Leap Day Theme

A preview of Matt Graham’s Leap Day Theme

GitHub Themes Magick

This is a live preview of one of the themes bundled with gh-themes-magick:

PANDOC:  2.1.1
STATUS:  5/12 themes ported

gh-themes-magick exploits pandoc’s super-powers to convert your repo’s README.md file to a docs/index.html themed file. Your are basically getting a copy of the same themes found on GitHub Page Generator, plus a pandoc html5 template for each theme, and scripts to auto-magically convert/update your project’s single-page website contents from the README.md file in your repo’s root.

This means that now you can:

  1. Enjoy GitHub’s automatic Page Generator when publishing your website from the /docs/ folder on your master branch .
  2. Update your website to mirror the repo’s latest README.md file, with a single click.

Pandoc v2 Support

Now gh-themes-magick was updated to work with pandoc v2; so it now supports GitHub Flavored Markdown’s Task-Lists, thanks to the pandoc Lua filter task-list.lua:

Themes Previews

You can use theme previews to experiment locally with themes, styles and customizations before publishing your website. This page is auto-generated from the README.md file in its parent folder:


All theme previews are built from the same README file.

To update a theme’s html preview, run the abracadbra script within its folder (abracadbra.sh under Linux, abracadbra.bat under Windows). To update all theme previews at one, run global-spell.bat (Windows only).

Quick Usage Instructions

To use a theme in your project:

Theme Setup

  1. Clone or download gh-themes-magick
  2. Choose a theme from the /themes/ folder
  3. Copy the theme’s folder to your repo’s master branch
  4. Rename the theme’s folder to docs (eg: from dinky)


  1. Edit the /docs/configuration.yaml file
  2. Run the /docs/abracadabra script to build/update the website
  3. Preview locally /docs/index.html

Keep editing your /README.md file and going through these last three steps until your ready to publish.

NOTE: Keep in mind that relative links will yeld different results in /README.md and its /docs/index.html counterpart — test well before publishing.

Publishing on Github Pages

When you are satisfied with your local preview of the website:

The first time you publish, you’ll also need to:

(Click here to view GitHub’s Help on how to configure a publishing source for GitHub Pages)


Your repo is now set to publish the project’s website from master branch /docs/ folder. The /docs/ folder is just the chosen theme’s folder renamed.

The /docs/abracadabra script invokes pandoc to convert ../README.md (ie: the README.md file in the parent folder) to ./index.html (ie: to /docs/index.html) — which is your single-page website’s index.

These are the key files of the repository:

/docs/                  <= Theme folder renamed (eg: was 'dinky').
/docs/abracadabra.bat   <= Window script for building website.
/docs/abracadabra.sh    <= Linux version of website building script.
/docs/index.html        <= Website page built from '/README.md'.
                           It’s updated every time you run the
                           'abracadabra' script.
/README.md              <= Repo’s README, the website will mirror its
                           contents in 'index.html'.

Ported Themes

Currently, 5 of the 12 themes (layouts) available on GitHub Page Generator have been ported to gh-themes-magick. More themes will be ported soon.

Click on a theme’s thumbnail to see its live preview:


by Jason Long
CC-BY 4.0


by Jason Long
CC-BY 4.0


by Diana Mounter
CC-BY 3.0

Leap Day

by Matt Graham
Leap Day
CC BY-SA 3.0


by Cameron McEfee

Unported Themes

The following themes are in the work queue, waiting to be ported. (Click on a theme’s thumbnail to visit its project page.)


by Matt Graham
CC-BY 3.0 + MIT


by Steve Smith
CC BY-SA 3.0


by Steve Smith
CC BY-SA 3.0


by Jason Costello


by Jason Long
CC-BY 4.0

These last two themes will not be ported into gh-themes-magick — the first one’s sources are not available for sharing, the other has no FOSS license attached to its project.


by Ben Bleikamp
— no source code found —
license unknown

Time Machine

by Jon Rohan
Time Machine


To configure your project’s website all you have to do is fill-in the variable fields of a single configuration file inside the theme’s folder:

It’s all rather self-explaining and intuitive; nonetheless, instructions are provided in comment lines. Here is how the config file looks like:

# ^ DON'T REMOVE the "---" above!
# ==============================================================================
#                                 WEBSITE HEADER                                
# ==============================================================================
# These variables are shown in the website header.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
website_title:    'This is the Title shown in the Web page'
website_tagline:  'This is the tagline below the Website Title'
# ==============================================================================
#                                  GITHUB LINKS                                 
# ==============================================================================
# The following variables are used for automagically creating links to your repo
# on GitHub, and for the .zip and .tar download links.
# Substitute sample values with your username and repository name as they appear
# on GitHub (CASE SENSITIVE!!!)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Example: https://github.com/tajmone/gh-themes-magick
your_github_username: tajmone
your_github_reponame: gh-themes-magick

# ==============================================================================
#                                   HTML META                                   
# ==============================================================================
# HTML Metadata -- for <head> section
# If you don't need a variable, delete its line or comment it out with a `#`!
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
title: 'Dinky Theme — As shown in browser tab and bookmarks'
lang:   en
date:   December 12, 2016
  - Tristano Ajmone
  - Collaborator Name
  - Another Collaborator
description: 'Your project description, to be shown in search engines results.'
  - your
  - keywords list
  - for
  - search engines
  - indexing
# ==============================================================================
#                             EXTRA CSS STYLESHEETS                             
# ==============================================================================
# An optional list of extra CSS stylesheets to include from the "/stylesheets/"
# theme's subfolder. Just place your custom stylesheets in that folder and add 
# their filenames to this list.
# DON'T USE ABSOLUTE URLs (ie: "https://" or "http://")!!! If you do it, the
# template will break badly. For includind CSS files with absolute URLs, use the 
# "header-includes:" scalar instead (see below).
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  - your_custom.css
  - another_stylesheet.css
# ==============================================================================
#                        CUSTOM HTML TO INJECT IN HEADER                        
# ==============================================================================
# This optional indented block literal scalar can be used to inject (verbatim)
# raw html at the end of the head section, just before the closing </head> tag.
# This can be used to include CSS with absolute URLs, or JavaScript files -- or
# anything you want, without actually editing the template file.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
header-includes: |
  <!-- anything you put here will go verbatim in the header section
       Useful for adding javascripts, custom metadata, and so on... -->
# ******************************************************************************
# *                             INSERT BEFORE BODY                             *
# ******************************************************************************
# You can inject some extra contents after the opening <body> tag and before the
# contents of your 'README.md' file. It will be parsed as markdown and converted
# to html by pandoc. Use raw html if you need advanced features, but remember
# that all loose text will be enclosed in <p> tags -- wrap it inside a <div> if
# you don't want it parsed as markdown!
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
include-before: |
    <!-- anything you put here will go before the opening <body> tag
         (ie: before the README’s contents) Markdown will become HTML  -->
# ******************************************************************************
# *                             INSERT AFTER BODY                              *
# ******************************************************************************
# You can also inject extra contents after those of your 'README.md' file and
# before the closing </body> tag. Same rules as for 'include-before' variable.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
include-after: |
    <!-- anything you put here will go before the closing </body> tag
         (ie: after the README’s contents) Markdown will become HTML  -->
    # Injected Text
    This paragraph, the preceding heading and horizontal ruler were defined in
    the `include-after` string variable inside the YAML configuration file.
    They were injected after the contents of the `README.md` file, and before
    the closing `</body>` tag.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# DON'T REMOVE the "..." below:

Syntax Highlighting

gh-themes-magick uses highlight.js browser library for highlighting code blocks.

Each theme comes with a custom prebuilt version of highlight.js (9.12.0) with 24 commonly used languages:

1. Apache 13. JavaScript
2. Bash 14. Makefile
3. C# 15. Markdown
4. C++ 16. Nginx
5. CSS 17. Objective-C
6. CoffeeScript 18. PHP
7. Diff 19. Perl
8. HTML, XML 20. Python
9. HTTP 21. Ruby
10. Ini 22. SQL
11. JSON 23. Shell Session
12. Java 24. YAML

Here are some syntax highlighting previews…


# rewrite`s rules for wordpress pretty url
LoadModule rewrite_module  modules/mod_rewrite.so
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . index.php [NC,L]

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript  "access plus 1 days"

Order Deny,Allow
Allow from All

<Location /maps/>
  RewriteMap map txt:map.txt
  RewriteMap lower int:tolower
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/([^/.]+)\.html$ [NC]
  RewriteCond ${map:${lower:%1}|NOT_FOUND} !NOT_FOUND
  RewriteRule .? /index.php?q=${map:${lower:%1}} [NC,L]


/* make cpp win deterministically over others with C block comments */
cout << endl;
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  /* An annoying "Hello World" example */
  for (auto i = 0; i < 0xFFFF; i++)
    cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;

  char c = '\n';
  unordered_map <string, vector<string> > m;
  m["key"] = "\\\\"; // this is an error

  return -2e3 + 12l;


@font-face {
  font-family: Chunkfive; src: url('Chunkfive.otf');

body, .usertext {
  color: #F0F0F0; background: #600;
  font-family: Chunkfive, sans;

@import url(print.css);
@media print {
  a[href^=http]::after {
    content: attr(href)


Index: languages/ini.js
--- languages/ini.js    (revision 199)
+++ languages/ini.js    (revision 200)
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 hljs.LANGUAGES.ini =
   case_insensitive: true,
-  defaultMode:
-  {
+  defaultMode: {
     contains: ['comment', 'title', 'setting'],
     illegal: '[^\\s]'

*** /path/to/original timestamp
--- /path/to/new      timestamp
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,9 ----
+ This is an important
+ notice! It should
+ therefore be located at
+ the beginning of this
+ document!

! compress the size of the
! changes.

  It is important to spell


<!DOCTYPE html>

<style>body {width: 500px;}</style>

<script type="application/javascript">
  function $init() {return true;}

  <p checked class="title" id='title'>Title</p>
  <!-- here goes the rest of the page -->


; boilerplate
name = "some_name"
authors = ["Author"]
description = "This is \
a description"

name = ${NAME}
default = True
auto = no
counter = 1_000


def somefunc(param1='', param2=0):
    r'''A docstring'''
    if param1 > param2: # interesting
        print 'Gre\'ater'
    return (param2 - param1 + 1 + 0b10l) or None

class SomeClass:

>>> message = '''interpreter
... prompt'''

Injected Text

This paragraph, the preceding heading and horizontal ruler were defined in the include-after string variable inside the YAML configuration file. They were injected after the contents of the README.md file, and before the closing </body> tag.