XCMS workshop 2017

Jan Stanstrup



Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Denmark


  1. What does the data look like?
    Why pre-processing?
  2. Peak picking
  3. Grouping peaks
  4. Retention time correction
  5. Filling missing values

  6. Checking the results and troubleshooting
  7. Getting quick stats

The data used in this presentation was kindly provided by Drs. Richard and Nichole Reisdorph and their Mass Spectrometry Laboratory

This presentation and sample data can be found at github.com/stanstrup/XCMS-course

What does the data look like? Why pre-processing?

Why are we here and why do we need to do this?

What does the data look like? Why pre-processing?

What does the data look like? Why pre-processing?

Simply to do. Difficult to do well. Impossible to do perfectly.


  • R package
  • First published in 2006[1] by Colin A. Smith et al. at The Scripps Research Institute (Patti Lab).
  • Open source: https://github.com/sneumann/xcms
  • The 'X' in the XCMS denotes that it can be used for an chromatography (GC/LC)
  • Maintained for many years primarily by Steffen Neumann and his group
  • New major version being developed by Johannes Rainer (EURAC Research , Bolzano, Italy)

Peak picking

Is this a peak or just noise?

Find the files

First we locate the files. They need to be in an open format:

  • mzML (newest)
  • mzData
  • mzXML (most widely supported)
  • netCDF (obsolete, last resort)

Lets make a list of the files we want to pre-process.

files <- list.files("_data", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, pattern=".mzXML")
[1] "_data/A/POOL_1_A_1.mzXML" "_data/A/POOL_1_A_2.mzXML"
[3] "_data/A/POOL_1_A_3.mzXML" "_data/A/POOL_2_A_1.mzXML"
[5] "_data/A/POOL_2_A_2.mzXML"

Blanks interfer with peak alignment since there are so few peaks.
So, better remove them before starting. Same goes for compound mixtures.

Peak picking

Now we can do peak picking. We need to load some packages first.

suppressMessages(library(xcms)) # suppress avoids a flood of messages

Now lets do the peak picking.
There are many parameters to set that we will explain in a sec.
There are a few more settings available but these are the most important.

xset <- xcmsSet(files, 
                BPPARAM  = SerialParam(),
                method = 'centWave',
                prefilter = c(3,1E3),
                ppm = 30,
                snthr = 1E2,
                profparam = list(step=0.01),
                peakwidth = c(0.05*60,0.20*60),
                verbose.columns = TRUE,
                fitgauss = TRUE

Peak picking - BPPARAM

By default the newest XCMS uses all available cores.
Before we set it to use a single core (SerialParam) just because it works better for generating this presentation.

To control the number of cores you could for example do:


and set:

BPPARAM  = SnowParam(detectCores()-1, progressbar = TRUE)

  • SnowParam() on windows
  • MulticoreParam() on linux

Peak picking - which method?


  • Original algoritm
  • Developed for nominal mass instruments
    • Therefore good for low accuracy data
    • Also works for accurate mass data
  • Good for chromatographically noisy data
  • Fixed width peak fitting
  • Bins data in m/z dimension


  • Developed for accurate mass instruments
  • Handles different peak widths better
  • prefilter makes it faster
  • Usually the best if the data is “nice”
  • Bin-less approach


  • Developed (among other reasons) to better handle variable mass accuracy and peak shapes
  • Bin-less approach
  • No personal experience but from the paper it appears that:
    • Good at finding low intensity and low “quality” peaks
    • More prone to false positives (picking noise) than centWave

Peak picking - What peak picking does

Here we will go through peakpicking with the centwave algorithm[2].

  • First it finds regions of interest (ROIs).
    Those are where there could be a peak: Stable mass for a certain time.
  • Next the peak shape is evaluated.
  • The peak is expanded beyond the ROI if needed.

Figure from Tautenhahn, Böttcher and Neumann, 2008 (centWave paper)

Peak picking - What peak picking does

Figure from Tautenhahn, Böttcher and Neumann, 2008 (centWave paper)

Peak picking - Prefilter

prefilter = c(3,1E3)

  • Says to only consider regions where there are at least 3 scans with intensity above 1000.
  • Check your peak widths to see how many scans per peak you are sure to have.
  • For the intensity set to approximately the intensity of the random noise you see in a spectrum.

Peak picking - Peak width

Centwave asks you to set the minimum and maxmimum peak widths you have in your data.

You set it in seconds (always seconds in XCMS) and this is what we did before.

peakwidth = c(0.05*60,0.20*60)

It is a vector of length 2 with the min and max length.

To determine reasonable values we need to look at the raw data (you'd probably use something interactive such as MzMine (or future XCMS!)).
Here is a TIC:

xraw <- xcmsRaw(xset@filepaths[1])
plotEIC(xraw, mzrange=c(0, 2000), , rtrange=c(0,  12*60))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

Peak picking - Peak width

Lets zoom in on a peak.

        mzrange=c(84.9612-0.01, 84.9612+0.01), 
        rtrange=c(0.7*60,  0.9*60), 
        type="o", cex=3, pch=19, lwd=3

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

  • So, we can see that this peak has ~15 scans and is about 7 s (~0.1 min) long.
  • We could do the same looking at one of the longer peaks at the end of the run.
  • If the shortest peak we can find is about 0.1 min I'd go for 0.05 min to be on the safe side. Also multiply what you can find for the longest by 2 to be safe.

Peak picking - Peak width

You can also use a 2D plot to try to find short and long peaks. Here I plotted with MzMine (remember to use the continuous/profile mode toggle otherwise it looks very wrong).

Peak picking - ppm

ppm: Relative deviation in the m/z dimension
    In the centWave context it is the maximum allowed deviation between scans when locating regions of interest (ROIs).

Do not use the vendors number. Like the mileage of a car these numbers are far from real world scenarios.
We need a range that is true also for the tails of the peaks.

What we choose before was:

ppm = 30

A 2D plot is a reasonable way to look at this.

Peak picking - ppm

Peak picking - ppm

Check the peak bounderies with an EIC.

Peak picking - ppm

Check what are actually reasonably sized peaks in the spectrum.

Peak picking - ppm

[1] 26.44537

Peak picking - profparam

First we need to clear up the confusion about the difference between profile mode data and the profile matrix.

Profile mode: The data is continuous in the m/z dimension.
As opposed to centroid mode data where you have discrete (sticks) in the m/z dimension.

Profile matrix: A rt (or scan rather) x m/z matrix of m/z slices.
XCMS uses this for some procedures (fillPeaks, but not peakpicking) instead of the full raw data. Think of it as binned data with less m/z resolution.

  • The profparam parameter says how fine the binning in the Profile matrix is going to be.
  • It cannot be set too low as slices will be combined as needed. Only memory usage will increase.
  • For high dimensional data the default setting can cause problems. So setting something like this will set it to 0.01 Da slices.

profparam = list(step=0.01)

Peak picking - snthr

Signal to noise ratio. It really depends on your data. And it is defined differently for centWave and matchedfilter.
It appears to be very unstable even for very similar peaks. So, I suggest to set it low and filter on intensity afterwards if needed.

For centWave I would start with:

snthr = 1E2

For matchedfilter I would start with:

snthr = 5

If low peaks that you would like to include are missing then lower the value.

Grouping and retention time correction

Is this peak the same as that peak?

Grouping and retention time correction

This step tries to group/match features between samples.
This is probably the most important step!

It is a 3 step procedure:

  1. Features are grouped according to RT. Loose parameters for matching is used.
  2. The matched features are used to model RT shifts. –> retention time correction/alignment.
  3. Using the corrected RTs features are matched again with stricter criteria.

There are three methods for retention time correction/alignment.

  1. LOESS: Fits a LOESS curve between retention times. Works on the peaktable (therefore fast). The default and usually no reason to look further.
  2. Obiwarp: Warps the raw data (and hence slow) to a reference sample. Can handle dramatic shifts. Often overfitting. Use if needed with great attention.
  3. Linear: When all else fails.

Grouping and retention time correction - group

xset_g <- group(xset, 
                bw = 0.2*60, 
                minfrac = 0.5, 
                minsamp = 5, 
                mzwid = 0.01, 
                max = 20, 
                sleep = 0

An "xcmsSet" object with 27 samples

Time range: 0.6-720 seconds (0-12 minutes)
Mass range: 60.5133-1418.4605 m/z
Peaks: 97334 (about 3605 per sample)
Peak Groups: 2978 
Sample classes: A, B, C 

Feature detection:
 o Peak picking performed on MS1.
Profile settings: method = bin
                  step = 0.01

Memory usage: 18.4 MB

Grouping and retention time correction - group

Example of grouping density.

Grouping and retention time correction - group bw

bw: bandwidth (standard deviation or half width at half maximum) of gaussian smoothing kernel to apply to the peak density chromatogram.

Perhaps a bit obscure definition but it roughly translates to:
The maximum expected RT deviation across samples.

Overlay the BPI and find the peak with the highest deviation.

Grouping and retention time correction - group bw

Here we have zoomed. Compare peak apexes.

Calculate the deviation.

[1] 0.12

Since there could be small peaks with larger variation than what we found we bump it up to 0.2 min.

Grouping and retention time correction - minfrac/minsamp

minfrac = 0.5
minsamp = 5

minsamp: minimum number of samples a peak should be found in.

minfrac: minimum fraction of samples a peak should be found in.

These are used per sample group.

Files in different subfolders are considered different groups.
The groups can be manipulated by changing:

POOL_1_A_1     A
POOL_1_A_2     A
POOL_1_A_3     A
POOL_2_A_1     A
POOL_2_A_2     A
POOL_2_A_3     A

In this dataset we had 3 groups with 9 samples in each. The first time we do the grouping we are pretty liberal with how often it should be found.

Grouping and retention time correction - minfrac/minsamp

Consider your experimental design and group VERY carefully when you set these parameters!


  1. You put all files on one folder.
  2. You have 2 study groups with each 20 samples. So 40 samples in total.
  3. You set:

    minfrac = 0.7
    minsamp = 30
  4. You have now removed everything that is unique to one group!
    So possibly the most important features have been removed.

Grouping and retention time correction - mzwid

mzwid = 0.01

How close the m/z need to be the same compound.

Grouping and retention time correction - max

max: maximum number of groups to identify in a single m/z slice.
Meaning how many isomers do you have across a chromatogram.

max = 20

If you are processing GC data remember that many fragments will be isomers. So, set this high.

Grouping and retention time correction

xset_g_r <- retcor(xset_g,
                   missing = 3, 
                   extra = 3, 
                   smooth = "loess",
                   span = 0.6, 
                   plottype = "mdevden",

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-23

Grouping and retention time correction - span

span: degree of smoothing for local polynomial regression fitting.
The higher the less flexible the fitting is.
0 == overfitting
1 == only captures very overall trends

0.4-0.7 is typical in my opinion. 0.2 is default.

We set:

span = 0.6

Grouping and retention time correction - span

Span: 0.01

Span: 0.2
Span: 0.6

Span: 1

Grouping and retention time correction - missing & extra

missing = 3
extra = 3

missing: number of missing samples to allow in retention time correction groups

extra: number of extra peaks to allow in retention time correction correction groups

Grouping and retention time correction - plotting

plottype = "mdevden",


  • “deviation”: Plots only the RT deviations
  • “mdevden”: As “deviation” but adds density plot below

col: We can tell it how to color the points/lines in the deviations plot.

  • Can be a factor, numeric or a character vector of colors.
  • Useful to color by batch.

Grouping and retention time correction - grouping one more time

Now we do grouping again with the corrected retention times.

Notice that we give more strict bw, minfrac and minsamp since we expect better matching now that we have corrected the retention times.

xset_g_r_g <- group(xset_g_r,
                    bw = 5, 
                    minfrac = 0.75, 
                    minsamp = 7, 
                    mzwid = 0.01, 
                    max = 20, 
                    sleep = 0

An "xcmsSet" object with 27 samples

Time range: 0.5-720.5 seconds (0-12 minutes)
Mass range: 60.5133-1418.4605 m/z
Peaks: 97334 (about 3605 per sample)
Peak Groups: 1627 
Sample classes: A, B, C 

Feature detection:
 o Peak picking performed on MS1.
Profile settings: method = bin
                  step = 0.01

Memory usage: 20.2 MB

Grouping and retention time correction

We can redo the retcor to get the plot using corrected RTs. We won't use the returned object.

xset_g_r_g_r <- retcor(xset_g_r_g,
                       missing = 3, 
                       extra = 3, 
                       smooth = "loess",
                       span = 0.6, 
                       plottype = "mdevden",

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-28

Filling missing values

Is there really nothing here?

Filling missing values - fillPeaks

  • Peaks that were not originally found in some samples are problematic for statistics
  • Therefore we re-examine each file again and check the area where peaks were found in other files
  • We then integrate (blindly) the area we expect to find a peak
  • The integration is done with the slice-size we set with the profparam parameter in xcmsSet

xset_g_r_g_fill <- fillPeaks(xset_g_r_g, 
                             BPPARAM = SerialParam()
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 
method:  bin 
step:  0.01 

Filling missing values - fillPeaks

Here are some issues to be aware of

  • The m/z and rt ranges that is integrated is based on previously found peaks.
    This creates some issues:
    • For very accurate data the range of the original peaks can have more or less zero width. This is unrealistic for re-ingration and peaks can be underestimated
    • We could get around this by using larger profparam. But with this we risk too large ranges

In the next major iteration XCMS (XCMS v3 under development by Johannes Rainer) has fixed this by introducing a minimum m/z width for the re-integration as well as using the raw data instead of the profile matrix.

For now we only have:


which can expand the found range. But not set a minimum.

We can see the issue here:

peaks <- peakTable(xset_g_r_g_fill)
hist(peaks$mzmax-peaks$mzmin, 100, xlab = "Da", main="Histogram of m/z deviation between matched peaks")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-31

We see that the max matches the mzwid we set in group.

Checking the results and troubleshooting

How do I look at the results and how do I know if they are good?

Checking the results and troubleshooting - Know your friends

  • Check if compounds you know behave as they should
    • Are they found including adducts and fragments?
    • Are they found consistently in most samples?
    • Are known isomers separated?
    • Are compounds split in multiple groups?
  • More features are not always good. Could mean you are splitting features that are really the same or picking a lot of noise.

So, to check these you need a handful of:

  • close eluting isomers
  • compounds that have lots of fragments adducts (it makes good sense to wait to check these until after you have used CAMERA)

Checking the results and troubleshooting - Aligned peaks

There are two types of peak-tables in XCMS.
First we look at the aligned table that is what you normally want.

peaks_aligned <- peakTable(xset_g_r_g_fill)

mz mzmin mzmax rt rtmin rtmax npeaks A B C POOL_1_A_1 POOL_1_A_2 POOL_1_A_3 POOL_2_A_1 POOL_2_A_2 POOL_2_A_3 POOL_3_A_1 POOL_3_A_2 POOL_3_A_3 POOL_1_B_1 POOL_1_B_2 POOL_1_B_3 POOL_2_B_1 POOL_2_B_2 POOL_2_B_3 POOL_3_B_1 POOL_3_B_2 POOL_3_B_3 POOL_1_C_1 POOL_1_C_2 POOL_1_C_3 POOL_2_C_1 POOL_2_C_2 POOL_2_C_3 POOL_3_C_1 POOL_3_C_2 POOL_3_C_4
61.01003 61.00712 61.01144 48.15840 45.97316 49.72256 30 7 6 8 38075.079 52447.461 52424.818 5465.812 47601.083 54370.54 53125.328 43200.446 38586.210 62924.915 58556.928 46069.602 56147.985 61582.010 58743.252 54645.072 37352.74 27995.13 67923.936 53031.87 56230.999 43703.066 56143.07 41684.683 37514.649 19179.73 65017.13
61.03312 61.03207 61.03775 126.20805 118.72978 128.54574 20 5 5 9 5038.794 7162.446 5194.051 6894.288 7397.976 8236.99 4988.633 9605.344 7452.918 5891.725 5341.044 2807.101 9018.885 6957.214 7472.683 9297.984 5808.21 12176.58 5883.911 10039.12 6341.003 6732.476 31249.38 9520.272 7766.445 7730.50 13402.52
61.04023 61.03987 61.04052 64.01050 63.43508 65.68202 25 9 7 9 223318.111 238427.375 269852.126 255093.148 238455.027 265708.80 242910.686 251129.713 261868.842 256141.244 291707.044 293110.612 265205.513 270167.064 309357.329 281836.764 253368.29 226272.86 300412.376 274562.86 256816.406 271979.925 295028.72 260680.237 306660.086 217554.47 263441.64
62.02575 62.02530 62.02753 47.96607 47.74444 50.34064 16 3 4 7 21043.082 21590.664 24242.002 24992.062 25625.437 23870.82 22226.699 27324.189 29159.180 25005.926 24066.597 20014.394 24096.372 24159.740 26036.273 26323.844 26975.93 25885.17 23857.677 23358.23 19247.134 22113.304 21276.41 24950.830 25648.139 24735.84 29383.24
67.02352 67.02284 67.02747 48.07639 47.74444 49.33655 21 6 7 7 15200.286 31904.073 44377.910 52157.129 43349.550 52778.02 48232.505 56645.330 59538.266 40012.801 35502.727 43410.012 48997.098 51849.124 52285.220 57527.981 50296.78 58615.99 50712.845 43169.51 51522.220 47593.294 59554.39 54261.507 56605.366 50269.63 70215.64

  • npeaks: Number of peaks assigned to the group.
          Can be higher than the number of samples if several original peaks (from peak-picking) were combined.
          If this is a lot higher than the number of samples something is probably wrong.
          If this is a lot lower than the number of samples something is probably wrong.
  • A, B, C… (As the groups, or the folders you used, were named): Number of samples where the feature was found (in original peak-picking).
                                     Each file only counted one time.
  • Other columns: The intensities/areas in each file.

Checking the results and troubleshooting - Raw detected peaks

The other kind of table if the raw peaks as they were detected in each peak.
That includes all peaks that didn't survive the grouping step.

You would usually use this to check if a peak was actually found but removed by grouping.
Also contains extra information for each peak.

peaks <- peaks(xset_g_r_g_fill)

mz mzmin mzmax rt rtmin rtmax into intb maxo sn egauss mu sigma h f dppm scale scpos scmin scmax lmin lmax sample
143.9569 143.9563 143.9574 15.583338 14.5953384 17.065338 2483.788 2481.812 1458.833 1458 0.2796792 32.27348 1.502006 1448.339 108 7 3 32 29 35 30 35 1
106.9905 106.9875 106.9920 6.689338 2.2413384 10.642338 18666.327 18657.432 3370.252 3369 0.1346849 13.64883 8.271001 2513.487 123 18 5 14 9 19 5 22 1
145.9344 145.9316 145.9377 18.547338 16.0773384 22.995338 12956.458 12949.540 2295.993 2295 0.1663331 38.36919 7.059818 2126.379 172 42 3 42 39 45 33 47 1
145.9351 145.9333 145.9384 2.735338 0.2653384 5.206338 10280.366 10274.931 2447.574 2447 0.0894202 5.84216 6.009684 2157.746 172 19 3 6 3 9 1 11 1
145.9349 145.9333 145.9389 9.653338 8.1713384 11.630338 7238.725 7234.772 2300.619 2300 0.0701653 19.74068 4.750215 2066.645 172 15 3 20 17 23 17 24 1

The sample columns says which sample the peak was found in. Same order as your original input and xset_g_r_g_fill@filepaths.

Checking the results and troubleshooting - Isomeric separation

Check if the individually found peaks (dots) are separated in groups (rectangles) properly.
The big red dot just marks the spot to asked about.

par(cex = 2.5)

                   mz = 121.03636,
                   rt = 5.7*60,

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-36

  rtmed (min) rtmin (min) rtmax (min)    mzmed    mzmin    mzmax rt_sd (s)
1    5.601758    5.598557    5.607708 121.0346 121.0331 121.0351 0.1917794
2    5.795123    5.788983    5.798973 121.0364 121.0349 121.0370 0.1877455

Checking the results and troubleshooting - Isomeric separation


Problem Solution
Peaks not separated in RT dimension Lower bw in the grouping step
Peaks split in RT dimension Increase bw in the grouping step and/or better alignment
Peaks not separated in m/z dimension     Lower mzwid in the grouping step
Peaks split in m/z dimension Increase mzwid in the grouping step and/or better alignment
Peaks missing Check raw peaklist and revise peak-picking
Peak found but not assigned to group Compare raw peaklist to minfrac & minsamp parameters for group

Getting quick stats

Getting quick stats

stats <- diffreport(xset_g_r_g_fill, class1="A", class2="B")

kable(stats[1:10,c("name", "fold", "tstat", "pvalue", "mzmed", "rtmed", "npeaks", "A", "B", "C")])
name fold tstat pvalue mzmed rtmed npeaks A B C
M378T570 33.74178 119.17000 0 378.2339 570.2822 13 0 4 9
M337T570 606.41057 139.06885 0 337.2370 570.4102 18 0 9 9
M440T612 29.34710 62.80708 0 440.2462 611.6873 9 0 0 9
M301T570 27.50325 78.62787 0 301.2156 570.4287 10 0 1 9
M319T570 2240.39652 110.53159 0 319.2262 570.4318 17 0 9 8
M725T570 511.31146 81.01122 0 725.3773 569.6257 17 0 8 9
M377T570 884.90834 91.54924 0 377.2293 570.3076 18 0 9 9
M320T570 77.19498 63.88314 0 320.2291 570.4380 16 0 8 8
M338T570 477.57777 64.06715 0 338.2399 570.4348 14 0 5 9
M372T570 219.90619 57.46099 0 372.2737 570.4102 16 0 7 9

Be aware that doing the stats directly on the full and unprocessed peak table is rarely a good idea.

You should normally consider doing things like:
  • Inter- and intra-batch correction
  • Scaling and normalization
  • Maybe filter some peaks (known contaminants? not stable in QC samples?)
  • Univariate stats above should be corrected for multiple testing

XCMS based packages

There are many packages that add additional features to XCMS.
Here are some examples:

  • CAMERA[4]: Grouping of features and annotation (next talk!)
  • X13CMS[5]: Unbiased mapping of isotopic fates
  • XCMS Online[6]: Online and interactive use of XCMS
  • metaXCMS[7]: Finding shared alterations among multiple sample classes
  • IPO[8]: Automatic optimization of XCMS parameters
  • more exist… See[9]

The End

Thank you for your attention



[1] C. a. Smith, E. J. Want, G. O'Maille, R. Abagyan, et al. “XCMS: Processing mass spectrometry data for metabolite profiling using nonlinear peak alignment, matching, and identification”. In: Analytical Chemistry 78.3 (feb. 2006), pp. 779-787. DOI: 10.1021/ac051437y. .

[2] R. Tautenhahn, C. Böttcher and S. Neumann. “Highly sensitive feature detection for high resolution LC/MS.”. En. In: BMC bioinformatics 9.1 (nov. 2008), p. 504. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-9-504. .

[3] C. J. Conley, R. Smith, R. J. O. Torgrip, R. M. Taylor, et al. “Massifquant: Open-source Kalman filter-based XC-MS isotope trace feature detection”. In: Bioinformatics 30.18 (2014), pp. 2636-2643. ISSN: 14602059. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu359. .

[4] C. Kuhl, R. Tautenhahn, C. Böttcher, T. R. Larson, et al. “CAMERA: An integrated strategy for compound spectra extraction and annotation of liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry data sets”. In: Analytical Chemistry 84.1 (jan. 2012), pp. 283-289. DOI: 10.1021/ac202450g. eprint: NIHMS150003. .

[5] X. Huang, Y. Chen, K. Cho, I. Nikolskiy, et al. “X13CMS: Global Tracking of Isotopic Labels in Untargeted Metabolomics”. In: Analytical Chemistry 86.3 (2014). PMID: 24397582, pp. 1632-1639. DOI: 10.1021/ac403384n. .

[6] H. Gowda, J. Ivanisevic, C. H. Johnson, M. E. Kurczy, et al. “Interactive XCMS online: Simplifying advanced metabolomic data processing and subsequent statistical analyses”. In: Analytical Chemistry 86.14 (2014), pp. 6931-6939. DOI: 10.1021/ac500734c.

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Versions used for the this presentation

R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 14393)

[1] LC_COLLATE=Danish_Denmark.1252  LC_CTYPE=Danish_Denmark.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=Danish_Denmark.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                   
[5] LC_TIME=Danish_Denmark.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
 [1] scales_0.4.1        xcms_2.99.3         MSnbase_2.3.6      
 [4] ProtGenerics_1.6.0  mzR_2.8.1           Rcpp_0.12.11       
 [7] BiocParallel_1.8.2  Biobase_2.34.0      BiocGenerics_0.20.0
[10] knitcitations_1.0.7 knitr_1.15.1       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] splines_3.3.2          lattice_0.20-35        colorspace_1.3-2      
 [4] stats4_3.3.2           vsn_3.42.3             XML_3.98-1.7          
 [7] survival_2.41-3        rlang_0.1.1            withr_1.0.2           
[10] affy_1.52.0            RColorBrewer_1.1-2     affyio_1.44.0         
[13] foreach_1.4.3          plyr_1.8.4             mzID_1.12.0           
[16] stringr_1.2.0          zlibbioc_1.20.0        munsell_0.4.3         
[19] pcaMethods_1.66.0      gtable_0.2.0           devtools_1.12.0       
[22] memoise_1.1.0          codetools_0.2-15       evaluate_0.10         
[25] IRanges_2.8.2          doParallel_1.0.10      BiocInstaller_1.24.0  
[28] curl_2.6               MassSpecWavelet_1.40.0 highr_0.6             
[31] preprocessCore_1.36.0  limma_3.30.13          S4Vectors_0.12.2      
[34] RANN_2.5.1             impute_1.48.0          ggplot2_2.2.1         
[37] packrat_0.4.8-1        digest_0.6.12          stringi_1.1.5         
[40] RJSONIO_1.3-0          grid_3.3.2             bibtex_0.4.0          
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[46] lazyeval_0.2.0         RCurl_1.95-4.8         tibble_1.3.3          
[49] RefManageR_0.13.1      MASS_7.3-45            Matrix_1.2-8          
[52] lubridate_1.6.0        httr_1.2.1             iterators_1.0.8       
[55] R6_2.2.0               MALDIquant_1.16.2      multtest_2.30.0