV_LOGO; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_READ: typeof NAV_READ; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_SEARCH: typeof NAV_SEARCH; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_SHOP: typeof NAV_SHOP; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_SHOP_1: typeof NAV_SHOP_1; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_SHOP_2: typeof NAV_SHOP_2; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_SHOP_PRODUCT_CTA: typeof NAV_SHOP_PRODUCT_CTA; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_SHOP_PRODUCT_RADIO: typeof NAV_SHOP_PRODUCT_RADIO; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_VISIT: typeof NAV_VISIT; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_VISIT_CHECKBOX: typeof NAV_VISIT_CHECKBOX; declare const test_refs_d_NAV_VISIT_INPUT: typeof NAV_VISIT_INPUT; declare namespace test_refs_d { export { test_refs_d_ADDRESS_COMPANY as ADDRESS_COMPANY, test_refs_d_ADDRESS_COUNTRY as ADDRESS_COUNTRY, test_refs_d_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE as ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE, test_refs_d_ADDRESS_LINE_1 as ADDRESS_LINE_1, test_refs_d_ADDRESS_LINE_2 as ADDRESS_LINE_2, test_refs_d_ADDRESS_PHONE_NUMBER as ADDRESS_PHONE_NUMBER, test_refs_d_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE as ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE, test_refs_d_ADDRESS_REGION as ADDRESS_REGION, test_refs_d_ADDRESS_TOWN as ADDRESS_TOWN, test_refs_d_ADD_TO_CART_LARGE_CTA as ADD_TO_CART_LARGE_CTA, test_refs_d_ADD_TO_CART_SMALL_CTA as ADD_TO_CART_SMALL_CTA, test_refs_d_ADD_TO_CART_TEST as ADD_TO_CART_TEST, test_refs_d_CART_CHECKOUT_CTA as CART_CHECKOUT_CTA, test_refs_d_CART_CLOSE as CART_CLOSE, test_refs_d_CART_HEADING as CART_HEADING, test_refs_d_CART_PROMO_AMOUNT as CART_PROMO_AMOUNT, test_refs_d_CART_PROMO_CTA as CART_PROMO_CTA, test_refs_d_CART_PROMO_INPUT as CART_PROMO_INPUT, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_BILLING_SAME_SHIPPING as CHECKOUT_BILLING_SAME_SHIPPING, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_BILLING_TAX as CHECKOUT_BILLING_TAX, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_EMAIL as CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_EMAIL, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME as CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_GUEST_BUTTON as CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_GUEST_BUTTON, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME as CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_PASSWORD as CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_PASSWORD, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_PREFIX as CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_PREFIX, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_SUBMIT as CHECKOUT_CUSTOMER_SUBMIT, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_GIFT as CHECKOUT_GIFT, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_GIFT_INSTRUCTIONS as CHECKOUT_GIFT_INSTRUCTIONS, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_GIFT_INSTRUCTIONS_CHECKBOX as CHECKOUT_GIFT_INSTRUCTIONS_CHECKBOX, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_GIFT_MESSAGE as CHECKOUT_GIFT_MESSAGE, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_GIFT_MESSAGE_CHECKBOX as CHECKOUT_GIFT_MESSAGE_CHECKBOX, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CARD as CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CARD, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CARD_HOLDER as CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CARD_HOLDER, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CVC as CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_CVC, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_EXPIRATION as CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_EXPIRATION, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GIFTCARD_CODE as CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GIFTCARD_CODE, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GIFTCARD_PIN as CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_GIFTCARD_PIN, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_METHOD as CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_METHOD, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_SUBMIT as CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_SUBMIT, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_REVIEW_SUBMIT as CHECKOUT_REVIEW_SUBMIT, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_REVIEW_TOS_CHECKBOX as CHECKOUT_REVIEW_TOS_CHECKBOX, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_REVIEW_TOTAL as CHECKOUT_REVIEW_TOTAL, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_SAMPLES_RADIO as CHECKOUT_SAMPLES_RADIO, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_SAMPLES_SUBMIT as CHECKOUT_SAMPLES_SUBMIT, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_METHOD as CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_METHOD, test_refs_d_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_SUBMIT as CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_SUBMIT, test_refs_d_CONFIRMATION_ACCOUNT_BUTTON as CONFIRMATION_ACCOUNT_BUTTON, test_refs_d_CONTENT_HUB_LOAD_MORE_BUTTON as CONTENT_HUB_LOAD_MORE_BUTTON, test_refs_d_FOOTER_LINK as FOOTER_LINK, test_refs_d_NAV_CART as NAV_CART, test_refs_d_NAV_LOGIN as NAV_LOGIN, test_refs_d_NAV_LOGO as NAV_LOGO, test_refs_d_NAV_READ as NAV_READ, test_refs_d_NAV_SEARCH as NAV_SEARCH, test_refs_d_NAV_SHOP as NAV_SHOP, test_refs_d_NAV_SHOP_1 as NAV_SHOP_1, test_refs_d_NAV_SHOP_2 as NAV_SHOP_2, test_refs_d_NAV_SHOP_PRODUCT_CTA as NAV_SHOP_PRODUCT_CTA, test_refs_d_NAV_SHOP_PRODUCT_RADIO as NAV_SHOP_PRODUCT_RADIO, test_refs_d_NAV_VISIT as NAV_VISIT, test_refs_d_NAV_VISIT_CHECKBOX as NAV_VISIT_CHECKBOX, test_refs_d_NAV_VISIT_INPUT as NAV_VISIT_INPUT, }; } declare const VIEWPORTS: Map; declare const index_d$9_BREAKPOINTS: typeof BREAKPOINTS; declare const index_d$9_VIEWPORTS: typeof VIEWPORTS; declare namespace index_d$9 { export { index_d$9_BREAKPOINTS as BREAKPOINTS, colors_d as COLORS, googleMaps_d as GOOGLE_MAPS, html_d as HTML, hyperlinkStyleTypes_d as HYPERLINK_STYLE_TYPES, keyboardCodes_d as KEYBOARD_CODES, labels_d as LABELS, stores_d as STORES, test_refs_d as TEST_REFS, index_d$9_VIEWPORTS as VIEWPORTS, }; } declare const AddToCartContextProvider: AddToCartContextProviderType; declare const useAddToCartContext: () => any; declare type ErrorContextProps = { children: ReactNode; error?: string; }; declare const ErrorContextProvider: ({ children, error, }: ErrorContextProps) => ReactElement; declare const useErrorContext: () => string; declare type Options = { libraries?: string[]; regionCode?: string; languageCode?: string; }; declare type GoogleMapsContextProps = { apiKey?: string; options?: Options; }; declare type GoogleMapsContextProviderType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const GoogleMapsContextProvider: GoogleMapsContextProviderType; declare const useGoogleMapsContext: () => { googleMap: any; isLoading: boolean; }; declare type LoadMoreContextProps = { /** A callback function that takes `sku`, `LoadMoreDispatch`, `ADD_TO_CART_ACTION_TYPES` as arguments. See [LoadMoreButton.onClick.ts mock](https://github.com/aesop/aesop-gel/tree/develop/src/components/LoadMoreButton/__mocks__/LoadMoreButton.onClick.ts) for an example. ___Required___ */ onClick: MouseEventHandler; }; declare type LoadMoreContextProviderType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const LoadMoreContextProvider: LoadMoreContextProviderType; declare const useLoadMoreContext: () => any; declare type NavBarThemeContextProps = { loginAndCartTheme?: string; navigationAndLogoTheme?: string; }; declare type NavBarThemeContextProviderType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const NavBarThemeContextProvider: NavBarThemeContextProviderType; declare const useNavBarThemeContext: () => any; declare const NotificationContextProvider: ComponentWithChildren; declare const useNotificationContext: () => any; declare type ProductDetailContextType = { productDetail: Product$1; setProductDetail: Dispatch>; }; declare type ProductDetailContextProps = { product?: Product$1; }; declare type ProductDetailContextProviderType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const ProductDetailContextProvider: ProductDetailContextProviderType; declare const useProductDetailContext: () => ProductDetailContextType; declare type ThemeContextProps = { theme?: Themes; }; declare type ThemeContextProviderType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const ThemeContextProvider: ThemeContextProviderType; declare const useThemeContext: (propTheme: Themes, defaultTheme?: string) => Themes; declare type OnVariantChange = (event: ChangeEvent, currentVariants: Variant$1[]) => void; declare type VariantSelectContextType = { onVariantChange: OnVariantChange; selectedVariant?: Variant$1; setSelectedVariant: Dispatch>; variants: Variant$1[]; }; declare type VariantSelectContextProps = { variants: Variant$1[]; selectedVariantIndex?: number; }; declare type VariantSelectContextProviderType = ComponentWithChildren; declare const VariantSelectContextProvider: VariantSelectContextProviderType; declare const useVariantSelectContext: () => VariantSelectContextType; declare const index_d$8_AddToCartContextProvider: typeof AddToCartContextProvider; declare const index_d$8_useAddToCartContext: typeof useAddToCartContext; declare const index_d$8_ErrorContextProvider: typeof ErrorContextProvider; declare const index_d$8_useErrorContext: typeof useErrorContext; declare const index_d$8_GoogleMapsContextProvider: typeof GoogleMapsContextProvider; declare const index_d$8_useGoogleMapsContext: typeof useGoogleMapsContext; declare const index_d$8_LoadMoreContextProvider: typeof LoadMoreContextProvider; declare const index_d$8_useLoadMoreContext: typeof useLoadMoreContext; declare const index_d$8_NavBarThemeContextProvider: typeof NavBarThemeContextProvider; declare const index_d$8_useNavBarThemeContext: typeof useNavBarThemeContext; declare const index_d$8_NotificationContextProvider: typeof NotificationContextProvider; declare const index_d$8_useNotificationContext: typeof useNotificationContext; declare const index_d$8_ProductDetailContextProvider: typeof ProductDetailContextProvider; declare const index_d$8_useProductDetailContext: typeof useProductDetailContext; declare const index_d$8_ThemeContextProvider: typeof ThemeContextProvider; declare const index_d$8_useThemeContext: typeof useThemeContext; declare const index_d$8_useVariantSelectContext: typeof useVariantSelectContext; declare const index_d$8_VariantSelectContextProvider: typeof VariantSelectContextProvider; declare namespace index_d$8 { export { index_d$8_AddToCartContextProvider as AddToCartContextProvider, index_d$8_useAddToCartContext as useAddToCartContext, index_d$8_ErrorContextProvider as ErrorContextProvider, index_d$8_useErrorContext as useErrorContext, index_d$8_GoogleMapsContextProvider as GoogleMapsContextProvider, index_d$8_useGoogleMapsContext as useGoogleMapsContext, index_d$8_LoadMoreContextProvider as LoadMoreContextProvider, index_d$8_useLoadMoreContext as useLoadMoreContext, index_d$8_NavBarThemeContextProvider as NavBarThemeContextProvider, index_d$8_useNavBarThemeContext as useNavBarThemeContext, index_d$8_NotificationContextProvider as NotificationContextProvider, index_d$8_useNotificationContext as useNotificationContext, index_d$8_ProductDetailContextProvider as ProductDetailContextProvider, index_d$8_useProductDetailContext as useProductDetailContext, index_d$8_ThemeContextProvider as ThemeContextProvider, index_d$8_useThemeContext as useThemeContext, index_d$8_useVariantSelectContext as useVariantSelectContext, index_d$8_VariantSelectContextProvider as VariantSelectContextProvider, }; } declare type UseElementWidth = (ref: RefObject) => number; declare const useElementWidth: UseElementWidth; declare type UseEscapeKeyListener = (onKeyPress: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void, shouldRunCallback?: boolean) => void; declare const useEscapeKeyListener: UseEscapeKeyListener; declare type UseExecuteOnImpressionOptions = { threshold?: number; isExecutableOnReEntry?: boolean; }; declare type UseExecuteOnImpression = (ref: RefObject, callback: () => void, options?: UseExecuteOnImpressionOptions) => void; /** * A hook to execute a callback when the element enters the fold * @param {HTMLElement} ref a DOM reference to the element * @param {Function} callback a callback function to execute * @param {{threshold: Number, isExecutableOnReEntry: Boolean}} options hook behaviour options * * * @example * const ref = React.useRef(null); * const myFunction = () => console.log('Execute order 66'); * const options = {threshold: 0.5, isExecutableOnReEntry: true}; * * useExecuteOnImpression(ref, myFunction, options) */ declare const useExecuteOnImpression: UseExecuteOnImpression; declare type UseFocusOnFirst = { (shouldUse?: boolean, query?: string): React.MutableRefObject[]; }; declare const useFocusOnFirst: UseFocusOnFirst; declare const useHasMounted: () => boolean; declare type EmptyObject = Record; declare type UseImageTransition = (image: ImageProps, ref: RefObject, duration?: number, attributes?: Attributes | EmptyObject) => [(ImageProps & Attributes) | EmptyObject, boolean]; declare const useImageTransition: UseImageTransition; declare type UseOnScreen = (ref: RefObject, threshold?: number, rootMargin?: string, shouldNotifyOnLeavingScreen?: boolean) => boolean; declare const useOnScreen: UseOnScreen; declare const useOverflowHidden: (isVisible: boolean) => void; declare type UseScriptOptions = { async?: boolean; dataSet?: { [key: string]: string; }; defer?: boolean; id?: string; onLoad?: () => void; shouldCheckForExisting?: boolean; src?: string; }; declare type UseScriptReturn = [boolean, ErrorEvent]; declare type UseScript = (options: UseScriptOptions) => UseScriptReturn; declare const useScript: UseScript; declare type UseToggleHandlers = { on: () => void; off: () => void; toggle: () => void; reset: () => void; }; declare type UseToggle = (initialState?: boolean) => [boolean, UseToggleHandlers]; declare const useToggle: UseToggle; declare type UseTrapFocus = { (shouldTrap?: boolean, query?: string): React.MutableRefObject[]; }; declare const useTrapFocus: UseTrapFocus; declare type WindowSize = { height: number; width: number; }; declare type UseWindowHasResized = (callback?: () => void) => WindowSize; declare const useWindowHasResized: UseWindowHasResized; declare const index_d$7_useElementWidth: typeof useElementWidth; declare const index_d$7_useEscapeKeyListener: typeof useEscapeKeyListener; declare const index_d$7_useExecuteOnImpression: typeof useExecuteOnImpression; declare const index_d$7_useFocusOnFirst: typeof useFocusOnFirst; declare const index_d$7_useHasMounted: typeof useHasMounted; declare const index_d$7_useImageTransition: typeof useImageTransition; declare const index_d$7_useOnScreen: typeof useOnScreen; declare const index_d$7_useOverflowHidden: typeof useOverflowHidden; declare const index_d$7_useScript: typeof useScript; declare const index_d$7_useToggle: typeof useToggle; declare const index_d$7_useTrapFocus: typeof useTrapFocus; declare const index_d$7_useWindowHasResized: typeof useWindowHasResized; declare namespace index_d$7 { export { index_d$7_useElementWidth as useElementWidth, index_d$7_useEscapeKeyListener as useEscapeKeyListener, index_d$7_useExecuteOnImpression as useExecuteOnImpression, index_d$7_useFocusOnFirst as useFocusOnFirst, index_d$7_useHasMounted as useHasMounted, index_d$7_useImageTransition as useImageTransition, index_d$7_useOnScreen as useOnScreen, index_d$7_useOverflowHidden as useOverflowHidden, index_d$7_useScript as useScript, index_d$7_useToggle as useToggle, index_d$7_useTrapFocus as useTrapFocus, index_d$7_useWindowHasResized as useWindowHasResized, }; } declare const isInBrowser: () => boolean; /** * Device detection. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49328382/browser-detection-in-reactjs * @TODO consider replacing with https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-device-detect * or https://www.npmjs.com/package/bowser */ declare const isOpera: boolean; declare const isFirefox: boolean; declare const isSafari: boolean; declare const isIE: boolean; declare const isEdge: boolean; declare const isChrome: boolean; declare const isBlink: boolean; declare const index_d$6_isInBrowser: typeof isInBrowser; declare const index_d$6_isOpera: typeof isOpera; declare const index_d$6_isFirefox: typeof isFirefox; declare const index_d$6_isSafari: typeof isSafari; declare const index_d$6_isIE: typeof isIE; declare const index_d$6_isEdge: typeof isEdge; declare const index_d$6_isChrome: typeof isChrome; declare const index_d$6_isBlink: typeof isBlink; declare namespace index_d$6 { export { index_d$6_isInBrowser as isInBrowser, index_d$6_isOpera as isOpera, index_d$6_isFirefox as isFirefox, index_d$6_isSafari as isSafari, index_d$6_isIE as isIE, index_d$6_isEdge as isEdge, index_d$6_isChrome as isChrome, index_d$6_isBlink as isBlink, }; } declare const mergeRefs: (...refs: (React$1.MutableRefObject | React$1.LegacyRef)[]) => (instance: Type) => void; declare const index_d$5_mergeRefs: typeof mergeRefs; declare namespace index_d$5 { export { index_d$5_mergeRefs as mergeRefs, }; } declare const isObjectPopulatedArray: (obj?: any) => boolean; declare const index_d$4_isObjectPopulatedArray: typeof isObjectPopulatedArray; declare namespace index_d$4 { export { index_d$4_isObjectPopulatedArray as isObjectPopulatedArray, }; } declare const getPortalRoot: (id: string) => HTMLElement | null; declare const index_d$3_getPortalRoot: typeof getPortalRoot; declare namespace index_d$3 { export { index_d$3_getPortalRoot as getPortalRoot, }; } declare type Variant = { size?: string; sku?: string; }; declare type RadioOptions = { label: string; value: string; }; declare const getVariantRadioOptions: (variants: Variant[]) => RadioOptions[]; declare const index_d$2_getVariantRadioOptions: typeof getVariantRadioOptions; declare namespace index_d$2 { export { index_d$2_getVariantRadioOptions as getVariantRadioOptions, }; } declare const isViewport: (viewport: ViewportNames) => boolean; declare const index_d$1_isViewport: typeof isViewport; declare namespace index_d$1 { export { index_d$1_isViewport as isViewport, }; } declare namespace index_d { export { index_d$6 as environment, index_d$5 as mergeRefs, index_d$4 as objects, index_d$3 as portal, index_d$2 as product, index_d$1 as viewport, }; } export { Accordion, AddToCartButton, AddToCartContextProvider, Alert, AssetGrid, Audio, BodyCopy, Breadcrumbs$1 as Breadcrumbs, Button, BynderWidget, Carousel, Checkbox, ConditionalWrapper, ContentHubArticle, ContentHubArticleList, CopyGrid, DateSelector$1 as DateSelector, DefinitionList, DesktopView, DesktopViewContextProvider, DialogBanner, DoubleMedia, DynamicForm, ErrorContextProvider, FiftyFiftyFloatingText, Figure, FlyinPanel, FooterBlock, FullWidthHeroScroll, GlobalNavigation, GlobalNavigationContextProvider, GlobalNavigationStateContextProvider, GoogleMap, GoogleMapsContextProvider, Heading, HeroBanner, Hidden, ProductAccordion as HorizontalProductDisplayAccordion, Hyperlink, Icon, IconLink, Image$1 as Image, ImageCarousel, KitList, LinkButtonGroup, List$1 as List, LoadMoreButton, LoadMoreContextProvider, Loading, MediaWithContent, MobileView, MobileViewContextProvider, Modal, NavBarThemeContextProvider, NavigationBar, NotificationContextProvider, NotificationModal, Overlay, Paragraph as P, Paragraph, ParagraphSet, PasswordInput, PersonalInfoSummary, Podium, ProductAccordion, ProductCommerce, ProductCommerceCards, ProductDetailContextProvider, ProductDetailHeader, ProductExtract, ProductGridItem, Quote, RadioGroup, Rating, ReadMore, SecondaryMessage, SectionHeading, Select$1 as Select, StoreDetailHeader, StoreHoursList, SubNav, Table, TabletView, TabletViewContextProvider, TextInput, TextInputV2, TextOverFullWidthAsset, Textarea, TextareaV2, ThemeContextProvider, Transition, TwoColumnLayout, TwoColumnList, VariantSelectContextProvider, Video, index_d$a as components, index_d$9 as constants, index_d$8 as contexts, index_d$7 as customHooks, index_d$6 as environment, index_d$4 as objects, index_d$2 as product, index_d$b as types, useAddToCartContext, useElementWidth, useErrorContext, useEscapeKeyListener, useExecuteOnImpression, useFocusOnFirst, useGlobalNavigationStateContext, useGoogleMapsContext, useHasMounted, useImageTransition, useLoadMoreContext, useNavBarThemeContext, useNotificationContext, useOnScreen, useOverflowHidden, useProductDetailContext, useScript, useThemeContext, useToggle, useTrapFocus, useVariantSelectContext, useWindowHasResized, index_d as utils, index_d$1 as viewport };