[][src]Macro nom::escaped

macro_rules! escaped {
    (__impl $i: expr, $normal:ident!(  $($args:tt)* ), $control_char: expr, $escapable:ident!(  $($args2:tt)* )) => { ... };
    (__impl_1 $i:expr, $submac1:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $control_char: expr, $submac2:ident!( $($args2:tt)*) ) => { ... };
    (__impl_1 $i:expr, $submac1:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $control_char: expr, $g:expr) => { ... };
    ($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $control_char: expr, $($rest:tt)+) => { ... };
    ($i:expr, $f:expr, $control_char: expr, $($rest:tt)+) => { ... };

escaped!(&[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>, T, &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]> matches a byte string with escaped characters.

The first argument matches the normal characters (it must not accept the control character), the second argument is the control character (like \ in most languages), the third argument matches the escaped characters

 named!(esc, escaped!(call!(alpha), '\\', one_of!("\"n\\")));
 assert_eq!(esc(&b"abcd"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"abcd"[..]));
 assert_eq!(esc(&b"ab\\\"cd"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"ab\\\"cd"[..]));