--open | -o Automatically open after finishing Default: false --on-port | -P Run a given command and then generate the flamegraph. The command as specified has access to a $PORT variable. The $PORT variable is set according to the first port that profiled process opens. Example: 0x -P 'autocannon localhost:$PORT' app.js Note: Remember to use single quotes or else escape the $PORT variable. Default: '' -q | --quiet Only output flamegraph URI, and fatal errors. Default: false -s | --silent Complete silence, 0x will not output anything, other than fatal errors. Default: false --kernel-tracing Use an OS kernel tracing tool (perf on Linux or dtrace on macOs and Solaris). This will capture native stack frames (C++ modules and Libuv I/O), but may result in missing stacks on Node 8. Default: false --output-dir | -D Specify artifact output directory. Template variables {outputDir}, {pid}, {timestamp}, {cwd} (current working directory) and {name} (based on the --name flag) are supported. Default: '{pid}.0x' --output-html | -F Specify destination path for the flamegraph HTML file. Template variables {outputDir}, {pid}, {timestamp}, {cwd} (current working directory) and {name} (based on the --name flag) are supported. May also be set to - to send HTML file to STDOUT (note due to the nature of CLI argument parsing, this must be set using =, e.g. --output-html=-). If either this flag or --name is set to - then the HTML will go to STDOUT.                        Default: '{outputDir}/{name}.html' --kernel-tracing-debug Show output from dtrace or perf tools. Default: false --tree-debug Output a JSON file of stacks as {outputDir}/stacks.{pid}.json Default: false --collect-only Do not process captured stacks into a flamegraph. --collect-delay Specify a delay(ms) before collecting data. --visualize-only Build or rebuild flamegraph using the output dir. Counterpart to --collect-only. --name The name of the HTML file, without the .html extension Can be set to - to write HTML to STDOUT (note due to the nature of CLI argument parsing, this must be set using =, e.g. --name=-) If either this flag or --output-html is set to - then the HTML will go to STDOUT. Default: flamegraph --title Set the title to display in the flamegraph UI Default: node [nodeFlags] script.js -v | --version Output the 0x version