- Self-hosted automatic tweet posting software - user authorisation
OPTIONS add-user
Add and authorise a user via Twitter's PIN authorisation pipeline.
Authorising a new user with the same name doesn't require forcing as the new tokens are the only valid ones at that point.
For description of tweetr
itself see tweetr(1).
See tweetr(1).
-v --verbose
Log network events and user tokens.
By default the add-user subsystem will print enough of information for
normal usage, but usign this can help one troubleshoot network problems.
tweetr add-user
Visit this URL:
Enter the PIN from that page: 9530177
Successfully authenticated user nabijaczleweli#1246428073
Entering the wrong PIN:
Visit this URL:
Enter the PIN from that page: 9530178
Twitter API error: Error status received: 401 Unauthorized
tweetr add-user -v
This will also print network data and user access tokens:
Getting request token... 855ms
Visit this URL:
Enter the PIN from that page: 9530177
Getting access token... 1224ms
Successfully authenticated user nabijaczleweli#1246428073
Access tokens:
Key : 1246428073-KhiuVzAS41GS0V3hCBA7VFnHHNdwQpUDCaNfiOn
Secret: 3cx12ULmXYkhcnEiPXBbpoilLPdQOVd8KigUoPQmaw8f5
Written by nabijaczleweli <>