class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Create a personal Website ## ðŸ›
with blogdown ### Xiaosong Zhang ### 4/12/2018@ AARUG
Central --- class:center, middle ## [](  Image credit: []( --- --- # Personal website and blogdown ### [Why we need a personal website]( ### How can we create a personal website? ### What is [blogdown]( ### Why blogdown? ### Where can I host my personal website? --- class: center, middle # What is blogdown? In short: An R package based on **R Markdown** and **Hugo**  --- ##Introduction to blogdown ### blogdown based on R Markdown and Hugo package in R - R Markdown - Very simple grammar - Easy to output analysis results into various formats and reproducible - Could handle more complicate Math, tables and figures, reference and even proofs. - Hugo - Open source, easy to install - Very FAST: about 1ms per page. - Very wide scope of use (Blog is only one of many uses) --- # Getting started - [RStudio]( 1.0 or higher RStudio IDE provide powerful GUI help you complete common blog website editing without remember too much syntax. - [blogdown package]( - install latest version of [blogdown](). ``` install.packages("blogdown") ``` - [Hugo]( - Can be install using blogdown package inside R. ``` blogdown::install_hugo() ``` - Git - Help you track your own progress - Simplify the deployment process --- # Blogdown demo - Create a [website using blogdown]() project ## In **RStudio addins** - "Serve Site" - "New Post" - "Update Metadata" ## A typical workflow when write a new post - Open the website project in RStudio - Click "New post" button in [Addins]() - Write contents and save. - Take a look at the automatically rendered preview - Revise and save again - Commit and push to Git --- # Website project directory structure ``` . ├── archetypes ├── config.toml ├── content └── post <<- path: `baseurl/post/` └── <<- path: `baseurl/about/` ├── data ├── layouts ├── public ├── static └── themes ``` inherited from [Hugo directory structure]( --- class:left # Deploy your website - HTTP server:[Apache](, [Ngnix]( - []( - [Netlify]( ## Netlify  --- # Set a different theme - [Other Theme options]( - [hugo-academic theme by John Little]( ``` blogdown::new_site(theme = "gcushen/hugo-academic") ``` ## Link with Netlify - Create git repo - Add and commit your finished website - Push to either Github/BitBucket/Gitlab - Link the repo/branch to the site created on [Netlify]( --- class:center, middle # An ideal workflow for blogdown(big picture)  Image Credit [Alison Presmanes Hill]( --- class: center, middle # Questions? --- class: center, middle # Want a sub-domain name # like []()? --- class: center, middle # Thank you!