const dither = require("dither-me-this") const path = require('path') const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom') const fetch = require('node-fetch') const sh = require('shorthash') const sharp = require('sharp') const fs = require('fs') const imageTypes = ['png', 'webp', 'avif'] const defaultOptions = { inputDirectory: './src', outputDirectory: './_site', imageFolder: '/images', sizes: [1800, 1024, 720, 600], formats: ['png', 'webp', 'avif'], ditheringOptions: { palette: ["#000", '#FFF'] } } const pluginTypes = { ditherShortcodes (eleventyConfig, globalOptions) { eleventyConfig.addPairedNunjucksAsyncShortcode('dither', async (content, src, alt, options) => { const htmlString = await processImageFromShortcode(content, src, alt, options, globalOptions) return htmlString }) } } // const startProcessingImages = async (content, outputPath) => { // TODO - THIS NEEDS A CLEARER NAME // if (outputPath.endsWith('.html')) { // const dom = new JSDOM(content) // const images = [...dom.window.document.querySelectorAll('img')] // if (images.length > 0) { // await Promise.all( => processImage(imgElement, globalOptions))) // content = dom.serialize() // return content // } else { // return content // } // } else { // return content // } // } const processImageFromShortcode = async (content, src, alt, options, globalOptions) => { const ditherImageObject = shortcodeToDitherObject(src, alt, content, options) return await processImage(ditherImageObject, globalOptions) } const shortcodeToDitherObject = (src, alt, caption, options) => { const ditherImageObject = { src: src, alt: alt || "", caption: caption || "", options: options || "default" } return ditherImageObject } // const imgElementToDitherObject = (imgElement, options) => { // let config = { ...defaultOptions, ...options } // let ditheringOptions = { ...defaultDitheringOptions, ...options } // const ditherImageObject = { // src: imgElement.getAttribute('src') || null, // alt: element.getAttribute('alt') || null, // caption: null, // options: {} // TODO - make this get the default options!? // } // } const getImageOptions = (globalOptions, imageSpecificOptions) => { const presetString = typeof imageSpecificOptions.options === 'string' ? imageSpecificOptions.options : null const presets = globalOptions.presets || {} const presetOptions = presetString && presets[presetString] ? presets[presetString] : {} const presetDitheringOptions = presetOptions.ditheringOptions || {} const userDefaultOptions = globalOptions.default || {} const userDefaultDitheringOptions = userDefaultOptions.ditheringOptions || {} const imageSpecificDitheringOptions = typeof imageSpecificOptions.options !== 'string' ? imageSpecificOptions.options.ditheringOptions : {} const ditheringOptions = { ...defaultOptions.ditheringOptions, ...userDefaultDitheringOptions, ...presetDitheringOptions, ...imageSpecificDitheringOptions } const options = { ...defaultOptions, ...userDefaultOptions, ...presetOptions, ...imageSpecificOptions, ditheringOptions: ditheringOptions } return options } const processImage = async (ditherImageObject, globalOptions) => { const options = getImageOptions(globalOptions, ditherImageObject) // let filename = fileNameFromPath(ditherImageObject.src) const hash = sh.unique(ditherImageObject.src) const srcsets = => { return => { const hashedFilename = createHashedFilename(hash, size, format) return { format, size, hashedFilename: hashedFilename, outputFilePath: path.join(options.outputDirectory, options.imageFolder, hashedFilename), imageFolder: options.outputDirectory + options.imageFolder, src: path.join(options.imageFolder, hashedFilename), } }) }).flat() // This function gets the images, resizes them, dithres them, and then saves them in the correct formats await getImage(ditherImageObject.src, options).then(async (imgBuffer) => { return await Promise.all( => { return resizeImage(imgBuffer, size) })).then(async (resizedImages) => { return await ResizedImagesToDither(resizedImages, options.ditheringOptions) }).then(async (ditheredImages) => { return await Promise.all( (srcset) => { const image = ditheredImages.find(image => image.width === srcset.size) return imageToFile(image.buffer, srcset.format, srcset.outputFilePath, srcset.imageFolder) })) }) }) return createPictureElement(srcsets, ditherImageObject) } const imageToFile = async (buffer, type, path, imageFolder) => { if (!fs.existsSync(imageFolder)) { fs.mkdir(imageFolder, { recursive: true }, (err) => { if (err) throw err }) } if (type === 'webp') { return sharp(buffer).webp({ lossless: true }).toFile(path) } else if (type === 'avif') { return sharp(buffer).avif({ lossless: true }).toFile(path) } else { return sharp(buffer).png().toFile(path) } } const createHashedFilename = (hash, size, type) => { return `${hash}-${size}.${type}` } const ResizedImagesToDither = async (resizedImages, ditheringOptions) => { console.log(ditheringOptions) return Promise.all( (image) => { const ditheredBuffer = await dither(, ditheringOptions) return { buffer: ditheredBuffer, width:, height: } })) } const resizeImage = async (imageBuffer, size) => { let resizedImage = await sharp(imageBuffer) .png() .resize({ width: size }) .toBuffer({ resolveWithObject: true }) return resizedImage } const getImage = async (path, options) => { if (imageIsExternal(path)) { return await downloadImage(path) } else { return await getImageFromFile(path, options) } } const downloadImage = async (path) => { try { const imgBuffer = await fetch(path) .then(res => { if (res.status == 200) { return res } else { throw new Error(`File "${path}" not found`) } }).then(res => res.buffer()) return imgBuffer } catch (error) { console.log(error) } } const getImageFromFile = async (path, options) => { return await sharp(`${options.inputDirectory}/${path}`).toBuffer() } const createPictureElement = (srcset, options) => { const imageTypeOrder = ['avif', 'webp', 'png'] let sortedByImageType = srcset.sort((a, b) => { return imageTypeOrder.indexOf(a.format) - imageTypeOrder.indexOf(b.format) }) let addedLastOfTypeFlag =, i) => { const lastOfType = !sortedByImageType[i + 1] || sortedByImageType[i + 1].format !== source.format return { ...source, lastOfType } }) let sourceElements = [] addedLastOfTypeFlag.forEach((source) => { let mediaString = '' if (!source.lastOfType) { mediaString = `media="(min-width: ${source.size}px)"` } let typeString = `type="image/${source.format}"` let sourceString = `` sourceElements.push(sourceString) }) const srcsetString = sourceElements.join('') // The fallback should be the largest PNG. const largestPNG = addedLastOfTypeFlag.filter(set => set.format === 'png')[0] const fallbackSrc = largestPNG.src const picture = `
${srcsetString} ${options.alt}
`.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/[\n\r]/g, '') return picture } const fileNameFromPath = (path) => { const pathComponents = path.split('/') let filename = pathComponents[pathComponents.length - 1].split("?") return filename[0] } const imageIsExternal = (path) => { // const regexp = /[(http(s)?):\/\/(www\.)?a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/ // return regexp.test(path) return path.includes('https://') || path.includes('http://') } /* ImageToDither { src:string alt:string caption:string options:{ sizes:[number] formats:[( 'png' | 'webp' | 'avif' )] ditheringOptions: DitheringOptions } | string } DitheringOptions { dither: 'errorDiffusion', // ordered, random, errorDiffusion, none random: 'blackAndWhite', // blackAndWhite, Color ordered: { type: 'bayer', matrix: [4, 4] }, errorDiffusion: { type: 'Sierra2-4A' }, palette: 'default', // color[], 'palette name' threshold: 50, serpentine: false, numberOfColors: 10 } */ module.exports = pluginTypes